Hanging Mayo

22  2017-09-14 by GoodVSHero


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Pedophilia = prejudice + power

It's been proven over and over and over again and again and again that only mayos can be pedos. Don't call me an SJW: I just went to fucking college.

Read a book, dipshit.

Black men raping kids are just making up for the hundreds of years in which they were being oppressed by not being allowed to rape kids, inshallah

Racist post title, to call a white person "Mayo" - especialy in the context of them being lynched.

The Racial Slur Database lists Mayo as a Racial Slur: http://www.rsdb.org/slur/mayonnaise

More info on "Mayo" as a Racial Slur: https://mayo-is-a-racial-epithet.tumblr.com/#_=_

This topic and the coverage itself is dramatic enough - without the post title being racist in and of itself. Other races ( nonwhites ) don't get to choose which racial slurs are or are not offensive to whites. Mayo is certainly racist, and used as an insult.

Assuming the mods allow this post to say, because racism against white people is taught that it does not exist in the so-called institutions of higher learning ( power + privilege ), I will at least address your admitted inability to speak to XXX's character:

Here is from his twitter: https://i.imgur.com/7gYjeQW.png ( child molestor )

Here is a picture of his right hand with the word "KILL" scarified onto it: https://i.imgur.com/Nuzbw9L.jpg

He is also most likely going to go back to jail for beating the shit out of his girlfriend. He held her hostage for days because he beat her so badly that he wouldn't allow her to leave to go to the police. Luckily she eventually escaped. He threatened to use a BBQ poker on her genitals until she passed out from fear.

He also laughed in an interview when asked about a guy being in the hospital, who was stabbed. The guy who was stabbed may or may not have been the one who punched him at his concert, but the dude was cut bad and he just laughs

On a podcast he talked about he nearly beat a gay cellmate to death for looking at him. And also says he would've killed him had the guards not intervened.

Here is a video of him fighting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AvsWuNYCVY

In summary - he is a total complete scumbag - there is nothing redeeming whatsoever about him. He attacks and commits violence either physically or "artisticaly" against women, gays, children.

I don't give a shit about him hanging himself in the beginning of the video, or his little soliloqy about black and white blah blah blah - what he has done in the video is tasteless and gross to the extreme - no "ultimate message" justifies it - not a mote.

Attacking the teacher with a dildo while screaming about how he can't keep his dick in his pants.

Are you sure this is the mountain you want to die on, defending this disgusting piece of shit?

How did you type all this in 2 minutes?


you're a retard but I'm not surprised, cumskins typically have a low IQ

he is a total complete scumbag

Pretty much


Shut up mayo

drink bleach

all im getting from this is that mayos need to be purged

my dad grounded me from my gamecube one time because i said "suck my ass bitchboy" when he asked me to do the dishes so i stole his phone and took a bunch of pictures of my dick and emailed them to all his coworkers with a followup email that said 'oh no my sexy ass son must have taken my phone again haha sorry fellas' and not an hour later the cops showed up to my house and batista bombed my dad through the fucking couch and took his ass away for diddling my penis moral of the story is if youre reading this dad im coming for you when they release you from prison in 2022 nobody takes my fucking gamecube away

the funniest thing about this is that x is on a fast track to irrelevancy now that hes been outed as a minecraft-playing psychopath, so these snowflakes literally shaking over his obvious publicity stunt is the best advertising he could possibly hope for.