Lolcow, Transgender person and edgelord /u/-mousey- praises Stalin for murdering LGBT people in trans meme sub, continues to sperg out in ECS

60  2017-09-16 by 1171798


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Stalin would have killed you for wanting to cut off your balls. He would have thought you a degenerate. He was transphobic.


Stop being such a pussy. Man up dude.

Ahaha that loser /u/-mousey- posts in /r/upvotedbecausegirl. You wish you were a girl 😂😂😂😂😂

You'll trigger it, they are already upset someone misgendered them with the whew lad meme.


I love you ❤️❤️❤️ Stop spewing nonsense, Stalin was a cunt.

Tankies are the best

/u/-mousey- how does it feel knowing that Stalin would have had you executed for being a degenerate? No doubt that you support it, somehow.

I mean Tbf Id hate myself enough to want death if I was mousey

They should have a sitcom together. Stalin shows up like "it's ya boi, Joey" and asks everyone to smash that mf like button. And mousey cries about everything. And then gets gulaged for being a degenerate in the series finale

Mfw this isn't even a transexual "person"

Degenerate Tanks appropriating Weebo Celebrities without even having read EX Light Novel and knowing he's literally just a guy who likes pretty cloths.

Name me another leader that turned an agricultural poverty stricken, war wounded, feudal wreck into a nuclear world power in the space of twenty years.


Name me another leader who's country almost single-handedly, not only repelled fascism, but pushed it back into its spawn and annihilated it.


Russians>People who shit in streets.

Fuck Indians even figured out that genius use your hand to drink the faucet water idea

Don't make me bring up how much freebies America had to fly to Russia using Women Pilots that they wouldn't be able to win the war without.

Turns out using literal cardboard in Communications Systems is a bad Idea Russia who'd have thought.

What do you want? for me to change my mind and prop up a democratic system that only 'accidentally' murders my fellow people?

u/-mousey-, democracy doesn't even accidentally "murder" trans people, except inasmuch as it fails to prevent the very small number of killings of trans people that occur annually.


I'm a fucking trans person you self righteous douche. I'm not manipulating the disadvantaged I am the disadvantaged. I'm the 'scary Muslim' in your example for fucks sake.

the only thing you are scaring is facial recognition software bro


Dude, you really need to calm down.

Stalin genocides millions but the real oppression is that a cis lesbian doesn't want to sleep with me.

What the actual fuck is a tankie?

Or a libsoc for that matter.

Apologists for Marxism/Leninism, and libertarian socialist respectively

Basically people who worship daddy Stalin


That explanation was understated. Tankies are commies that will defend/deny any atrocity that was committed by Communists. It ranges from Not Real Communism tm to "Everyone who died in a purge deserved it".

Frequently you'll see something along the lines of "No red terror ever happened, but if it did this is why it would be justified..."

I was trying to phrase it from the perspective of someone who psychologically could not give fewer shits about politics

Tankie: "Stalin didn't genocide the kulaks and by the way Stalin was right to genocide the kulaks."

Imagine a world where people were just happy with what the Good Lord put between their legs.

The good lord gives the blacks sickle cell so I'm fine with the occasional oopsie elsewhere

2 days ago there was a post on ECS like this one. A trans person was trying to argue that communism is not bad for lgbt people but when people started questioning this, the tankie started talking about capitalism and whatnot.

Like most what I see on the internete, i refuse to believe people actually believe in this and are just trolling but it seems they actually do

I love it when these dimwits try to claim Marx supported LGBT people. We got beat and murdered and his reaction was "eh" followed by speeches about "the people". Apathy is not support.

/u/-mousey- hello comrade

I too wish for the worker revolution. See, transexuals are a parasite class sucking off the worker tit with HRT drugs, welfare and lack of any employable skills. Like Stalin, we hope for a society were you and your mentally ill worthless tranny brothers are forced into prison labor or lined up against a wall.

Your friend in communist, Neon

/u/-mousey- you're not and never will be a woman. You're an oversensitive narcissistic man and no amount of hormones or sobbing loudly at people who say 'dude' will ever, ever change that.

Also, kill yourself.



I really respect trans people. Unlike kulaks, a huge portion of trans people have enough honor to execute themselves for the good of the People.

TIL there's a /r/latestagegenderbinary. Thank you, Reddit.

Reading from there:

Name me another leader that turned an agricultural poverty stricken, war wounded, feudal wreck into a nuclear world power

... As if these things are mutually exclusive.

Name me another leader who's country almost single-handedly, not only repelled fascism, but pushed it back into its spawn and annihilated it.

I mean, yes, eventually the country repelled the fascists that were controlling it, but that wasn't until like the early 90s.

r/latestagegenderbinary is absolutely awesome.

I'm the 'scary Muslim' in your example for fucks sake

No, this analogy doesn't work. There is no stereotype of transgender people committing terrorism. (And no, stereotypes of antifa do not count.)

Fuck off you're not an ally if you don't think we have a right to be offended when you address us with the wrong fucking pronouns.

You have a right to be offended by whatever the fuck you like.

However, other people equally have a right to think your offense-taking is fucking ridiculous.

(Also, "dude" is not a pronoun.)