Trump supporters: WTF I love DACA recipients now?

30  2017-09-14 by jk1121


Jews did this


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A rare miss from this based bot! That's okay, we love our bots don't we folks!


(((Jared))) and (((Ivanka))) are jewish

I'm pretty sure Jews are against increased immigration from Catholic countries like Mexico

So say we all. Amen

Then again, the Jews don't really care for new things. Jesus was a new thing once, and we all know what the Jews did to him.

Forgive but never forget

12/25/0000 or whenever the fuck they gassed Jesus, I'm too lazy to look it up

That's his birth date. Jesus likely died on Apr 3, 30 AD.

4-30-0030 Never forget

Brb resetting my gun locker to 4-3-30

Hey that's the combination on my luggage!

They're just trying to obfuscate because they should be sent back too

Agreed, and you know who would be really good at finding economical ways we could pack them tightly together to get them home?

The jews.

Rail bridge across the Atlantic to Israel when!

I was gonna suggest hyperloop, but TBH I think just traditional locomotive would be cheaper

I think you mean (((Mexico)))

They have Jews there?

You've never had Taco Matzo ball soup before?

(((Jared))) and (((Ivanka))) are jewish

this would be funny if it weren't so sad

More drama in Breitbart's comment section: link

Breitbart's comment section:

fair warning, if you read this for more than 5 seconds you're going to want to head straight for the hospital and get started on your chemo

It's like the comment section of voat but instead of 25 year old neckbeards they're 55 year old white trash who recently got laid off from their coal job.

young whiners/losers blame old people/boomers for all their probs

old whiners/losers blame brown people for all their probs

common denom here: whiners/losers always got someone to blame... anyone but themselves fo sho

I feel like the first case is just backlash against the "dae millennials are lazy and entitled" mindset many boomers have.

IF this is true that Trump is in favor of the Dream Act, in direct violation of his repeated promises, THEN PATRIOTS IT IS TIME TO TREAT TRUMP THE SAME WAY WE TREATED OBAMA. WE WILL FIGHT HIM, MAKE HIM A ONE TERM FAILURE

Trust me, Trump's going to do that all by himself.

Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!.....

Well, I mean, you did?

Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!.....

Yes! Especially if those young people weren't legally here in the first place. Let's take care of all of our citizens before worrying about illegals.

Guys let's take care of X before worrying about Y

I'm pretty sure the US government can multitask

multitask for oil?

When is the next Middle East Invasion sequel, I wanna know

Congress can't even do one task.

fucking keep yourself and all your family in the safest of conditions

That's not how a country works. The US has to "take care" of like 500 things at once.

Let's "take care" of our citizens by using the money we'd spend on illegals to help fund programs for citizens.

Yeah let's spend our money deporting people so that we don't have to spend money gathering their taxes. The IRS costs TOO much MONEY!!

The US has 99 problems but the Rio Grande Ditch ain't one.

Well he is a wilcard, you gotta give him that. If reps won't give him the time of the day he has zero issues with approaching dems. That's a type of shameless attitude money can't buy.

Donald Trump: From #MAGA to #DACA

Are you tired of winning yet?

Are you tired of losing let liberal ? Socialism always ends in equal misery for everyone it doesn't work.

lol fake trumpgret


Is this ironic shitpostimg :(((

I don't think you can tell people on the left that they're losing. The democrats just cut a second deal with the President, both of which have been very favorable for them.

where do i sign up to throw them out? the one serving in combat roles can stay and earn their citizenship.

Glad for the clarification.

Education = BAD

Military = GOOD

the one serving in combat roles can stay

the average T_D user they would get their ass beat if they tried to throw out a combat sodier

Honestly, boot camp is filled with guys like them (not to this degree, but still) and a year in their gone. Many don't even make it through basic training.

The reason why is something you get to know within the first week, and unlike most of basic, is not total bullshit: the military does not teach you discipline. It does incentivize you to have it or learn it, but it doesn't hand it out like a door prize.

Guy like them? They'd be bitching one week in about how it's bullshit that they have to do push-ups. Like, how does that matter? It would go downhill from there.

Well, there was an old imperialist theory that brown people are better at fighting because of their inner savage and white people are better at leading. Gotta play to everyone's strengths!

Do you even.


You clearly say that as a smartass reply but that should be the easy path to citizenship for non-citizens. 4+ years of military service should guarantee US Citizenship assuming you ended your service with a spotless record.

It already is. Afaik you can serve to get a fast track to citizenship or at least you could under bush

  1. Enlist a whole lot of Mexican illegal immigrants.

  2. Invade Mexico to make them pay for the wall.

  3. ???

  4. Profit!

[Think About It meme]

You can't have illegal immigrants from Mexico if there is no Mexico.

Also, what I had in mind was that invading a country while having a lot of its citizens in your invasion force can go screwy, but I guess everyone found something resonating with them in my comment, lol!

Why not college too? Or completing a trade school? It's hilarious that some people think that there's less value to people with educations functioning within a society than a soldier. A country shouldn't honorarily be "yours" only if you decide to join its military, that's some weird neo patriotic nationalistic nonsense.

Why not college too? Or completing a trade school?

And who pays for that and what guarantee do we have that at the end of schooling the person will do something that benefits the taxpayers who likely had to foot the bill for most of the education?

At least with the military you're putting in 4 years of service to the country in exchange for citizenship.

The same people pay for that who also pay for the military, the taxpayers. And what is your stance on actual citizens already getting government handouts to afford college? Being that our economy has been constantly growing since 1980 with just a small dip along the way, the reasoning that we shouldn't pay for education because of some possibility that a portion of those people won't end up with a job immediately is pretty disingenuous, because the risk is pretty small given the facts

And what is your stance on actual citizens already getting government handouts to afford college?

I'm generally against it.

The cost of college is outrageous but a lot of that could be solved by trimming down some of that "fat" at today's institutions of higher learning. Students don't need luxury dorms, fitness centers, and dining halls with sushi restaurants, etc... Nor do Universities need the huge support staff that many have, with administrative positions outnumbering faculty and at some smaller schools, almost outnumbering students.

Refocus on actual education as the college "experience" instead of making Universities into luxury resorts where you have to go to class sometimes.

Beyond that loans and private, merit based scholarships should make up the bulk of supplemental money that students can use.

i have a government grant covering like 15% of my tuition im truly a welfare queen milking the system

the welfare KING of queens

deport me daddy

Wouldn't college or trase school be better since after that you have a possible engineer or programmer. If the only option is military at other end you might get more soldiers with PTSD or people that need vet benefits.

Wouldn't college or trade school be better since after that you have a possible engineer, programmer, welder.

Or a engineer, programmer, or welder that decides that they want to travel across country following Phish while waiting tables for gas and LSD money.

If the only option is military at other end you might get more soldiers with PTSD or people that need vet benefits.

Yes but you've gotten 4 years of work out of that person and they have earned whatever benefits they get, including possible help with education.

Or a engineer, programmer, or welder that decides that they want to travel across country following fish while waiting tables for gas and LSD money

Like how small town are you dude? You seriously sound like the retards from my hometown in Kansas that have never actually left and make blanket statements about shit they don't know anything about. Again cite your fucking sources or fuck off Botchlings.

I'd say 50%+ of the wait staff at the restaurants around me have college degrees, and I see the exact scenario I described happen all the time

Personal anecdotes are not a source retard.

Don't you equate engineering with trade school. Power engineers are whiny assholes that are actually boiler operators.

I respect every trade but them because they have an inferiority complex and hate real engineers for no reason other than that they were told real engineers look down on them.

Have you ever interacted with someone that went to college?

Of course, I live in a college town and went to college myself but that was before colleges got most of the amenities they have today

That would be assuming DACA recipients went combat arms and didn't learn a skill usable outside of the military, which shouldn't be the case. Combat arms MOS is extremely small numbers-wise compared to other MOS' that teach valuable skills.

The same way we pay for the military you fucking mong.

But there's no guarantee of return on the "investment" with paying for college. At least with the military we get 4+ years of service out of the person.

Cite your sources because that just sounds like disingenuous bullshit

You have obviously never been in the military.

But we want the military. We don't want gender-oppressed Mescans.

Well you can't always get what you want.

But if you try sometimes, you just might

I see your red door, I want it painted black

Money spent on the military doesn't count because Republicans won't bitch about it.

It's a hell of a lot cheaper for the taxpayers to fund somebody's college education than it is to fund a service member/veteran. Not to mention that DACA recipients aren't given free tuition to begin with. They have even more hurdles to obtaining funding if they can't pay out-of-pocket.

It's a hell of a lot cheaper for the taxpayers to fund somebody's college education than it is to fund a service member/veteran.

But we aren't guaranteed anything in return.

"b-b-but what about ME?!?!?"

"b-b-but what about ME?!?!?"

Of course, "What about me." If my tax dollars are going to pay I want to see some return on my investment.

So? Any person is a gamble. DACA extends to illegals who show promise and have the highest probability of returning value, and taxpayers aren't even footing the bill unless the illegals in question are serving in the military.

you aren't guaranteed they're not just gonna get drunk on some boat after training either

It's a hell of a lot cheaper for the taxpayers to fund somebody's boob job than it is to fund a college education.

Can you go be retarded somewhere else? You're dropping everyone's IQ with your ramblings.

Shush, fool.

Snally your seriousposting makes my bussy wet.

And who pays for that

The same people who pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars dumped into the insatiable money-pit known as the DoD.

When I was in the service, it was roughly $30-40k to put one soldier through 9 weeks of basic training. That's not including advanced training for an actual MOS.

Putting a soldier in Iraq for a year cost anywhere from $650k-$1m depending on what they were doing.

This doesn't even begin to add up costs of GI Bill, health, family, VA, and other benefits used later down the road.

I'm actually for bringing conscription back (not for citizenship), but you're a clown if you think the cost of putting somebody through college or job training is equivalent to training and supporting a soldier.

but you're a clown if you think the cost of putting somebody through college or job training is equivalent to training and supporting a soldier.

I never said that. What I said was that I'm OK with using the military as a pathway to citizenship. I'm NOT OK with allowing school to be a pathway to citizenship.

And your reasoning was cost and "service" which is dumb, especially considering our current conflicts have virtually nothing to do with national security.

The college graduate is going to be more productive than the ground pounder who spent 4 years in the motorpool.

DACA students don't get their tuition subsidized like citizens do.

So who's paying for your degree, whitey?

I had a couple of small academic scholarships. The rest (4 years of tuition, room/board, books, etc...) was paid for by my parents. No loans needed.

Why not college too?

Military service is a benefit to the nation and ties your allegiance to the nation. College is a benefit to globalist faggotry.

"College is for dumb faggots"-some anti-intellectual retard

Cool, try getting by living in a nation that has no services to offer needing a college degree, next time you need cavities filled or you need an appendix removed because it ruptured, I'm sure you can find an ex veteran who could easily do those jobs for you.

I don't respect anyone that hasn't done both, tbh


thats for people who belong in the country

Sure, it's nice to reward people for service to the country, but there's definitely problems with the idea of making military service the prevailing method of citizenship for immigrants. If only because turning our volunteer military into janissaries didn't work so well for the Romans, and certianly wont work well for us.

How dare you. The elite MAGA Guard, 1st Based Mexicans platoon has no influence over the vizier

But it's far from the prevailing method. Most legal immigrants don't serve in the military.

I know it's not. I'm point out the problems inherent when people say things like

that should be the easy path to citizenship for non-citizens.

He's advocating for it to become the prevailing method. I'm just reminding everyone what a stupid idea that is.

If only because turning our volunteer military into janissaries didn't work so well for the Romans, and certianly wont work well for us.

Well, it worked for the Romans for a couple thousand years.

But, you are correct that a gradual displacement of Roman citizens by imported slaves and barbarians was a major cause of the decline of Rome.

Which is why we avoid that today. No illegal slave workers and no rapefugees!

French Foreign Legion has been operating on that basis for centuries, and it works fine.


It is, actually.

Always loved the scenes with Doogie Howser: Waffen SS

Anti intellectualism is pretty much the foundation on which many of these people's worldviews are formed.

With t_d/pol they talk about how it's the fault of mean colored people that they dropped out of high school, couldn't get into college and are now living in their mom's basement. Oh well, a college education is literally useless. Check out this video of a gender studies protester.... surely that explains everything about modern American universities! Left wing indoctrination, amirite?

With older more traditional Trump supporters, they're the type who won't pay for their children's education because "real men work with their hands" "we already have a perfectly good union job in the pipeline for you" and "liberal brainwashing".


It is an extremely pervasive sentiment though- just look at any of the daily /pol/ threads about college or jobs. More than once I've seen people complaining about how they followed /pol/'s advice not to go to college and are now working some shit-tier job in their mid 20's just trying to survive.

people are dumb enough to let /pol/ influence their life decisions.

This seems like a problem that might solve itself.

Honestly 3/4 of them would still have shit tier jobs even with a degree, so I partially agree with the advice. I get jealous if people with college degrees though because they are way more likely to have jobs with better benefits and longer vacations.

they followed /pol/'s advice

There's the problem.


lol the old t_d types hate unions lol, they talk about trades and how the dirty unions killed manufacturing.

Ironically many of them work under unions and they're too retarded to realize it.

Yes I'm sure many people somehow missed the constant Union shit in the mail and YOUR UNION REPRESENTS YOU and all the Union paperwork they signed on hire not to mention the Union dues taken out of every paycheck

This is a real thing and not at all a sad fantasy you tell yourself that is obvious to anyone who's had an actual job before (union or not)

That's they are stupid doesn't make your side smart. Life is not a zero sum game, it's a negative one.

You've never had a real job, never completed higher education, and apparently never talked with a Trump supporter. Why do you think you get to sneer at anyone, let alone talk about 'anti-intellectualism?'

you've never had a real job

I'm a programmer

never completed higher education

see above

and apparently never talked with a Trump supporter.

I have, unfortunately. They're just as retarded irl.

Why do you think you get to sneer at anyone

Fuck off I'll smugpost wherever I want and whenever I want.

Get out of here jobby mcbrain Reeeeeeeee

I'm a programmer

So not a real job then.

lol i love anti trump people talking about anti intellectualism when they really mean "anti my ideas"

you should really stop pretending you know other peoples viewpoints

The same way trumpets use "cucks" and "sjws"?

those terms have meaning though, and are used completely appropriately a majority of the time

the whole "anti intellectualism" thing is entirely dishonest and a little dumb in comparison

Oh please. You have anti-intellectual morons in this thread.

The standard formation is more like:

Education = doesn't earn citizenship

Military = does earn citizenship

How did illegals get into our military?

Because they're not illegals, motherfucker!

If they are so smart and educated... ...they would have come legally. OUT OUT OUT!!!

/u/CenkIsABuffalo What a shocker, someone who is opposed to something that the obviously have NO IDEA what is it or what it really does. Go read what DACA really is then come back and try again.

No you don't get it, those 8 month old infants should have come legally, they know what they did!

General statement about illegal aliens, their parents could have brought them over legally but didn't.

Remember that /r/drama thread where that was filled with gleeful idiots thinking this would mean mass deportations? Lmao, Trump has defended DACA a bunch of times on the record. I honestly think a good part of the Trump supporters don't even know what he actually stands for and they just implant their own wishes as if it was his policy.

I honestly think a good part of the Trump supporters don't even know what he actually stands for

I think there are obviously some intelligent, reasonable, educated trump supporters out there... but I know for a fact that none of them are on the_d

The number of posts today trying to shame people for dropping him is amazing. Reeks of desperation.

Ding ding ding. R/don is some of the worst im sure.

I hope.

intelligent, reasonable, educated political reddit

Yeah, about that...

Anyone who think Trump care about anything but being popular, golfing and getting richer is a moron.

But but he gave up his billionaire lifestyle just because he loves America and wants to make it great again after years of destruction under Obama! You know, when he took our guns away, implemented communism, and forced Sharia law under us!

/s if it ain't obvious

People who use /s should kill themselves. If your satire needs to be labeled as such you're probably a high-functioning autist and/or American.

Forgot your /s.

they do it for the benefit of other high-functioning autists

New snappy quote

They were desperate. They would have taken anyone who wasn't basic bitch conservative.

Thank god for the /s I was worried

Remember that /r/drama thread where that was filled with gleeful idiots thinking this would mean mass deportations?

I think you're mostly talking about those on the left that read into the mainstream media's lies and thought President Trump wanted to deport everyone with a last name that remotely sounded hispanic.

In reality, the only reason he rescinded Obama's executive order is because it was likely unconstitutional. The house and senate should have had a say in DACA but they didn't want to touch the issue so Obama circumvented them. By rescinding the order President Trump deals with the constitutional problem and forces congress to act (or not).

Personally, I hope that congress continues to ignore the issue and DACA ends in 90 days.

No, I really am not. A lot of "OUT OUT OUT" memes were posted by our neighbourhood trump supporters.

I'm a Trump supporter that hopes that happens too but I'm smart enough to know that wasn't the intent of rescinding the executive order.

But I've seen a ton of "Oh My God He's Going to Deport Everyone" from the left.

But I've seen a ton of "Oh My God He's Going to Deport Everyone" from the left.


i've seen a ton of "Finally He's Going to Deport Everyone" from the right. followed up by calling everyone who told them they were idiots cry babies who couldn't stand that Donny kept on winning (still no idea what victory the man has had except for the big one though)

i've seen a ton of "Finally He's Going to Deport Everyone" from the right.

Sorry, but that's been totally overshadowed by leftists thinking that roving squads of ICE officers are going to be rounding up people as they walk down the street.

Anyone with a brain on either side of the argument should have been able to figure out that the President was doing nothing more than forcing congress to revisit (or not) the issue so while you might like pointing out the fact that some Trump supporters though this meant deportations, the left was just as bad, if not worse.

Sorry, but that's been totally overshadowed by leftists thinking that roving squads of ICE officers are going to be rounding up people as they walk down the street.

i haven't seen that at all.

but unlike you i'm not saying that everyone who has had different experiences than myself is lying.

Anyone with a brain on either side of the argument should have been able to figure out ...

oh right everyone smart would obviously have reached the same conclusion as you right...

here's another option to consider: you're a dumbass.

I'm a Trump supporter

but I'm smart


🤔 rly makes u think

I'm a Trump supporter

you didn't have to tell us this, it was implied with all the dumb shit you post all the time

I'm a Trump supporter

Yeah we already knew you were a retard bro you have been spazing in this sub for months.

You have to go back

Jokes on you, I'm already there.

(hint: it was to piss people off)

What are you, a Middle Schooler?


I'm not sure if you're so gullible you actually believe this horseshit, or just hoping other idiot trump supporters are.

stands for and they just implant their own wishes as if it was his policy.

So literally every president.

I honestly think a good part of the Trump supporters don't even know what he actually stands for and they just implant their own wishes as if it was his policy.

this was pretty well established last year actually

his policy is like Neo or Bella from Twilight- a blank slate just begging you to insert yourself in

Ahahaha the_doofus is imploding

Surely this is the end of drumpf!!

Isn't that the subreddit set up to record /r/The_Donald after Hillary won the election but instead is mostly filled with salty democrats after she lost?


Yes that's exactly what it is

Memes so stale your grandma has them in the back of her cupboard.

panic in pepe park

I would honestly not be surprised to find out that the entire Trump administration is the result of an academic study into cult formation and groupthink

The debriefing is going to take forever.

If T_D was told that Trump was bad for Trump they'de turn on him.

Holy fuck I'd love to do a pay ops mission to turn T_D against Cheeto daddy

U turn by a known conman, wow much surprise.

So, T_D has a moral view where only mercenaries are accepted?

Makes sense...

800,000 doesn't seem so bad (it is) but those 800,000 will have many children that will most likely vote Democrat

Gee I wonder why they would do that.

i'm hoping this is a huge leverage move. We shall see, though.

These idiots will defend anything he does. If he caves it's not a loss because he gained "leverage". Leverage for what exactly, nobody knows.

Turns out being the white man party is a bad idea when Mayocide is going on.

Gee I wonder why they would do that.

Estrogen in the water supply.

Better than alcohol in utero, Jethro.

Not really any better, no.

The Mexican birth rate like 2 per woman and falling, I don't understand from where this meme comes from.

4 degree chess.

1/2 degree flappy bird

1/4 degree floppy turd

I am embarrassed to watch Trump these days. He has turned into a total cuckoo and anybody on The_Donald who suddenly supports DACA are worse than tranny SJWs.

It was because the aut-right basically fucked up maximally. Should have shoot Spencer while being disguised as antifa.

What? Lol

low energy

Trump is anti-white and pro-illegals. Clinton would have been better, at least she was honest about it.

anybody on The_Donald who suddenly supports DACA are worse than tranny SJWs.

Trump has supported the idea of DACA since before it's implementation. If his supporters would have just done basic research into what Trump has said in the past then they would have known this.

Time to find a new political waifu

What a bunch of tards

You can hear the sounds of hamster wheels exploding in that thread.

... what?

Hamster wheels inside their brain... You know...

Well, that was quite a turn. I wonder what prompted him to take this turn.

Not likely. In all honesty, the only issue that could do more damage to his reelection prospects, would be if he did an about-face on free trade.

This will hurt him severely. Not only will it weaken him in a lot of the southwest where Democrats have made real inroads, but it will weaken his bargaining position with Republicans in congress. Right now, the Republican voting base is firmly behind Trump. If he campaigned against Republicans in congress, those congressmen would likely lose their party primaries to a Trump Republican. This issue lets them ask the base, legitimately, if they really want to load the party with Trump Republicans. And many of those activists and base voters will start to ask that of each-other as well.

WTF most of em still don't love DACA recipients?

Consistency... gotta say, I didn't see that one coming.

Dr. President Trump?

Holy shit the number of people in that comment section who don't even understand what DACA actually is makes me want to end it all.

i have plenty of ideology i just dont care to discuss it with people in a shitposting subreddit obsessed with genocide and anal sex

The concept of unions was good, but now they have become bloated whiny blobs. This is due to the fact that the people who run them are retarded.

It's like university student councils. The only people that want to run it are people who haven't actually done anything in their lives and are probably sanctimonious assholes.

"I think the status quo for military personnel and operations is just super."

I mean, look at all this winning the last 16 years.

Trump: I love boots!