User in /r/starterpacks calls autists who take a casual family game too seriously autists. Autists proceed to vigorously defend their fellow autists!!

29  2017-09-16 by blertyuh


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Smash is a stupid game and all button mashing

Is this some Pokey Man bullshit for Chris-Chan wannabes?

This is why we need eugenics.

Seriously, people who take Nintendo games so seriously should be removed from the human gene pool.

If you can't beat Super Metroid in under an hour just kys

My favorite Metroid. I would love a non portable sidescroller like that again.

someone that plays in video game tournaments and complains about autists is like someone playing in professional sports and complaining about meatheads

Considering the mix of topics, it was still orders of magnitude more insightful than it had any right to be.

A tragic tale of literally everyone involved in that thread being autistic.

Check your unautist privilege you unautist Nazi!

There's so much "autism" in this. It makes me think the child (OP) is severely retarded.