Impotent nerd rage on r/Drama when emotionally stunned neckbeard gets booty-blasted over random redditors insulting his favorite fantasy pr0nz, cries to the mods about it.

28  2017-09-15 by Matues49


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Well, that's a misleading and mean-spirited headline. And impotent is also weird insult to choose. You keep being you though.

I agree with you about ASOIAF being a better, more complex story than LOTR but you're still a emotionally stunted neckbeard that displays a lot of nerd rage. You're also probably impotent.

I wouldn't even say it's "better" than LOTR. I just like it more and it's just something I got into. You have no reason to think I'm emotional stunted or impotent.

That you thought it was OK to tell another human they were because you're on a sub that thinks being sociopathic is just being silly in certain contexts like this makes it ok, well, that's on you bro.

I wouldn't even say it's "better" than LOTR. I just like it more and it's just something I got into.

Do you think you would get a ton of bussy in those paladin rape dungeons?

I think you're a weird person for thinking that was a sane thing to not online type, but hit submit upon re-reading it before you did.

How is it sociopathic to harass the SRDine or to wish death on them and on all seriousposters and agendaposters? Is it sociopathic if I have bedbugs and I wish death on the bedbugs?

Honestly your comment reeks of SRDine fragility. You think oppressed shitposters standing up for their rights and fighting back against their oppressors is "sociopathic" only because, as an SRDine and known autist, you are incapable of empathy. Enjoy being a garbage human while you can because it won't last forever. The Day of the Can is coming and nothing you do or say will stop it.

Good god.

u/Ylajali_2002 is a god

I agree with you about ASOIAF being a better, more complex story than LOTR

There is not enough kys in this world to respond to this.

Yelling at people for thinking ASOIAF and LOTR is the same is like yelling at your mom for thinking everything is a Playstation.

I am proud to say that neither I nor mai waifu have any idea what "GOTR/ASOIAF" is.

I just assumed anything that I don't understand is furry porn

You sound like a man who'd enjoy ISB then.

it's like anime but with words instead of pictures


Sounds p degenerate

The game of thrones books.

I am proud to say that neither I nor mai waifu have any idea what "GOTR/ASOIAF" is.

Game of Throats and Rings.

Throat pies and cock Rings? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I find intentionally being an obtuse asshole reportable in any subreddit though.

Mods hurry!

But I find intentionally being an obtuse asshole reportable in any subreddit though.


It's literally required for subs like SRD.

u/mark_valentine is correct in pretty much every respect. Everyone arguing with him comes across as much, much more of an emotionally stunted neckbeard than he does.

Fuck you /u/nmx179. You don't know me.

Just kidding. This subreddit may have already changed me. I think I might take a few weeks off reddit after today.

It's always refreshing to see a bit of clear eyed, sincere seriousposting in this den of villains.

drink bleach

Does saying edgy things on the internet give you a brief tingle of what you imagine it's like to actually be a man?

No, at least not compared to the tingle I get from destroying your dad's bussy.

Um pretty sure that would require you to leave your mom's basement, so I don't see it happening.

what, is your dad immobile or something?

No he just has better taste than to get his fuck on in your cheeto-encrusted nerd cave.

tru, but I told him I was 13 years old and he just couldn't resist himself.

I'm really enjoying your posts today

swallow cyanide

Any time you need that hug it's there for you, buddy

Keep Yourself Safe

Of course you think he's correct, you masturbate to the children's swimsuit section of the American Apparel catalog.

That was way, way too specific to not be projection, lmao

The specifics are what make it edgy and funny though. :(

Keep telling yourself that, diddler


Isn't that one of the villains in the Batman universe?

No, he's just one of the villains in /r/drama's childhood

No bad touch.

Ah, 'projection' the thinking man's 'no u'.

u/mark_valentine is correct in pretty much every respect. Everyone arguing with him comes across as much, much more of an emotionally stunted neckbeard than he does.

He comes off uptight and autistically literal, and seemingly unaware of the possibility that he's getting his buttons pushed because his attitude makes him a target.

I, on the other hand, am aware of it I just think the probability is low and that lots of r/drama posters are genuinely stupid.

dont be mean to them, they just seem incapable of understanding this sub's purpose

I will look into it.


no you won't loser

Pretty sure that Mark_Valentine is a troll acc

He honestly seems pretty level headed and reasonable. OP seems to be the triggered one tbh :/