I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.
At this point, I arrived at a self-diagnosis: I was suffering from Trump Hypertensive Unexplained Disorder, or THUD. For almost five decades, I had been the picture of health, but eight months into Trump’s presidency, I was suddenly ailing. Trump is the only variable, I told my doctor.
Mmm... I'm no doctor, but I assume best cure would be to drink bleach.
Imagine how fucking infuriating it must be for a doctor to have his patient self diagnose himself with an imaginary illness right to his face.
"Yeah I studied for over a decade to be a doctor but I'm sure your career in RRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEing about the president on your blog makes you more knowledgeable in medicine. Yeah you totally suffer from Trump Is A Big Meanie Disorder."
As a doctor, I believe trump actually is killing this individual in the same way that sufficiently stupid people can have heart attacks while watching scooby doo. It is my professional opinion that if at all possible we should elect at least two more trumps so this retard dies faster.
sufficiently stupid people can have heart attacks while watching scooby doo
Wait. You mean, like, people having heart attacks from the shock of "OH SHIT IT TURNS OUT THE SPOOKY AMUSEMENT PARK GHOST WAS OLD MAN DUNDY ALL ALONG?!?!?!?"
It follows for Democrats that most of these Obama-Trump voters aren’t going to be persuaded to vote Democratic in future;the party would do better to go after disaffected Democrats who didn’t vote in 2016 or who voted for third parties.
Nevermind how hilarious the Washingtonpost itself has become
How Democrats won the presidency
This is literally how shitposters said Democrats would have to go through grieving process.
Psychotherapists tell me that they are unusually busy and that most clients are talking about Trump, who is exacerbating whatever neurosis, depression or other conditions they had
Newspapers are now literally printing Shitposters insults confirming them as being true.
President Trump's a new money Billionaire, he's been getting cutting edge stem cell replacements since he was 14 and is famous for the quality of his Blood Boys, he'll outlive us all.
Of course Trump being against Stem Cell research was another fake news story as anyone who knew this basic fact about him could tell.
"Hubby and I both roam the house at all hours of the night because we can't sleep. And for the life of me, I just can't get motivated to do much of anything except exist for the day Trump is finally dragged--kicking and screaming--from the White House and all our lives return to normal. "
Anytime someone is on the verge of a medical breakthrough they should read posts like this and ask themselves if it's perhaps not best to just let this one fade and nature can get a good ol fashion retry.
Florida and Ohio are now solid red states that Democrats will no longer even try to carry, since those states are full of deplorables who don't deserve to vote for the Democratic candidate. It would be better to register in a swing state such as Pennsylvania.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-09-16
I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Neon_needles 2017-09-16
Mmm... I'm no doctor, but I assume best cure would be to drink bleach.
1 ragazzo_soup 2017-09-16
Imagine how fucking infuriating it must be for a doctor to have his patient self diagnose himself with an imaginary illness right to his face.
"Yeah I studied for over a decade to be a doctor but I'm sure your career in RRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEing about the president on your blog makes you more knowledgeable in medicine. Yeah you totally suffer from Trump Is A Big Meanie Disorder."
1 ThenTheGorursArrived 2017-09-16
At least make a nice acronymable name. Like Fecal Absorption of Gallbladder Syndrome.
1 SpectroSpecter 2017-09-16
As a doctor, I believe trump actually is killing this individual in the same way that sufficiently stupid people can have heart attacks while watching scooby doo. It is my professional opinion that if at all possible we should elect at least two more trumps so this retard dies faster.
1 GuillotinesNOW 2017-09-16
Wait. You mean, like, people having heart attacks from the shock of "OH SHIT IT TURNS OUT THE SPOOKY AMUSEMENT PARK GHOST WAS OLD MAN DUNDY ALL ALONG?!?!?!?"
1 bustykhaleesi 2017-09-16
This, but unironically.
1 WarSanchez 2017-09-16
A self induced double-tap to the back of the head will help aliviate most all of those symptoms.
1 Brothaniels 2017-09-16
/r/conspiracy mods revealing their support for trump yet again
1 WarSanchez 2017-09-16
Who am I this time?
1 Bussypostin 2017-09-16
Not fast enough tbh pham
1 Pepperglue 2017-09-16
This but unironically.
1 Cake_eater666 2017-09-16
So instead of thanks obama it is now thanks Trump?
1 The_Reason_Trump_Won 2017-09-16
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-16
1 Dudeheymanjoe 2017-09-16
1 PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS 2017-09-16
Trump-induced PTSD is real. I recommend bleach and ammonia to fix it.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-16
Any hairless cat pics lately? r/PMClub
1 froibo 2017-09-16
Maybe Trump isn't so bad after all
1 therapistofpenisland 2017-09-16
Hurry up, Trump. This guy is a waste of oxygen.
1 lifesbrink 2017-09-16
Can someone post the story text? Washington post won't let me read without a subscription
1 Imgur_Lurker 2017-09-16
You maybe be able to also open the website in Incognito
I'm sure as hell not sub'd to the WaPo
1 lifesbrink 2017-09-16
Dan Milbank needs to unironically neck himself
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2017-09-16
1 cheers_grills 2017-09-16
"I'm not obese" is just another way of saying "I'm fat but I can walk"
1 King-Achelexus 2017-09-16
I'm literally shaking, how can this bastard facist DRUMPF still be in the White House? This CAN'T be happening, I'm in charge here!
1 SmugSocialistTears 2017-09-16
But are you literally shaking right now?
1 nicethingyoucanthave 2017-09-16
1 Imgur_Lurker 2017-09-16
I love this guy, his opinions are always hilarious.
Nevermind how hilarious the Washingtonpost itself has become
This is literally how shitposters said Democrats would have to go through grieving process.
Newspapers are now literally printing Shitposters insults confirming them as being true.
1 some-other 2017-09-16
When The Washington Post — the Newspaper of Note™ — sends their opinion writers they don't send their best. Or anyone's best.
1 Imgur_Lurker 2017-09-16
1 grungebot5000 2017-09-16
yeah he's gonna have a stroke like 14 months before that
1 Imgur_Lurker 2017-09-16
President Trump's a new money Billionaire, he's been getting cutting edge stem cell replacements since he was 14 and is famous for the quality of his Blood Boys, he'll outlive us all.
Of course Trump being against Stem Cell research was another fake news story as anyone who knew this basic fact about him could tell.
1 moush 2017-09-16
And people wonder why America doesnt have free healthcare. It's dumb fucks like him ruining it for the rest of us.
1 RichEvansSextape 2017-09-16
King Daddy just showing off his sick dark Jedi powers to some pleb.
1 TheButtholeOfBravery 2017-09-16
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-16
With Amazon Prime, you can get unlimited propaganda!
1 ____________13 2017-09-16
You can also subscribe to twitch.tv prime, which is something I had no idea existed.
1 MG87 2017-09-16
First of all: This is clearly satire Secondly:
Is not remotely close to hypertension
1 edc_svr_wxf_qaz 2017-09-16
It's more like Poe's law nowadays.
1 Silented 2017-09-16
Or you're just a fucking idiot.
1 edc_svr_wxf_qaz 2017-09-16
Everyone is an idiot.
1 Silented 2017-09-16
Are you implying I don't think everyone who posts on this subreddit is retarded?
1 edc_svr_wxf_qaz 2017-09-16
You would be to retarded to make that conclusion by yourself.
1 Silented 2017-09-16
1 glmox 2017-09-16
retards know retards best
1 neutralvoter 2017-09-16
"Hubby and I both roam the house at all hours of the night because we can't sleep. And for the life of me, I just can't get motivated to do much of anything except exist for the day Trump is finally dragged--kicking and screaming--from the White House and all our lives return to normal. "
Anytime someone is on the verge of a medical breakthrough they should read posts like this and ask themselves if it's perhaps not best to just let this one fade and nature can get a good ol fashion retry.
1 Bussypostin 2017-09-16
r/politics alone should be enough for that
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-16
The God-Emperor fucking delivers.
1 a_normal_human 2017-09-16
Well, that's even more reason to vote for him again.
1 glmox 2017-09-16
>writer is mayo
all i needed to see Thank You Daddy
1 fourbet 2017-09-16
Yes {{{{{mayo}}}}}
1 SlavophilesAnonymous 2017-09-16
Shit I was going to vote for literally anyone but Trump, but now I might have to reelect the bastard. Should I vote in Florida or Ohio? Or both?
1 UmmahSultan 2017-09-16
Florida and Ohio are now solid red states that Democrats will no longer even try to carry, since those states are full of deplorables who don't deserve to vote for the Democratic candidate. It would be better to register in a swing state such as Pennsylvania.
1 nanonan 2017-09-16
Poor thing, her estimates of time are four years off.
1 edc_svr_wxf_qaz 2017-09-16
1 nanonan 2017-09-16
I'm not sure what it is, but it exhibits no signs of manhood.
1 IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-09-16
1 CC3940A61E 2017-09-16
1 Mexagon 2017-09-16
Yeah I know it's not scientific but hopefully it spreads.
1 Kekistanian9000 2017-09-16
A lot of Cuckistan citizens have this desease in more or less severe form. It's been theoreticized to have something to do with their genes.
1 freet0 2017-09-16
First good thing Trump has done