R/news deleted my post, then banned me... Hear me out!

15  2017-09-14 by [deleted]



Probably better suited for /r/subredditcancer

Exactly the sub I needed. Thanks a lot!

Just as an aside, a lot of these mods are shady fuckers. The top mod over at worldnews fucked up /r/technology. Elfa and TiTs diddle kids openly. The local second top mod is a Jewish sympathetic. It goes round and round

Some of them have an insane amount of subs. Such shit. Ruining Reddit.

/r/banned anything goes!

/u/TakeItTorCirclejerk used his mod position to get bussy and apologized to a rapist for their raping someone.

Let's not mention the former /r/Drama mod /u/_lilpoundcake who gleefully took part in the Srebrenica massacre.

Whatever happened to lilp?


She's not Carmen San Diego FFS.

/u/Zachums did Katyn Forest.

apologized to a rapist for their raping someone.

Not gonna lie, I wish I had thought of it first. In the name of causing drama, of course.

It was insane. Someone posted a story about how they totally raped someone accidentally and TiTS said "I'm sorry you had to go through that." or something along those lines.

He got rekt for that one.

I loved the "I misread the comment because I was drunk" excuse after the fact. Automatically assuming someone is a rape victim because they're a woman is a bit sexist. Rollsafe.jpg

I can actually buy that though...half of my shitposts in here are when I'm drunk and I dumb shit all the time.

second top mod is a Jewish sympathetic


I don't think we can help you. But what we CAN do is ping some /r/news mods and see if we can stir up some shit.

I don't know which mod specifically removed your post so I'll just start pinging people, starting from the top of the mod list.

/u/douglasmacarthur, /u/Kylde, /u/CandyManCan

Pls come here and explain yourselves - also try to make it as dramatic as possible and if we can get some shill accusations flying I'd appreciate it

/u/Elderthedog, /u/LuckyBdx4, /u/ani625

Are you or are you not Russian shills? I'll bet you got plenty of Sorosbucks from the Grand Rapids police department you cucks/nazis

Def getting cuck bucks from grpd ;)

I thought they were devosbux if they came from gr

Mods are subhuman, what else is new

A clarion call for modacide is in order

A clarion call for modacide is in order

Flaired as "retarded" because, well, duh.

WEW LAD this lolcow is so shit it can even bring us together in agreement

hopefully you guys will listen to my experience with r/news.

no thanks, i intend to have a life someday

Of all of the things I've read, this wasn't one of them

this post is too long, im not reading it