Trump commits an unforgivable sin as malefashionadvice reacts

24  2017-09-14 by die_rattin


Now with added cancer!


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FINALLY a good reason to impeach the man

I thought nazis had great fashion sense?

You're thinking of the gays.

Is this the proof we needed that he’s not a Nazi?

I thought that was navy shoes with a black suit/pants.

How many pairs of navy shoes do you own?

Boat shoes count or not?

I was thinking more dress shoes like oxfords or wing tips given the context. The only kinds like this that I've seen in navy blue are suede ones that you would prob wear with jeans or khakis

100% of men who own boat shoes enjoy anal sex with other men.


Like his general comportment, this is part of the populist appeal. Getting business fashion etiquette down correctly is too "elitist" and "insider," whereas the little "mistakes" - long tie, mismatching, poor tailoring - appeal to the aspirational tendencies of poorer people.

oh shit I think this might actually be correct. there's no way he just like, "accidentally" wore something that retarded looking... he has an entire team of people looking after him

Personally I've always thought that he wore his tie long to try to disguise his gunt.

It's a political statement. He will ban blacks from the navy

God tier.

it was pretty funny tho

That's what I'm saying, you little slut.

Holy shit, the absolute hypocrisy of Trump fans.

Like, if you're going to shitpost all day about Chelsea Clinton being ugly or Michelle Obama looking like a man, you are going to look like an idiot when you have a stroke because people make fun of Trump's awful fashion choices.

I doubt it was even a fashion choice. He probably can't even see the difference between those colors anymore.

How long until Trump can't dress himself?

If I were as rich as Trump I would hire someone from MaleFashionAdvice to dress me. SYKE!

Still up their own about suits, I see. Never change MFA.