Guy asks for advice about transfering to another college... doesn't like the advice he is given

31  2017-09-16 by IamDonaldTrump_AMA


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To be fair, my college has the same rule about living on the campus the first year

/u/NarwhalWhat are you bait or are you actually this stupid?

I think it's a little of column A a little of column B



Gee, you think?


When you're losing an argument... Correct their spelling and grammar. That'll show them.

Man, my freshman year roommate used to leave her used pads and tampons lying around on the floor and left her dishes out so long we'd get bugs. I still managed to stick it out for the year.

did u sex her

Yah, on the futon. Amid piles of bloody tampons.

ugh fuck I'm gonna need a mop over here

/u/NarwhalWhat do you legit have autism? Do you not understand how to interact with other people?

And I would have assumed you would like things to be covered in shit, piss, and cum.


My roommate is racist and homophobic

That looks like a good deal for me.

I can relate. Dorms are fucking miserable places 90% of the time, the only reason they exist is to make it a little easier on the majority of 18 year olds that are incapable of living on their own. Being at a school that requires you to live in the dorms the first year can be pretty rough. The people in that thread don't have very much empathy. Dorms are pretty hard on certain people. If you're an introvert or a neat freak or you just have a roommate that isn't compatible it's a long time to deal with that shit. It's also hard on people who are struggling with money. Thry cost a fortune, generally they're far more expensive than renting a room and cooking for yourself.