Some spicy house buying drama across /r/realestate /r/personalfinance and /r/bestof

8  2017-09-16 by xtagtv

Sorted by Q&A because the best drama comes from people confronting the OP. The /r/realestate thread has the most drama, if you read one thread, just do that one.

TLDR: OP /u/BfWants wants her boyfriend to buy a house that is out of their price range so they can 'grow into it financially.' For a variety of reasons, she is completely incapable of anything resembling actually supporting her boyfriend or the house. People tear into her for her entitled attitude and poor financial planning.


wants her boyfriend to buy a house that is out of their price range so they can 'grow into it financially.'

A house isn't a pair of pants that are a bit loose on you. Buying property you can't afford so you can "grow into it" may be the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Seriously, OP's boyfriend should run. Just run away and never look back. Then rest easy knowing that he dodged a HUGE bullet.

I'm not actually able to work and don't have credit to get a loan, we're on a single income but I'll be supporting the home. He told me it's not really necessary for me to be on the title since he'll be paying and taking out the loans, but there's definitely an advantage to both people being on it I'm sure.

...but please let me know all of the advantages of having both people on the title.

One of the reasons I want to be on the title is to protect my investment in case the relationship doesn't work out.

How would it go if potentially he paid the down payment, made all the mortgage payments, and then we split but my name was also on the title? Would I still be able to keep half of the equity from the house? I contribute in other ways to the relationship and will continue to contribute in other ways to the house. That has to be accounted for somehow.

C'mon. This is a troll. A pretty good one, granted.

Yeah, too many bullet points gives it away. Troll is going for too much at once.

Subplot: Looks at relationships as monetary investments

protect my investment in case the relationship doesn't work out

Subplot: Obesity

I have medical and legal issues to deal with... I have a mobility problem due to my weight because of some medical issues I have.

Subplot: sexual harassment suit payout

I am hoping to get a cash settlement from a former employer

Subplot: broke and bad with money

I don't have any money... I already don't have any credit. There's a lot of credit card debt that I've never paid and I've been dealing with collections for a long time now.

Subplot: doesn't plan on working and can't do basic house work either.

But it's where we're going to live and where I will spend all my time while he's at work so it should be a nice place... I can't really do a lot of house repairs besides basic stuff like change lightbulbs or wait for the repairman.

The biggest giveaway is you have someone with admitted shit money skills talking about real estate investments. Doesn't jive. Dedicated troll tho, I'll give them that.

Don't forget Poes law, you just never know

When I was younger I fell for an ex telling me that I should pay for everything while dating so she could save up for a down payment on a house. In reality what happened is I got into debt so she could pay hers off. Then when I asked her to pay $40 for something she got really upset and claimed I was trying to 'profit off her'.

Point is women like in the OP exist, I just think that those posts are all troll posts.

Honestly I thought so too but I agree it was a pretty good one. Its a little obvious when he introduces the "too fat to work" angle but he definitely riled some people up. He made the classic blunder of introducing too much unrealistic stuff too fast. But for the troll, since I have no doubt youll read this, thanks for being the kind of troll that just pisses people off.

She's a either troll or like 21 at the oldest.

white females are the single most privileged group in modern society

/u/BFWants just lol

First thought: the sex must be really good. That or she's blackmailing him.