A certain movie companies superhero movies discussion keep getting mysteriously deleted, other companies superhero movies discussion is fine. Mod tires to show how they are completely non-bias, terribly.

159  2017-09-16 by wazzupnerds


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Does all the "DAE anti-DC bias???" crap stem from fanboys' inability to admit BvS and Suicide Squad were giant steaming turds, or was r/movies always like this?

Not really, recently a lot of DC movie post just started to disappear, with fanboys thinking it was bias.

I mean, I'm still waiting to see proof of how biased I am. It's not my fault that DC movies are so bad that their fanboys are so insecure about any little thing regarding their pointless submissions. Marvel and Star Wars fans don't act this bad when we remove their unimportant and unconfirmed stuff.

That other thread was deleted by another mod, but the offer is still on the table, show me definite proof of this anti DC bias regarding the removals, and don't just pluck your ears and go all "la la la bullshit ur biased" when I explain why you're wrong.

Why are you so involved with curating the content for these particular genre of movies anyway?

All the fine tuning of automod and all the other excuses just makes it look like you're meddling. Just let people submit movie stuff, the upvote and downvote function of reddit will do its job.

Want people to stop saying you guys are biased? Stop fucking around with what's allowed to be posted. It's not a secret to that Disney and Marvel have paid ad space on one of the biggest websites on the web populated with the very precise demographic at which they aim their movies.

Just my two cents, I think your sub sucks. And so do those superhero movies.

Because without moderation, people would do nothing but upvote dumb unrelated shit. Just like how the top post in our sub is just a pic of Palpatine, and before the algorithm changed, it was a Vin Diesel meme. The rule regarding superheros was chosen by the users because both Marvel and DC fans kept submitting literally any little thing regarding their franchises, and the sub became pretty much 100% comic book related.

If you don't like the rules or how we run the sub, then understandable have a nice day.

There's also a report function. If your community doesn't want a post then them report it. Set automod to remove a post after x amount of user reports. Again, remove yourself from the equation and you won't have to deal with these accusations all the time.

You go fuck yourself as well, I mean you have a nice day too.

If your users are upvoting things that means they like that stuff. Why remove stuff they like? That's what your community obviously wants to see.

uhhh /r/gaming is a perfect example of what happens when you do that

Perfect, /r/gaming is for dank gaming memes and /r/games for news about gaming.

Looks like u/allwinter called in the /r/moviescirclejerk reinforcements!

If your users are upvoting things that means they like that stuff. Why remove stuff they like?

Because as you've just proven people are retarded

If your users are upvoting things that means they like that stuff. Why remove stuff they like? That's what your community obviously wants to see.

Because 95% modding is fixing things that aren't broken

You allow all manner of dumb bullshit, but Joss Whedon admitting to abusing his position to get with young girls under him is off limits? Fuck off.

We don't allow stories about the personal life of people in the industry unless they actually affect their work in a significant way; we're not a tabloid. If Joss Whedon had been fired from Justice League because of the allegations, then it would have been allowed, othetwise it should be in /r/Entertainment or other niche subs.

Wtf no wonder people think you're shady and biased. Why get so granular about what you you allow?

"oh we'd allow it if it happened on an even numbered day and was posted by a user on their cakeday"

It's pretty straightforward, idk what you're talking about.

For example, Ben Affleck gets divorced? Not allowed. Ben Affleck quits directing The Batman to focus on his life after his divorce? Allowed because it affects his film work.

The Joss Whedon allegations are disgusting, and I hope they're not true, not because Joss Whedon because I've never liked the guy's style (and now I like him even less with these allegations), but because of the young girls affected. However, none of what happened has affected his current or past work, so it remains a personal issue, so it's not allowed.

Also, if we don't allow that story about Joss Whedon, the director of both the biggest Marvel and DC movies, who are we supposed to be biased against?

Contributing to the scrubbing of negative news can also be seen as bias.

Why are you so involved with not allowing people to talk about movie gossip? Are there some large movie companies that are invested in the ad space of r/movies that want to make sure the environment is a certain way?

Almost smells like when IMDB removed their message boards. They said it was because of trolls, but we all know it's because of pressure from Hollywood.

Because the gossip has nothing to do with these movies, is that so hard to figure out? If the Joss Whedon story had been "wife admits she divorced him because he was WAAAY too cool of a person and she couldn't keep with a champion of feminism", it would have also been removed.

It's very easy to cherry pick and say we're in the pockets of studios when you don't stop and think about the other side. It's also very easy and lazy to just say we're getting paid by companies without providing even a sliver of evidence.

I have no doubt you don't get paid. But reddit does.

However to think that Disney doesn't pay for adspace on reddit is retarded.

You're pressured, whether you know it or not, to make r/movies have a certain feel.

ah yes, he's clearly brainwashed by the invisible hand

Oh right, Disney doesn't do advertising.

and if they advertise, that means they're getting reddit admins to pressure mods with their PSYCHIC POWERS right

Psychic powers? No, they'd probably talk to them in a modmail or a discord chat. Seems much easier.

"hey /r/movies, can you take down the post about RDJ? he's with Disney, and they've paid up this month. here's some shit about affleck, WB was really stingy this month.

love, /u/spez"

Are you trying to suggest that this is way too complex of a situation to happen?

We can go to the moon but a website doesn't have advertisers on it?

I'm saying it's retarded for at least three reasons

  1. WB is also an advertiser, so why would they look out for Disney specifically lol

  2. It leaves a modmail record of the admin's conspiracy with MODS- a bunch of unpaid, powertripping fucks with no reason to comply instead of posting caps

  3. So the scheme just so happens to only affect posts that aren't about movies? Seems a little unnecessary

I had another point too but i forgot it

Base mod of /r/movies here, can confirm what this man said.

nice necro

Does necro refer to raising a dead thread?

kill yourself you altright piece of shit

is that new villains group in next defenders? fuck that show was retarded


And yet you allow such gossip whenever it cuts against a director or studio you don't favor.

Admit it, you'd delete the exact same kind of article that cut against Shane Black or another of your favored sons, that you'd allow against a Zac Snyder or Trank that you hate.++

literally all you have to do is ask and we always answer.

Or log in under one of your alts and go shit on the person over in your other sub, /r/moviescirclejerk


I don't need an alt to shit on DC, fuck DC, they make terrible movies with the exception of Wonder Woman. Marvel too to a lesser degree. But that has nothing to do with how we moderate or what users in moviescirclejerk post. I'm sorry they don't like your brand of capekino, what do you want me to do? Delete all their threads making fun of the ridiculous shit DC fans sometimes say?

I hate comic book movies lol wtf are you talking about.

And saying "FUCK DC AND THEIR FANS" out of one side of your mouth, while saying "PROOVE THAT I AM BIASED AGAINST DC" out the other makes you look like a giant fucking trashbag.

Again, am I not allowed to have a personal opinion on DC and their fans? I'm still waiting for proof of how my dislike for most DC movies and their unpleasant fans has affected my moderation.

Again, am I not allowed to have a personal opinion on DC and their fans? I'm still waiting for proof of how my dislike for most DC movies and their unpleasant fans has affected my moderation.

Here's a giant fucking clue ding dong: do you find yourself having this argument over and over again?

If yes, stop pointing the finger and blaming everyone else for your problems and look inward.

I'm having this argument over and over because none of you have given me proof and I'm asking for it.

Did your mother mix lead paint chips into her breast milk when you were a baby?

Good one, going for the insults because you have nothing else.

Because you've already served up your bias on a silver platter here in this thread you autist.

I have an opinion on you: go fuck yourself.

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I've never seen such a failure unfold itself this pathetically, You might be head jabroni in the entire discombobulated jabroni sub you seem to run.

Be a big boy and come out (the same way you came out to your parents,) and take responsibility for the deliberate censorship you and the rest of tinkerbells great fairy rescue brigade are maintaining on a daily basis.

Thank you, fuck you, bye.

Why do you hate good movies?

Have you ever seen a Fellini film? Tarkovsky? Hell even a plain old as-American-as-apple-pie Malick film.

Do mods have an anti-good movie bias?

Do you know there's more to cinema than lowest common denominator infantalising dross? And no Mr., The dark Knight doesn't count. Still garbage.

I don't know why you're asking me.

But yes I've seen movies from those guys. Because I took an intro to film class as an elective and those guys are the only entry level guys that getting taught.

Ever see a Ford film? Hawks? Peckinpah?

this isnt long enough to be good pasta

it's a start

Ben Affleck confirming he's not leaving Batman--not allowed.

Reshoot troubles of JL-- allowed

He wasn't the director of any DC movie

if it affects a movie, it's allowed

if it doesn't, it's not

it's simple as fuck, you have to be retarded not to follow it

But I see dozens of post a week there that DOESN'T affect a movie



What's the difference between this and the Joss Whedon news? Neither are related to any movie. But one got deleted and the other didn't

One major difference is Weinstein getting #MeToo'd impacted the entire North American film industry

The news post wasn't related to any movie, period.

For example, Ben Affleck gets divorced? Not allowed. Ben Affleck quits directing The Batman to focus on his life after his divorce? Allowed because it affects his film work.

You were just backing this fool up and calling others retarded for not following his conveniently made-up rules. He is clearly saying that news with titles that make it seem unrelated to a movie aren't allowed. The Weinstein scandal affects his movies just like Ben Affleck getting a divorce does, but they're not allowed as per the rules allwinter seemingly made on the fly here. Harvey Weinstein's sexual accusations are not related to any movie just as Ben Affleck getting divorced isn't.

"oh we'd allow it if it happened on an even numbered day and was posted by a user on their cakeday"

What's the difference between the person you called retarded said and the person you've been backing up for does? None.

The news post wasn't related to any movie, period.

Probably why it was in /r/news then

You were just backing this fool up and calling others retarded for not following his conveniently made-up rules.

Well, I just was five months ago, yeah.

The Weinstein scandal affects his movies

And other Weinstein Bros. properties, and the culture and working environment in which the vast majority of American movies are made

just like Ben Affleck getting a divorce does,

How does Ben Affleck getting a divorce affect movies?

Harvey Weinstein's sexual accusations are not related to any movie just as Ben Affleck getting divorced isn't.

Then remove that too, idgaf

What's the difference again between the person you called retarded said and the person you've been backing up for does?

One tacked on improvised, arbitrary conditions, the other either interpreted existing conditions generously or just ignored them.

Probably why it was in /r/news then

? The links are of r/movies

How does Ben Affleck getting a divorce affect movies? Didn't he already finish that script

I was playing with allwinter's analogy

For example, Ben Affleck gets divorced? Not allowed. Ben Affleck quits directing The Batman to focus on his life after his divorce? Allowed because it affects his film work.

Then remove that too, idgaf

But the mods didn't. That's why I said there rules are inconsistent and conveniently made-up according to their wishes.

One tacked on improvised, arbitrary conditions. The other either interpreted existing conditions generously or just ignored them.

Yes that person was intentionally exaggerating.

Sounds like an excuse to do whatever you want, to me.

If you mods felt the need for real limitations, you'd spell them out. going 'we will do such and such unless *insert vague and highly open to interpretation criteria here^ is just bullshit.

all manner of dumb bullshit

well obviously they don't, nigga

I mean, I'm still waiting to see proof of how biased I am.

Your next sentence doesn't really do much to help your argument.

I'm still waiting to see proof of how biased I am. It's not my fault that DC movies are so bad that their fanboys are so insecure about any little thing regarding their pointless submissions.

You just wrote out the proof of your bias right there you dumb little ninny.

So I'm not allowed to have personal opinions now? I mean proof of bias in moderation. I approve threads of shit I don't like all the time.

Of course you can have opinions, what you think hell are you talking about?

Your personal opinions are your bias. This is not difficult.

Ok, but where is my personal bias when it comes to my moderation? I keep asking for proof but nobody seems to have it because it doesn't exist.

We approved all the threads about the new Joker films, we approved all the threads about Wonder Woman 2, all the big Justice League trailers, we've literally approved every single piece of big, important 100% confirmed DC news. Show me just one that we have not allowed.

I don't read your sub that often so I don't know.

That being said, it's strange to be so involved in the process. Why "approve" or "deny" each and everyone thread? Especially given your own admitted bias, being in that position will raise the questions.

There's no impression of impartiality here. You have to find a new argument. You've burned your credibility on the "I'm not biased" one.

Well we have to get involved because we're moderators, otherwise things would go out of control like some subs that have little to no moderation, like /r/gaming or /r/me_irl.

What I mean by "approve" is that there's literally a green button called "Approve" whenever someone reports a thread, and when it comes to these comic book movies threads, and believe me, they get reported a lot, doesn't matter if the thread is a about DC or Marvel or Fox or Sony. I know I admitted that I don't like DC movies (even though I love Wonder Woman), but it's gonna be impossible to prove that my dislike for these movies has nothing to do with what we remove and what we approve, we strictly work by the rules, and like I said, we're always happy to answer when someone asks me why their thread got removed. If they don't agree with the rules, that's their prerogative.

Interestingly enough, one of the ideas we had for April's Fools day this year was to actually moderate with our personal biases and remove anything that we didn't like, even if it didn't break any rules, just to show the real difference between removing posts that break rules, and removing posts just because we don't want to see them. If we had done that, there wouldn't be any Marvel posts either, because we're also not big fans of that franchise. What people also need to consider is that DC only has 4 movies out, while Marvel has like 20, so just going by the numbers, you're gonna see more Marvel related news.

I don't think I'll be able to convince anyone of any of this, and they're not gonna convince me otherwise, so I'll just stop engaging after this. Go watch some foreign and indie films instead of watching Marvel and DC.

I agree with you about these movies being shit but it seems like this is giving you guys a lot of grief and pissing off your users. Maybe it's time to revisit the rule about rumor based posts etc?

Personally I think people should watch more westerns, the John Wayne and Randolph Scott classics - not the actiony remakes!

No, you idiot. you only have to get involved in specific threads with specific problems. Otherwise, you should act like a fucking adult and stay the fuck out of it.

foreign and indie films

Implying those are better? Go chug a cock somewhere else

Having an opinion =/= having a bias

No, not if you want to be taken seriously as a mod. That you ask this with such an attitude, marks you as unworthy of the responsibilities of adulthood.

Jesus. I'm a movie buff but people are taking this shit way too seriously.

Wonder Woman was dope (so were Gadot's and Eisenberg's scenes in BvS) and there were a few shitty Marvel movies, although admittedly mostly made by Fox or Sony.

Wonder woman was shit

no u

Haven't seen it yet but I don't doubt it.

The last one I saw was Dr Strange and that was was garbage.

Lmao that's a marvel movie

You don't say!?

Wonder Woman is a DC movie. Boy u sure are slow

What the living fuck is your point?

this is a marvel v D.C. fanboy fight dumbass


And you're like "oh I watched some marvel movie so I expect this D.C. movie to be shit"

it doesn't work and you're stupid. Get it?

That's not what I said.

This is why you capeshit faggots should not be allowed in public. You're a step above flurries.

ding ding ding ding ding ding ding

so were Gadot's and Eisenberg's scenes in BvS

found (((one)))

I like BvS and Suicide Squad. Debate me :/)

I'm in no position to judge tbh. I liked Basic Instinct 2.

The only kino I feel embarrassed for liking are the matrix sequels. The others I can defend for being fun/stylish movies and how not everything has to be fine art, but reloaded and revolutions I only like because they make me sperg out with their 2deep4u plots and their anime action scenes. I completely see why people hate it but those things endear me more.

Do you think they could have had the occasional well lit colourful scene without ruining the movie?

Yeah but they didn't and fair enough.

BvS was good imo

B-but Snyder NAZZI!!!!!

sorry but bvs actually is very good

Hey /u/allwinter how much does Disney pay you and why are you so stupid to work for them for free?

Because Suicide Squad was everything that is wrong with modern cinema by being just one terrible long Hot Topic sponsored commercial for Justice League.

Dude what are getting paid? Pretty pathetic attempt to not look like a shill.

I get paid in DC_Cinematic downvotes, they fuel my next censoring adventure.

Soo... you just do it because of crippling autism. Got it.

IS there a single reddit mod who doesn't suffer from that, though? I guess "suffers from" isn't right..."revels in"?

Nice use of a serious medical condition as an insult that doesn't even make sense.

Hey, r/DC_Cinematic mod here. Keep our name out of your mouth. Thanks. These are your subs not ours. Stop fucking up and they'll stop thinking you're biased.


That's got nothing to do with the question you were asked.

why are you so stupid to work for Disney for free?

Because Suicide Squad was everything that is wrong with modern cinema


so is /r/drama illiterate now or

We have always been illiterate

o i frgt

Stupid science bitch couldn't even make I more smarter.

I literally have 0 clue how it was a commercial for justice league, for a capeshit it barely mentioned the other films in the series.

It's so bad people don't realize it's a commercial for another movie.

They don't work for free. They're just obligated by reddit rules to say they do. Payola is worth millions in some of these subreddits. It's too valuable to not have multiple cabals of mods and or their alts worm their way into default and large niche subreddits.


True capekino

I downvoted you because those movies are crap.

"Hey everyone I have shit taste"

I downvoted you because not because i should but because I can ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

The third Batman film from Nolan was horrible.

What, you didn't like the completely nonsensical plot, the horribly choreographed fight scenes, and the climactic way they take out Bane by having Catwoman shoot him in the back?

i liked the part when the boring lady sad batman fucked turned out to be the real bane all along

It gave us baneposting, and for that we are forever grateful

ledger was good enough to elevate dark knight for bearable to actually good

And even those were kinda cheesy and plothole-ridden.

Props to the nerds though, this superhero fad has more legs than I thought it did.

I recently rewatched the first two and the only good parts were the joker.

Shame because Christian Bale is a great actor.

if you wanna see Batman Begin, just watch Batman Year One

it's less than half as long and more than twice as good

bats' voice is lackluster but it's fine bc Bryan Cranston is Gordan

I feel the same way rewatching them, I cant believe how many corny scenes there are in Batman Begins. The Dark Knight is the only great Batman film nolan has made imo

And even those were kinda cheesy and plothole-ridden.

Props to the nerds though, this superhero fad has more legs than I thought it did.

You mean Raimi.

i guess if you like teenagers

Spider-Man 2 is capekino stfu

what the fuck is that, is it like a kind of coffee

yeah, Spider-Man 2 is really good. if you like teenagers.

ye bro


The only good superhero movie is Catwoman.



only one of those were good lol

the last one was actual shit

Batman and robin is objectively the best superhero movie ever made

the only good movie from the nolan trilogy is the dark knight

The only good Batman is Nick Cage in Kick Ass.

So if you read what the mod said It seems like their autistic screeching is due to them removing rumours about DC because it's unconfirmed, but leaving up less interesting confirmed stories. So I'd ask you and /u/Cocobender, how does it feel that the only confirmed news about the Justice League movie makes it sound like a disaster and that to have any ray of hope you have to suckle on Hollywood rumours? You had to have seen that trailer right? It looks like a holocaust film. Since this is the hill you choose to die on, what suicide ritual will you choose when it's another BvS tier catastrophe?

The official excuse was they don't allow "in talks" stories (which is fucking bizarre in itself) which was the given reason for a certain story being repeatedly removed despite there being two other non-DC related "in talks" stories at the top of the sub at the time. I can't say I actively care all that much either way but there seems some merit to the bias accusations.

I read that whole comment chain because I've got crippling autism and nothing better to do with my life and the only "in talks" that I saw mentioned were the Captain Marvel production design and Batman director Matt Reeves getting the boot, both of which were confirmed and not just rumours. The sperg brigade took ire that a story about Matt Reeves coming on board was deleted when it was still just a rumour, but the mod linked a story that stayed up once it was actually confirmed. I'm sure they remove just as much Marvel shit, probably even more in fact, because people actually like most of those movies. They're just salty because they have loyalty to a movie brand that sucks.

The Matt Reeves thing was confirmed by the man himself when I read the thread and the mod was still peddling bullshit excuses. I can't speak to all of the moderation for that sub but that one guy is undeniably a biased tool.

You had to have seen that trailer right? It looks like a holocaust film.


You had to have seen that trailer right? It looks like a holocaust film.

...that means it looks terrible. But I'm sure you knew that already.

You aren't /u/Psycho_Robot, how do you know he doesn't feel it isn't the next Schindler's List?

Because I'm not a pedant who can only interpret statements literally.

Because I'm not a pedant who can only interpret statements literally.

No, but you're the pedant who doesn't understand blatantly obvious sarcasm.

You aren't /u/Baramos_, how do you know he was being sarcastic?

We went out to dinner to catch up and he told me all about his opinions and his Reddit comments regarding this piece of drama. He was very thorough.

I'm sure he had plenty to say about Snyder's prowess at VISHUAL storytelling and how risky and mature his work on BvS was.

I started to bring it up, but then I caught him looking at Photoshopped nudes of Zack Snyder on his phone so I felt uncomfortable and decided to drop it.

As a DC_Cinematic mod does it annoy you that the sub's user base has such a poor rep for being overly defensive and protective of any perceived attacks against their fandom?

Stop seriousposting in drama

You aren't /u/TheBatSkeptic, how do you know I was seriousposting?

Wait, why would I know if you were seriousposting?

I was just finishing off the comedic trio of quoting "you aren't" followed by the previous user's name.

I wasn't actually implying that you would or wouldn't know my intent when asking you that question.

I meant to reply to your comment earlier but I forgot. What I meant was the trailer looked dark, muted, and depressing. Everything was desaturated, almost black and white, and and cloaked in shadow, the visual aesthetic you'd use if you were setting a scene in the holocaust. But instead it's a superhero movie. That's allegedly supposed to be fun escapism.

They look like they changed the color grading in the newer trailer to be brighter.

First impressions count for a lot. That dreary atmosphere in the first trailer betrays their frame of mind when shooting and editing it. After they saw how people reacted, they might have bumped up the saturation but that doesn't change the movie itself

Its not relevant how JL will turn out to be like. You are missing the point like the idiot you are.

Capeshit is for manchildren anyway.

Grown people having furious arguments about comic book movies and Star Wars makes me worried for the future. America has become a place that makes movies with Superman and Batman that kids can't go to because they're s too violent, dark, scary and depressing.

Andy Disney laughs all the way to the bank on both fronts.

People have always, and will always, care about stupid and inconsequential shit. It's just now, people have enough spare time and income to devote on it. It's a good indication of the future, if anything. I hope my kids can afford to do whatever fucking retarded shit is popular in 30 or so years when they're adults.

It's fine to care about stupid shit. Just don't steal it from kids and ruin their fun. Can't take a seven year-old to a movie where Batman is straight up planning to murder Superman or the Joker is about to cut Maggie Gyllenhall's face open with a switchblade in the middle of a cocktail party. They even bitch about the Lego Batman movie bring too silly.

I don't even care about Star Wars and I know that tens of thousands of "fans" are butt hurt about them them blowing up the Death Star a third time and Rey being a Mary Sue and not worthy to be the new protagonist. It doesn't occur to them to think "I bet little kids love watching Rey kick ass".

The man-children want to steal the kids toys but don't like what the kids toys are and demand they be made to suit them.

I mean, I don't disagree with you, but at the same time, I see why people feel the sense of entitlement. They grew up with this shit, they made it popular, and they feel like it doesn't live up to their old standards. They're just, more often than not, wrong. Also I don't understand your point about not taking kids to the edgier movies, seeing as how it's not taking anything away from the kids themselves (as a guy with a significantly younger brother, I'm aware there is, or was, a child-friendly justice league cartoon running). If the option was 'child friendly movie' or 'edgy r rated movie' and the studios were forced to decide between one or the other it'd make sense for you to dislike the movies for that reason, but I'm certain that's not the case.

On that note, what annoys me is the reusing of ideas in the entertainment industry for the last 20 or so years now. The last major original kids cartoon I remember was regular show/adventure time, and that was noted for its originality. I feel like new IPs are increasingly rare (I don't think I'm a special snowflake for saying what most cynics have been saying for years now), and it just seems stale and boring. But that's probably just my autism speaking.

/u/allwinterfunny were you the one who changed the It poster to Joker in the sewer? That's my favorite next to the funny/shitty Dunkirk posters.

Yeah, the Joker IT was me, and all the dumb ones about Harry Styles was also me.

Are you planning to make more hq gifs?

I'm in love with this one https://imgur.com/eYlh8QR

Jesus get a room.

no u

Ok let's go sweetie!

Show me these Dunkirk posters I never saw them.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

We're r/movies users? As if I would wallow in some shit default sub.

How assirate are these people?

Superhero movies are for fucking losers

Please come here for more Juicier drama about /r/movies mods vs some of the /r/movies users.

there are r/movies posters here? burn this place to the ground

That was /u/Sisiwakanamaru

Then she deleted her posts like a little tranny.

Dear god did I start a flame war?


Good shit man I haven't seen a lolcow sperg out this bad in a while

Everyone with a brain is biased against DC because their movies suck. You might as well complain a wife is biased against her abusive husband.

Eh, I enjoyed BvS in theaters, and love it's directors cut and liked Wonder Woman. But MOS and SS were shit.

Drama from /r/movies? Impossible!

The thought is insane!

At least it isn't /r/television.

Time to scorn for drama!

Drama for the drama god.

Pings for the ping throne

The long war rages!



I grew up with shoes but I don't expect to wear the ones I liked as a kid my whole life. I outgrew them and got new ones.

I'm not letting my kids under 10 or 12 see these movies because they're too adult. But that doesn't mean my kids don't know there are movies their mom and I won't let them see. "Sorry. You're not old enough to see the Superman and Batman movie. It's too scary." Ultron and Civil War are too complicated and Deadpool isn't even up for discussion. I hope they make more like Guardians.

I don't care if they recycle the stories. They're not supposed to be for me. I can go do ten million other things.

The entitlement is the man-child part I object to. I grew up with shoes but I don't expect to wear the ones I liked as a kid my whole life. I outgrew them and got new ones. 17 years old: I like superhero movies! 37 years old: FUCK SUPERHERO MOVIES, THEY ARE SOOOOO DARK AND ADULT

Christ dude, people have different taste.

Assholes kept deleting JL trailer for so long it lost out on many upvotes and never made it to the front page.

The Alex Ross JL poster gained a lot of momentum and was deleted whereas Thor's was allowed.

And when you ask what happened , their go to response is "Automod fucked up", how convenient.

There is bias and that too blatant, but I don't think it affects anyone. DCeu has a lot of negativity surrounding it and people don't care enough to even bother.

Imagine looking in the mirror and saying "I mod subreddits and I am biased against one comic book company and in favor of another comic book company. This, to me, is serious business and I have serious opinions about this."

And then not tying the hair dryer cord around your sausage neck.

Hey man.

You're aloud to think whatever you want, but you're on the losing side of history and will be remembered the way we remember the people who protested against Elizabeth Eckford.

You're gonna be remembered the way we remember the people who were against women being allowed to vote.

Then you're gonna be forgotten because whether you like it or not trans people exist and even if you think we're fucking insane there's nothing you can do.

Fuck you.


I already knew that traditional comic book movies wouldn’t work for me. I saw how it presented a perfect illusion that often failed to deliver. “Happily ever after” felt like a myth. We don’t ever own or possess anyone, even when we are married and have a piece of paper and a promise from them. Expecting our partner to be the beginning, the end, and everything in between seemed a recipe for self-delusion at best, disaster at worst.

So I was keen to find better alternatives. When I ended up on a first date with a guy who matter-of-factly said he was exploring comic book movies, I took it as an invitation to stretch out of my comfort zone. comic book movies looked to me like the next frontier. After all, I’m living in a sex-positive, progressive community where open relationships are not only common but encouraged. Wanting your partner but not needing them, loving them unconditionally, and taking responsibility for your own emotions instead of blaming your partner’s behaviors—these are all the hallmark of a “conscious” relationship, right?

Things were smooth sailing at first. I didn’t mind that he was kissing another woman the evening before, or that his Tinder profile was still open and active. But after we’d been intimate about two weeks, something changed. I could no longer hold on to my equanimity when he vocalized his desire to explore other comic book movies.

“It’s freedom of expression for me,” he said. “I don’t want any limits.”

Yes, I understood. That was valid. Who am I to stop my partner from expressing his sexual self? But it just didn’t feel good to me.

One time, he was out of town, and in our usual evening phone call, he enthusiastically told me about a threesome he’d had the night before. While I appreciated his openness and transparency, I also felt sad, squirmy, and restless.

However, I wrote my feelings off as “disempowering.” I wanted to reach that “enlightened,” “evolved” state where I could be okay with sharing my partner, letting him do what made him happy. I wanted his happiness to be my contentment, too. I worked hard to be more open, more loving, more understanding because on the face of it, polyamory did make sense to me. Logically speaking, that is.

But the relationship became more and more strained, and I became more and more volatile, until it hit me one day: I’d been attempting to overwrite my own erotic intelligence.

Not my intellectual intelligence, the kind that helps me do mental calculations or speak new languages. Rather, my erotic intelligence is a wisdom coded deeply in my body to help navigate intimate relationships in a way that is personalized for me. It tells me whether I’m on track or off track in a relationship, whether what’s happening is for my highest good and purpose.

This intelligence kicked in not when my partner told me he wanted a non-exclusive sexual relationship, but when I deluded myself into thinking I could be okay with it. It went off like an alarm in the background, signaling to me that I was off my purpose. It’s not about what he chooses to do, it’s about what I choose for myself.

The whole thing about loving your partner unconditionally and taking responsibility for your own emotions remains true. I can still love him unconditionally and accept what makes him happy. At the same time, I can set clear boundaries about what is okay and not okay with me. I can choose the type of relationship and dynamics I want to engage in. I can be unattached to whether we will continue to be in a relationship or not, regardless of my love for him. I can take responsibility for my own well-being, by choosing what works for me and saying no to what doesn’t.

It’s got nothing to do with morality or level of consciousness. After waking up to my own erotic intelligence, I saw how those “evolved” and “enlightened” labels I used for polyamory were merely a made-up product of my ego.

Neither polyamory nor monogamy is more superior, evolved, or enlightened than the other. There is no right or wrong, good or bad. I do not need to strive for one over the other: I need to find out my personal preference right now—and that may change with time—my purpose right now, and then choose to stay aligned with them. Alignment is a matter of integrity. If a relationship does not make me feel more alive and aligned with my life purpose, then it’s not for me.

Being in a committed relationship is a big part of my purpose at this time. I don’t know how or why, I just know it in my guts and bones. I know that the greatest contribution I give to the world will spring from my being in a committed relationship. So, not honoring that calling feels like living out of integrity with myself. My erotic intelligence was trying to tell me about the misalignment. What if I could surrender to my own genius instead of doubting it, second-guessing it, or trying to bypass it?

When I did that I realized: I didn’t need polyamory. I just needed a way of relating other than conventional monogamy. A way of relating that honors my erotic intelligence, aligns with my purpose, and inspires me to be a connoisseur of life.

Starting with me, regardless of my partner’s preferences, I designed my own version of relating that would make my heart sing: A relationship where my partner and I actively choose to be sexually exclusive with each other, while staying open to non-sexual loving touch and emotional intimacy with other people. A relationship built on the foundation of complete trust. It means we’re free to hang out and have dinner with friends of the opposite sex. We can even cuddle, eye-gaze, enjoy a Christian side-hug, breathe synchronously, or do any non-sexual Tantric practices with anyone we choose. We’re available for compassionate, playful, loving exchange with more than one person. However, when it comes to physical sexual engagement, we remain exclusive to each other.

When he and I finally compared notes, it was obvious that we were heading down two different paths. Our relationship transitioned from a sexual one to a deeply supportive, caring, and trusting friendship. To this day, I’m grateful for the opportunity to explore an alternative to a well-worn tradition, and then, to carve out my own path that’s also different from the usual alternative.

You ok?

> thinking 'bias' is an adjective because you didn't catch the /t/ at the end and you're fucking illiterate