The Emmys in a nutshell.

47  2017-09-18 by LSU_Coonass


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Watching any awards show is grounds for gassing in my book.

I'm not sure if that's an antisemitic comment goy we know these award shows are full of God's chosen people

God's chosen people

I didn't think Mormons were that prevalent in the film industry

We're not.

Black and (flaming) gay Titus Burgess was snubbed so Alec Baldwin and two annoying white late night hosts could do yet another "DAE hate Drumpf" circlejerk on live tv

do you think they even realize that they did this?

Titus handled it well

Also him and Alec Baldwin have kissed before.

Alec Baldwin said he "didn't hate Trump", I think.

But they are stupid

Not as dumb as anarchists and commies tho.

But anarchists and commies aren't as dumb as creationists, birthers, pizzagaters, Sandy Hook truthers, and Trump voters.

But anarchists and commies aren't

as dumb as creationists, birthers, pizzagaters, Sandy

Hook truthers, and Trump voters.



DAE think that people who disagree with them are stupid?

Such an original thought!

This but unironically.


calling other people stupid

you missed the "Low Effort" flair.

The funny part is, this is a perfect description of the channel shit show airs on.