/r/Bodybuilding in meltdown mode after pregnantlooking Phil Heath wins Mr. Olympia over Big Ramy
60 2017-09-17 by FTFallen
Phil Heath won his 7th Mr. Olympia in a row(Super Bowl of bodybuilding) yesterday despite coming in with a massive HGH gut. This is multiple years in a row now he's won over dudes with arguably better physiques. People are pissed because it continues to show bodybuilding is a political "sport" and only the anointed ones can win.
Whole sub is now Phil Heath is fat memes.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-09-17
This, but unironically.
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1 Oh_hamburgers_ 2017-09-17
I too am a straight man who likes looking at lumpy naked men.
1 Fletch71011 2017-09-17
This but unironically.
1 MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-09-17
1 sumant28 2017-09-17
Just, what?
1 UniversityDaniel 2017-09-17
For gays who are too afraid to admit they like a nice dick
1 MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-09-17
A fair number of bisexual guys refuse to accept they're bisexual so they try and make these weird ass claims that they're actually straight.
1 better_bot 2017-09-17
"No way, I'm married! And so what if I ask her to bring guys home? They're for her!"
1 cheers_grills 2017-09-17
I only suck dicks for the taste.
1 better_bot 2017-09-17
I firmly believe you must suck a dick to know if you're gay or not. But then what if you turn gay after that dick? Well you have to find another just to be sure you haven't.
1 Crowsworth 2017-09-17
I'm not gay, but the guy sucking my dick might be.
1 Khalynhink 2017-09-17
Its funny until you're the woman in the scenario... Then when you're not the woman in the scenario anymore, ITS FUCKING HYSTERICAL.
1 Bronafide 2017-09-17
Dont worryman, they dont even look like humans anymore
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
They all look like they've been flayed lmao
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-17
They all look ugly, hideous and completely repulsive. 0/10.
1 AMD_2017 2017-09-17
Blame the judges
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-17
I blame the body building community for glorifying this bullshit.
1 better_bot 2017-09-17
I blame the women for fucking them.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-17
Bad bot.
1 better_bot 2017-09-17
Bad boy
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-17
1 wisty 2017-09-17
That's like blaming men for anorexics.
Women like a guy who works out a bit. Think Hugh Jackedman in Wolverine at most.
But they overshoot the mark, and turn it into a mental illness.
1 AMD_2017 2017-09-17
If being a roided up meatcicle didn't win awards, the competitors wouldn't train in that manner.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-17
If people like this never existed then there would never be any such competition.
1 Fokusfaehre 2017-09-17
Yeah but have you fulfilled your dream of turning into a giant humanoid crayfish?
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-17
I have fulfilled my dream of being a slice of buttered toast so that counts for something right?
1 DickingBimbos247 2017-09-17
1 Karmaisforsuckers 2017-09-17
I dont see any good meltdowns.
1 FTFallen 2017-09-17
Becoming a Fat Heath meme sub isn't enough of a meltdown for you?
1 carthoris26 2017-09-17
Shitposting isn't really a meltdown, good drama though.
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
I agree. I would actually argue that this is the best the sub has been in the past 2 years
1 _Norm_ 2017-09-17
literally every single one of those bodies is a visual nightmare.
1 DontTrustRedditors 2017-09-17
I know, right? Who the fuck wants to look like that?
1 searingsky 2017-09-17
Wow dont kinkshame
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-17
That's not kink. That's autism.
1 LedinToke 2017-09-17
ableism smh
1 Honk4Tits 2017-09-17
right, Arnold Swartzenegger had like beautiful body and it was jacked. These guys are gross. r
1 WarSanchez 2017-09-17
They look like all their fathers are Slim Jims and their mothers where spray tanned leather shoes.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-17
Arnold looked repulsive too. 0/10
1 TNBK 2017-09-17
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-17
Ya habibi. Al-sharad-dawab to you too my nigga
Perks of having sand/curry ni🅱🅱er friends ;)
1 TNBK 2017-09-17
This is the cringiest thing a high school student has ever written
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-17
I wish! :(
1 totalarkwar 2017-09-17
They look like cast members in a new season of Jersey Shore. If anyone thinks these guys look good they should be ostracized.
1 Thot_Crusher 2017-09-17
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
As long as they and their fans don't have any delusions about this representing the "Herculean ideal of male beauty" or whatever, I don't really see the problem - they do like inhuman muscle mountain trolls, but maybe that was the goal?
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
I love the way that their bodies are oiled but their heads aren't makes them look like their faces have been poorly photoshopped on.
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
They all look like they've been flayed lmao
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
It reminded me mostly of when my dad used wood stain on the garden furniture.
1 TrailerParkBride 2017-09-17
They look like rhinoceros shit
1 Thot_Crusher 2017-09-17
They all look like super mutants. Probably have the same brainpower as well
1 MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-09-17
Milk is secret to humans. Mack Beth say milk make humans strong. Stronger than super mutants. Strong find milk, drink milk. Make super mutants stronger than humans.
1 Thot_Crusher 2017-09-17
Turns out milk is actually steroids
1 ragazzo_soup 2017-09-17
1 headasplodes 2017-09-17
What kind of queers watch bodybuilding competitions but insist they aren't gay
1 Thot_Crusher 2017-09-17
Gays are attracted to men, not whatever monsters those things are
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
Gay4pay is a big thing in the bodybuilding community. Gays like different stereotype men like twinks/bears/etc
1 Thot_Crusher 2017-09-17
Are you implying that gays are attracted to monsters
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
Are you on a computing device on which you can view NSFW material?
1 Thot_Crusher 2017-09-17
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
Current Olympia Winner
1 Thot_Crusher 2017-09-17
They look less like monsters when they're not painted. And that old guy need to stop everything
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
1 Time_to_Drink 2017-09-17
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
Gays do like monsters
1 Time_to_Drink 2017-09-17
I'm still not seeing gay ness. I'm seeing a weird freak, and I'm guessing this is you? Why do you have these pics??
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
Yes that's me,because I fap to them
1 Time_to_Drink 2017-09-17
Stop posting pics of yourself, you freaky looking
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
No one and everyone at the same time, homosexuality is a big meme on /r/bodybuilding.
1 RichEvansSextape 2017-09-17
WWE owner Vince K. McMahon.
1 Imgur_Lurker 2017-09-17
what in tarnation
1 TedBundyAMA 2017-09-17
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
What's your question? Gear = steroids and human growth hormone. States like Kuwait apparently don't punish bb'ers there for using the drugs they need, and apparently they are very high quality. That is the rumour at least.
1 better_bot 2017-09-17
Yeah but can you really call your hobby a "sport" if you let someone win to boost supplement and merch sales in a certain region?
1 boyoyoyoyong 2017-09-17
This is why the whole dangers of steroid use is so overblown. These guys are on more gear then a thoroughbred race horse year round and aren't dropping dead by the dozen
1 FTFallen 2017-09-17
Bruh Dallas McCarver and Rich Pianna both died in the last month. All these dudes die in their 40's.
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
One died from choking on his food, the other was a known barb/opiate user.
I mean steroids can fuck you up but this is hardly examples of it.
1 geraldo42 2017-09-17
They die constantly. Top level bodybuilders and people who do strength competitions die at absurd rates. It's not healthy to even have that much muscle let alone be taking all that gear.
1 ALoudMouthBaby 2017-09-17
The problem is the long term impact of all the shit they are on doesnt really show until their late 30s, early 40s by which point they are usually semi retired and out of the spotlight. On top of that tons of idiots do a cycle of two of gear and see no immediate negative side effects so they think its perfectly safe and all part of a government conspiracy to..... something.
PEDs and the culture surrounding them are an absolute train wreck.
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
As do most pro athletes
1 geraldo42 2017-09-17
No not really. Pro athletes often have their own health problems but not in the "heart stops at age 40" level.
1 CanTheSRDine 2017-09-17
Pro athletes also abuse drugs, but not at that level.
1 Mort_DeRire 2017-09-17
lmao like 17 of them have died in the last month
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
1 Crowsworth 2017-09-17
Dude, they die all the time. Even some of the lesser roidy places like wrestling and sports that could make use of the mass also suffer from it. Body building is a pretty niche area of the world, but if you look into it you can find some really dark shit.
1 neutralvoter 2017-09-17
this is the celebration of addiction nothing more. it's not healthy. it doesn't look good. it's not beneficial. it is, through and through, addiction
1 FTFallen 2017-09-17
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
Bombing countries isn't very healthy either yet we thank military personnel for their service
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
Quite funny though.
1 RichEvansSextape 2017-09-17
Thank God we have you to warn /r/drama regulars away from a career in bodybuilding. I was starting to worry about /u/JoanWayneGacy when they developed a ton of back acne.
1 neutralvoter 2017-09-17
what? i would never warn anyone against addiction. I simply think it's important to call a spade a spade. wait, I'm still allowed to use that expression right?
1 RichEvansSextape 2017-09-17
I'll be nice here
I'm making fun of you for sounding like a concerned SRDine instead of laughing at these brown orc people
1 neutralvoter 2017-09-17
the intent of calling someone's precious 'sport' a run of the mill addiction is not one of concern
1 lurker093287h 2017-09-17
This is very cruel but quite funny
Also why do they all paint their bodies so they look like the are carved out of wood and varnished, or really well done sausages.
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
They oil them because the stage lighting will reflect better on the oiled muscles.
1 Crowsworth 2017-09-17
Partly, its also to hide the fucking awful acne they get from banging the roids. Seeing them without their chavtan is pretty brutal.
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
What the fuck is asthetic meant to mean?
1 carthoris26 2017-09-17
Aesthetic, "a branch of philosophy that explores the nature of art, beauty, and taste, with the creation and appreciation of beauty."
So looking big but beautiful, the ideal male form - think Arnold, as opposed to a pregnant turtle.
Also this is why people are pissed. Green trunks is Big Remy.
1 leather-muffin 2017-09-17
What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with their legs.
1 better_bot 2017-09-17
That's actually how lots of men were built before the liberals started putting fluoride in the water.
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
Right, but that makes no sense in the context of the comic above. You can't say something is 'more aesthetic'.
1 carthoris26 2017-09-17
Sure you can, at least colloquially. More aesthetic = more beautiful, perfect, ideal.
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
That's really not how you use that word as an adjective.
1 carthoris26 2017-09-17
BB subs and forums use it that way all the time.
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
I'm gonna argue that that's not anywhere near widespread enough to consider it a change in language. It's just a group of people all using it wrong because they're terrified of using words like 'hot' and admitting the underlying homoeroticism of their hobby.
1 carthoris26 2017-09-17
All right, I'll go down this rabbit hole: it's BB jargon. It doesn't matter that it's used differently or wrong in other contexts - the use of aesthetic as an adjective in that way is common in BB communities, accepted as normal, and a really bizarre thing to fixate on so heavily. You're already dismissing it as homoerotic so who cares if they use the word "wrong"?
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
Nobody, until their community gets attention from the wider world for whatever reason, at which point people go 'hey, that's not how you use that word'.
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
What the fuck are you on about - the only incorrect thing there was the spelling.
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
No, that's not how you use the word. You can talk about something having an aesthetic, or you can talk about it having an aesthetic quality, but it's not an adjective like beautiful or handsome, it doesn't mean 'good'. Something or someone can have an ugly aesthetic.
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
And that's where you're WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
Nope. It's easy to look up, the word aesthetic doesn't contain a value-judgement. People might use the word like that on bodybuilding forums, but that's still a misuse.
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
Yes they do, everywhere, at all times.
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
That sentence doesn't even make sense in response to mine. Rein in your autism.
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
People use "aesthetical" or "aesthetic", as a synonym to "beautiful", literally everywhere outside of bodybuilding culture, all the time.
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
No, they don't. That's a pretty weird assertion.
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
You've been living under the rock and are unaware of common word usages, that's how it is.
I don't need to look up anything because I regular see people use it that way. If dictionaries haven't yet caught up with that after as much as at least a decade, then it's about time they should - though I'm 99% positive they have, and you're clueless about that as well.
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
And yet not positive enough to spend 5 seconds looking it up.
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
Yup - un fucking necessary. If it's not in there, it's been slacking.
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
"I'm not wrong, it's the rest of the world."
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
"I'm not wrong, it's the rest of the world."
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
That'd work better if I couldn't show you a bunch of sources saying I'm right. You can't. Which presumably is why you didn't want to look it up earlier. It's a nice position to take though, 'I'm sure the dictionaries will back me up, and if they don't they're wrong.' Talk about hedging your bets.
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
What's with your obsession with "sources" and "evidence" like some kinda ocd autist? What do you think this is -
Some kind of peer-reviewed double blind experiment, or what?
If you're out there, witnessing people having conversations about film, music etc., you notice people using it that way - it's incredibly common, mundane almost.
So either your is unable to retain such patterns, or you don't hang around those areas - more so rather in the under a rock type of areas.
So wtf are you, lecturing me about how aesthetics isn't used that way because it's not in some dictionary that you randomly opened? Yes it is - I didn't bat an eye when I saw that picture, but I was honestly baffled and had a good laugh about the inane discussion that was started about it in this thread; it's like yeah, that's what the word means.
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
The part where you can't show one I guess.
Do you not know what a dictionary is?
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
All walks o' life.
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
You'd think there'd be some easy examples then.
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
Trainspotting, Renton on gay stuff: "At the end it's just about whom you fancy - it's aesthetics, not morality. But try telling Begbie that."
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
That doesn't support your case. Glad you've finally tried to find some examples though, got anything else?
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
Now you're just being gay. How in the fuck does it not support the case? The preference (that's a positive value judgement lmao) for cock or pussy is referred to as "aesthetics", that's literally what you pretended was the "wrong" use.
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
Can you really not work it out? Take the definition I've given you, then apply it to that sentence.
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
Gave you an example that contains value judgement.
In fact:
So I've even spelled it out for you already.
Except they use it everywhere else too - and not just to avoid saying "hot" lmao
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
No you didn't, you just read it wrong. You're so invested in this that you can't even read the sentence correctly, or even conceive that it could be interpreted differently.
So far you've come up with on line from a film, and you got it wrong. Surely if it's so common you can find something?
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
Now you're reeeeaaaaaaaaaaching brah
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/aesthetical "Of or pertaining to beauty"
https://www.dict.cc/?s=aesthetic One of the meanings is "schön", which means "beautiful".
Those two sites were just in my recent search history, I didn't even bother to look up anything else lolmao
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
Wow. You literally just gave my definition and weren't able to work it out. Nice one.
Wait, which one of us is reaching?
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
A thing "of beauty" = beautiful = value judgement.
What the fuck is "reaching" about this? This is 1:1 meaning explanation from a dictionary, cunt.
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
Oh dear. You had to search for a definition to cherrypick to even get close to what you wanted and you still got it wrong. Of beauty and pertaining to beauty are not the same as beauty. And your attempt at using 'schön' was frankly fucking hysterical. Anyhow, it's been fun, later.
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
That's what you do with dictionary - you search for words; in a book, you go through the alphabet.
Using one of the 3 definitions is cherrypicking?
I got exactly what I "wanted", and I got it right.
Of beauty = beautiful. Of beauty =/= beauty, because one is an adjective equivalent and the other one's a substantive.
It wasn't an "attempt" - I actually used it.
And I've no idea what was "frankly fucking hysterical" about it considering it unambiguously proved you wrong - yes, "aesthetic(al)" = "beautiful".
There's no more room for discussion here - you wanted your autistic dictionary definitions, you got 2 + a famous movie quote. You've got literally nothing to laugh about here.
I can see your sweaty deer in the headlights face all the way from here lmao
1 SamWhite 2017-09-17
Buh-bye now.
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
I think it's "more aesthetical" - or "more aesthetics" when something contains more visual stuff etc.
1 wisty 2017-09-17
"Asthetic" is well proportioned.
Of course, none of them have been asthetic for decades, so it now basically means "doesn't look weird even for a bodybuilder".
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
Wait is it spelled "astethic" or "asthetic"?
1 lurker093287h 2017-09-17
I think it either aesthasetic or aesthetic.
1 GuillotinesNOW 2017-09-17
That entire sub needs to come out of the closet already.
The type of guy to ogle and argue about the bodies of a stage full of dudes is definitely the type of guy to suck off his friend and say "it's just a prank, bro."
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
What makes you think they're in the closet? People talk about homosexuality on that sub all the time
1 Time_to_Drink 2017-09-17
Are you the guy who has a theory that all bodybuilders are secretly gay, and there is illuminati like conspiracy to produce gay porn with bodybuilders, but then to keep it secret?
You have file of photos to 'prove' it from memory?
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
What made you think that?
Check my post history. I ain't stylin I'm high profilin'
1 Time_to_Drink 2017-09-17
I'm guessing this is your new account, or an alt.
So tell me more about this body building/ gang member/ gay porn/sex/prostitution/ down low fantasy of yours?
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
I tend to get banned off subs so I make new accounts every few months.
I'm autistic. Ask specific questions or you're not going to get an answer. What do you want to be told specifically?
1 Time_to_Drink 2017-09-17
Post some of pics from your file with the explanations of how it's this or that drug lord/ gang leader/ mucho man who is also secretly a gay porn store/ giggilo for gear and money. Don't skimp on the theory part
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
Search Kai Greene Grapefruit on google
1 Time_to_Drink 2017-09-17
That's a solo clip, and an old meme. You have pics on hand, I know you do. I remember you aired it all on SRD some years back, and you got upvoted (degenerates)
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
A gay4pay meme
1 Time_to_Drink 2017-09-17
My god it's totally you!
Who was the gang leader, from Chicago or something, that was secretly gay4pay? You have/had a pic?
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
you wanna converse more
1 Time_to_Drink 2017-09-17
Don't be so coy. Post the down low gang leader muscle man bussy, or GTFO
1 glmox 2017-09-17
jesus christ how horrifying
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
Not just that, the classique physique division was won by a dude with a giant nipple because of steroid usage
1 xjapxn 2017-09-17
Holy fuck nuggets, where is the second guy's diaphragm?!
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
Are you ready
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
1 xjapxn 2017-09-17
1 autisticperson123 2017-09-17
Are you not on a computer on which you can view NSFW material
1 xjapxn 2017-09-17
was not, like, emotionally and mentally, man
you're seriously harshing my mellow over here
1 Wasserkopp 2017-09-17
What the FUCK
1 RichEvansSextape 2017-09-17
Why is the white guy as black as the black guy
1 Kekistanian9000 2017-09-17
What's with their skin? Are those guys are perpetuating brown supremacy?
1 General_Insomnia 2017-09-17
No guts no glory.
1 ason 2017-09-17
Look at the bumps on their stomachs in the stage pics. Those are injections sites. You can also see them on Jon Jones and other juicy MMA fighters.