r/GenderCritical was behind the Google manifesto 😨

57  2017-09-15 by Randydandy69


This is why we need mayocide.


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Holy jeez, somebody shut it down before it nukes us all.

We deserve it tbh

wtf i love gendercritical now

They still hate James damore last I checked though.

If you want a good lolcow check out u/RadFHarva

I love TERF bangs tbh


Former Google employee complained about diversity hiring in Google, said there needed to be diversity in ideology not identity.

r/GenderCritical slammed him for being misogynistic, but here they appear to agree with his opinion

I mean I'm pretty sure the whole evo-psych women-are-biologically-programmed-to-fit-my-stereotypes is what they were objecting to lmao, not his advocacy for diversity of thought

If you read the memo and the science that supports everything he said, that's not an accurate summarization at all. He said the truth, women and men have different interests, and biology most definitely has a part in that.

Oh my god stop seriousposting at me you terminal fucking autist.

So They agree with diversity of thought...as long as it agrees with them?

most people are tbh

Aww is their (((culture))) biting themselves in the ass, aww diddums.