Some belated Zimmerman vs Martin seriousposting in /r/UnethicalLifeProTips.

17  2017-09-16 by Whores_anus


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Oh my god yaaasssssss! /s

Is that girl from Japan cuz she blurry as fuck

Why are you such a faggot? Do you really have nothing better to do with your life that this shitty "haha nigger got killeded!" bullshit?

How is he wrong?

From his own link

from your link

Di Maio testified that he did not take into account several witnesses who said Zimmerman was the aggressor in the struggle. He also said, when pressed, that Zimmerman's injuries could have been caused by rolling around on concrete with Trayvon.

There's eye witnesses saying Zimmerman was the aggressor and his injuries are in line with wounds from Trayvon defending himself.

It's completely possible that Zimmerman attacked Trayvon, Trayvon defended himself and when he saw he was going to lose Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon

It's also possible that Zimmerman started the confrontation (Something that's very much in line with his criminal history)

This guy is an eye witness to the fight?


There are eyewitnesses that claim they saw no planes hit the WTC.

Did you forget the outcome of the trial? Nvm your feelings are more important.

There's a comment on there claiming the pro-Martin eyewitnesses were inconsistent and one of them admitted to lying, and the pro-Zimmerman eyewitnesses were consistent - no one disproved him there, so you should go there and be the first.

Today's my day off. I have lots of stuff going on in my life more important than this. I love triggering you sensitive retards with facts though!

And don't say that word, you racist white supremacist!

I love triggering you sensitive retards with facts though!


And don't say that word, you racist white supremacist!

Why are you such a retard. Go back to posting about pizza gate

Yup, facts. Got a real source to prove that Zimmerman's life was not in danger? Because I provided one!

I'm not a retard. And seriously, if Bill Maher can't get away with it, what makes you think you can? You're such a racist.

Think about how much money Zimmerman saved taxpayers on his welfare, his inevitable baby mama's welfare, and the cost per year once he ended up in the clink.

Zimmerman wouldn't have been at risk of death if he hadn't picked a fight.

His head was cracked open on the sidewalk you moron, of course he was at risk of death.

Maybe don't stalk people at night?

He wasn't stalking. This is stalking. He was well within his legal right to follow him and report him to the police for trespassing.

One's well within their rights to do a lot of shit. However, somebody following a child around at night with a gun because they think they're a cop is a fucking idiot. It shouldn't be self-defense when you're acting like a creep and that leads you to getting assaulted. George Zimmerman is soley responsible for Trayvon Martin's death. He goes on the list with OJ. Yeah. He wasn't found guilty. But he fucking murdered that kid.

don't bother, it's the zimmerman lover guy the linked thread.

This is quite possibly the most retarded analogy I've read in 2017. Congratulations!

No that girl isn't in the right. She's guilty of battery.

Are you claiming he wasn't trespassing, and that Zimmerman was literally pestering him and giving him no exist like in your analogy?

And if Zimmerman hadn't picked a fight, his head wouldn't have been cracked open.


He didn't pick a fight, dumbass. The medical examiner sided with Zimmerman's account of him being attacked first.

Stalking someone in the dark with your gun drawn after the cops tell you not to is picking a fight.

Not stalking, gun wasn't drawn, and doesn't matter Martin was still a violent piece of shit and that's what you get for attempting murder.

As opposed to successful murder, where you get celebrated by angry racists on the internet, like Zimmerman.

I'd shoot you.

There can only be one autistic child in this town

As opposed to successful murder,

So you've got nothing to say in response to the drawn gun thing, right?

where you get celebrated by angry racists on the internet, like Zimmerman.

Satisfied and smug racists, not angry ones.

How would you react if I followed you around tomorrow night, in the dark, with a weapon?

1) Are you trespassing property? If yes, that's what you get and you should get out.

2) If no, trying to escape - and if that seems more risky than b), then:

2b) coming closer and asking them what they want - and if jumping on them was deemed "necessary" because he was armed and you weren't, quit attacking after you've taken their weapon.

Are you saying he wasn't trespassing, he saw the gun, running away wasn't the safer option that coming up to the supposed attacker, and he was planning to quit attacking the moment he'd secured the gun but Zimmerman got it first and fired?

Hey, USA Today! I sometimes use those to clean my windows or start fires.

Do you have another article saying that the medical examiner said something else?

"The medical evidence is consistent with Mr. Zimmerman's statement," said Vincent Di Maio, an expert witness for the defense.

An expert witness for the defense is not the medical examiner, fucktard.

According to this article, the medical examiner was Shiping Bao.

/u/mathwhilehigh, congrats on ruining your credibility with pizzagate.

Why was Podesta paying people to have children in his hot tub?

Was this hot tub in the nonexistent rape dungeon?

And the dungeon in the basement? I keep forgetting where that's supposed to be, but then again, so do your fellow conspiratards.

Show me the email that is mentioned.

no u

I didn't claim anything about a secret torture dungeon. No one serious ever did. The weird stuff about child porn (cheese pizza is slang for this and where the name comes from, not the pizzeria) and human trafficking in his emails has not been investigated yet.

cheese pizza is slang for this


Its used in lots of forums that share that kind of stuff. Facebook groups and subreddits too until they were shut down...which took a long time.

But, like, do you have a source?

This is from voat. They did not censor the pizzagate stuff like Reddit did, so you can find good research on there. I just noticed original image was taken down, I don't know how. But the top comment reads the ad that he found on the dark web researching this stuff.

That subverse or whatever it's called is auto filtered.

The FBI doesn't waste time investigating whacked out claims made by retards.

Really? There's more evidence for pizzagate than Russian Collusion.

Get your gun and go investigate.

Do you know what happens when you investigate these people? I don't want to commit suicide by shorting myself in the back of the head 5 times.

Well I guess you don't care about those kids then 🤔

I do, but I don't want to get Vince Foster'd.

This comment thread got me to finally look up what all that Spirit Cooking nonsense is all about. Holllly fuck.

Now you may believe Podesta and associates just happen to relish possible heated pool swims along with children (ages 11, 9, and almost 7!), or "instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, ... a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses" quite literally and innocently. That those are not code words for anything other than regular life. But it's pretty certain that Podesta's brother Tony is into some straight up occult shit passed off as "art", and he invited his brother along. Like goddamn.

I was expecting something way more vague.

Don't teach black kids not to beat peoples' heads into concrete.

Teach fat spics not to shoot.


Holy fuck I really brought the tards out of the woodwork with this one. 🙈