I submit a NSFW photo album of a former redditor. Someone sends me a sexually explicit PM as if I'm the woman featured. I Correct The Record, his autism is triggered, and he sends me thinly veiled legal threats.

41  2017-09-16 by FuckJakeNightly


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  2. The photo album - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  3. The post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  4. /r/slightlychubby - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  5. The autistic PMs - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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slightly chubby

Lmfao, u wild OP

Secondly, why the fuck are you commenting on NSFW subs?

Do you also comment on pornvideos and if so, link us to your works.

The government should set up honeypot porn videos and then drone everyone that comments on them.

Eh, Pornhub comments are a better community than 99% of Reddit.

True. So basically, drone everyone on reddit

Or just commit mayocide instead of all this convoluted bullshit.

You don't have to actively copyright something, copyright is automatic.


Artists and writers, for original "works".

Pretty sure, an album of rando nudes shared with the public doesn't fit that criteria...

Selfies are "works."

Buh gawd, that kayfabe had a family!

Bret screwed Bret!

Photography counts. Posting it is irrelevant - photographer has the right to decide how and where it is displayed, or not.

This isn't even a matter of copyright haha

True, however if you want to sue the infringer in court you have to register the works with the copyright office.



Here's another article saying the exact same fucking thing

As a copyright holder, you do not have the power to sue anyone to enforce that right until the work is federally registered. That said, a work can be registered at anytime, before or after infringement.

How about the same informaton from Copyright.gov?

A certificate of registration (or a rejection of an application for copyright) is a prerequisite for U.S. authors seeking to initiate a suit for copyright infringement in federal district court.


Did you read the rest of that?

In Reed Elsevier, Inc. v. Muchnick, 130 S. Ct. 1237 (2010), the US Supreme Court recently struck down the requirement that unregistered copyrights first be registered as stated above before they are justiciable matters.

This is a law firm trying to sell its services to allow would-be clients to register copyrights. Of course they are going to suggest it is mandatory. Kek.

In Reed Elsevier, Inc. v. Muchnick, the requirement was not struck down

Does Section 411(a) of the Copyright Act restrict subject matter jurisdiction of federal courts over copyright infringement actions?

No. Writing for the majority, Justice Clarence Thomas held that Section 411(a)'s registration requirement is a precondition to filing a copyright infringement claim. The Court further held that a copyright holder's failure to comply with the registration requirement does not restrict a federal court's subject matter jurisdiction over infringement claims involving unregistered works. The Court declined to address whether Section 411(a)'s registration requirement is a mandatory precondition to suit that district courts may or should enforce on their own initiative by dismissing copyright infringement claims involving unregistered works.

Precondition of being able to file a claim in court =/= existence of a copyright. You realise there is a difference, right?

I get that copyright is granted automatically and that the Copyright Office has the right to refuse a registration (and you can still file a claim).

I keep looking at the code and getting the same answer-

no civil action for infringement of the copyright in any United States work shall be instituted until preregistration or registration of the copyright claim has been made in accordance with this title.

Copyright automatically exists. A breach can happen pre-registration. The only thing registration does is smooth the process for commencing suit, and only in the US courts. Pretty much every other possible jurisdiction does not have a registration requirement, so you can absolutely get sued in, say, Canada.

TL/DR - the US has a ridiculously outdated process and the existence of copyright is unquestioned, whether or not it is registered. This has been fundamental since the Berne Convention in 1886.

can you normies take this shit elsewhere cheers

You say this like I am not also pounding your dad right in his festering bussy at this very moment.

he's literally dead, you degenerate. Please send pics, I love that shit.

I did say festering.

keep going, I'm almost there.


Clearly this is questionable as per your discussion with comedicsans - but this is also a step that can be done at any time, and is more or less rubber stamped for original creators.

  1. You seem like an asshole.

  2. That person is morbidly obese, not slightly chubby.

  1. This has the stench of autist vs autist

Quality shit post

They went from 0 to full on homicidal rage at each other almost instantly. 100% these are both spectrum residents.

The reeeeeeeing is strong with these two

Thinking about exchanging PMs with porn sub users just made me projectile vomit.

those really gross who wants to fuck that what a loser.

I keep thinking I am hearing a massive jug of water sloshing around.

/u/fastfish21 why are you such a loser?

/u/fastfish71 why are you such a loser?


Are you referring to me? I don't know what you mean by your post.


I still don't get it? 🤔

She's not too bad looking for a trans girl


the fact that you comment on NSFW subs tells me that you smell like stale cum, unwashed clothes & are a generally sweaty individual. Please sort yourself out.

All recent comments are on cuckhold subs too

maybe it's best you don't link the album and save us from witnessing that disaster.

His last post was about eight hours ago, and this post is only four hours old.

I'm willing to be we'll have a deleted account not too long after he wakes up.

Here's hoping for a deleted life.

Do fat guys post nudes of themselves, or is it just fat girls? Asking for a friend.

I'm sure there's a bear sub somewhere.

No, they generally jist mod /r/drama

We only have one fat on the mod team, at least that I'm aware of, and I imagine him more as the cuddly sort of fat guy, not the morbidly obese neckbeard.

In what world is she "slightly" chubby?

Fucking europoors are right. We Americans are so used to seeing massive ham planets on a daily basis that even this women classifies as "slightly" chubby for us.

  1. She voluntarily posted those images on a public forum, and has not copyrighted them.

That is actually not important, and the copyright is hers from the point of creation. You're probably thinking about registering said copyright with the government.

The photographer has the right to decide how people use their work and reposting without their permission is not exactly legal. You're probably not liable for damages unless you're trying to turn a profit - but that can be argued in court and is dependent on the exact situation and what you're doing with their work.

That said, you're pretty goddamn unlikely to get into trouble over it.

Your replies are pure gold! I lost my shit when you said let's peel this autistic onion layer by layer 😂

Am I the only one that wants to fuck her? Those udders are quite something

Not at all. Really cute face, spectacular boobs, and closer to chubby than lardo.

You don't get to call anyone autistic when you were part of this.

I think you broke his brain lololololol.

I don't understand why either of you reacted the way you did. You're both as bad as each other.

/u/fuckjakenightly is def gay