EXCLUSIVE: ESPN tried to kick Jemele Hill off the air and replace her with another black host – ThinkProgress

37  2017-09-17 by reallynotacop42069




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I actually love this slow painful death of espn. yeah the biggest reason they are dying is their dumbass TV contracts, subscriber fees, and failure to adapt to the age of streaming, but them turning sports from a fun thing that everyone could enjoy to this non-stop political bullshit has made me so sad, is this how hardcore video games felt during "gamegate", i know its not the same thing but im only a casual gamer so i didnt really give a shit about the whole thing. I hope espn reads the reddit comments in "other discussions" and doubles down on their bullshit, they dont realize that the redditors who actually like progressive points mixed in with sports are a very small minority of their once large viewing base.

im seriousposting because both my football teams suck and it makes me sad

I'm pretty sure sports fans tend to hover around the center of the political spectrum. I don't think they want to hear about political bullshit when they're trying to catch the highlights, there's plenty of places for politics.

ESPN thinking it's an actual news organization instead of a 24/7 highlight reel is what is killing it.

Bring back the fun of old school Sportscenter and their ratings would improve dramatically

Old school sportscenter can't exist anymore because their thunder is stolen by Bleacherreport, SBNation etc. Why wait to find out what's going on watching SC when you can just go online and find a blog that has everything up to date instantly. SC is a concept that just doesn't have an audience these days. Don't get me wrong, I love Sportscenter but its time has come and gone.

I see where you're coming from but I'd still have SC on in the background while getting dressed in the morning if it weren't complete and total crap

That's exactly what I used to do. Wake up, flip on sportscenter while making breakfast and getting dressed. Now, I just open my phone and click on an app and get sports news and results tailored exactly to what I want to see. Those SC guys get paid way too much to just be background noise.

Well, they don't have anyone who can even sniff the talent that Dan Patrick and Keith Olbermann had when the show took off, either, especially since Stu Scott died. SC hasn't had a household name host in years.

Lol imagine if they had the balls to suspend her and then have white fill in hosts?

ESPN is held hostage by their black employees.

they suspended linda cohn, one of their most tenured and valuable personalities for saying that espn should be less political lol

Curt Schilling = White male = fired

Linda Cohn = White Woman = disciplined

Jemelle Hill = Black Woman = un-fucking-touchable

They want to move ESPN into the new age, any age where everyone's a minority, there's no dissent from the Democratic platform, and no one subscribes to cable and ESPN.

actual hardcore gamers

caring about gamergate

At the time gamergate happened I was playing 3 hours a day on weekdays and 4-8 on weekends. I wasn't even aware of what it actually was until well after the fact because as a "hard core gamer" at the time, I played video games instead of reading lame websites.

I wasn't even aware of what it actually was until well after the fact because as a "hard core gamer" at the time, I played video games instead of reading lame websites.

So what was our hard to rinse princeling doing?

Yeah sorry about that drubbing by State last night fam

is this how hardcore video games felt during "gamergate"


Which teams

lsu and saints

Ah Vikings fan here so this week wasn't great, but at least I've learned to expect disappointment

yeah i knew we were fucked when we hired O, still sucks though.

Ouch sorry man. We almost put 40 on you today. I always feel bad for teams after Brady loses.

ESPN essentially has no future because of this. They chose 8% of the population, over 60+% of it, entirely because that 8% is overrepresented in sports.

And sports-watchers tend to be conservative.

Lol, wrong. ESPN has no future because they're stuck with a dying business model. As someone else pointed out, streaming and blogs have eclipsed ESPN.

No, they could shift their model. But you can't redeem a brand.

Oh look its a T_D shitposter

ESPN is skullfucked for a multitude of reasons, political grandstanding a highly visible, but minor issue. Cord cutting and the dwindling appeal of staple sports (football, baseball) are killing them.

And until recently, Disney had its entire fate riding on ESPN's ability to draw in compulsory cable buy-in fees.

I think I posted on T_D once... What did you do, troll my entire history to find that one post?

How fucking creepy are you?

If I said I just made an assumption, would you call me a bitch?

You don't belong here, outsider. Hippity hoppity get off my property

ESPN is the best network to not air sports, ever since MTV became the best network to never air music videos.

Twitter has made me hate the country where I've lived most of my life.

REAL LIFE SHIT is being affected by people who cannot properly articulate things past 160 characters.

Like, you have a problem at work so you tweet 😡🤐😡?

People who use twitter, please 🔨🍆