"If the dating and sex advice transgresses any articles of faith, then that advice should be re-written." TiTrC floats the idea of redpilling r/menslib on dating again, (lady)mods aren't having it.

61  2017-09-18 by v_is_one_person


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Where exactly our preferences as a society should be is a colossal topic for discussion far outside the scope of this thread, my point was where they should not be: they should not be reinforcing the harmful, narrow, rigid norms that so often define our preferences today. They should be far broader, more encompassing; we should strive to condition ourselves and each other to see the value in a great variety of people, so that we do not encounter situations where people with positive traits are unwanted purely by virtue of being the "wrong gender" to possess them.

/u/SOCIAL_JUSTICE_NPC, if communism and ignosticism had a vague thought baby, it would be your sackless comment. Please keep yourself safe.

What I don't understand about that social constructionism shit is that animals exist. Do they believe that cats are attracted to fit individuals of the opposite sex because of innate instincts, but in humans it's all purely socially determined, entirely coincidentally to produce the exact same results as in cats? /u/SOCIAL_JUSTICE_NPC, what in tarnation.

What are they even getting worked up about? I have literally no idea what these autistic ladyboys are talking about.

human spork /u/SOCIAL_JUSTICE_NPC is horribly offended that most of society prefers regular cutlery.

Underrated post

human spork /u/SOCIAL_JUSTICE_NPC is horribly offended that most of society prefers regular cutlery.

Fucking lol.

My interpretation is that they are interesting in controlling people's love life and preferences.

Tits made recommendations for normies (as in 99.9% of people). Sjw Npc is mad because this is a selfish "liberal", "incremental" measure that will make transwomen like herself that can't transition to female literally die because they will have to perform masculine if they are to attract a mate. (Apparently she didn't get the memo that getting a mate is not a human right, so it's not oppressive.) Her suggestion is for sexless Menslibbers is to, in solidarity with sexless gender dysphorias, reject gender roles in a glorious gender norm revolution which will abolish all gender roles forever because biotruths don't real.

I'm fairly certain that I didn't exaggerate that.

"r/latestagegenderbinary is leaking" in other words.

please don't be real please don't be real

Better than expected tbh.

This was my favorite post from them:

FYI; there's plenty of lonely conservatives too.

Sure. There are lonely Regressives, Reactionaries, Facists, and so on. But it is definitely not our imperative to go out of our way to help them find anything but redemption, or shackles.


w e w

Ah, the tolerant regressive Left.



SJW npc is unable to extrapolate the likely situation that their bad advice will just discredit their positions overall. If any stupid young kid follows their advice and gets burned by it, then follows some 'red pill' advice that actually works, they just permanently converted someone to the alt-right

So good job for you, social justice moron

It's amazing to see how many of the "men" there openly admit to a level of dating difficulty which qualifies them for the incel subs. At a certain point you'd think some of them would say "this approach isn't working; let's try something else," but the combination of stupidity, stubbornness, and "social justice" is a drug that creates a strange sort of toxic euphoria. It's fascinating to watch, really. Their blind attempts to piece together how social interaction works when they have a fundamentally flawed mental model of it remind me of how deaf children in Nicaragua had such a unique and insular culture that they spontaneously developed their own sign language.

I don't think it's stupidity. Rather ideological rigidness (social justice, social constructivism and all that) and paralysis. The paralysis is because of getting hammered into their heads that they need to check their toxic masculinity and that being cishetero (or whatever the term for "normal" is right now) is oppressive to faux-minorities like women and actual minorities. So acting like normal male courting-wise is buying into the toxic Patriarchy, and even though women might like it and respond to it it is still not okay since it is furthering their own internalized misogyny, and he (due to his male privilege) has more of a responsibility to dismantle the cishetero dating norms than the women that respond to classical male courting behavior. It's like a Buddhist who is so acutely aware of how killing or harming any living thing is bad karma that he gets too paralyzed to take a step outside his own doorstep -- he gets so obsessed with doing no harm that he ends up not doing anything.

I agree, but I think "analysis paralysis" definitely falls under the umbrella of stupidity. Or if not that, at least "toxic lack of common sense."

Is it really amazing that what women are looking for in a man isn't someone desperately trying to become as feminized as humanly possible?

Very succinct.

I cba to read that but I can't imagine anything in that thread has got anyone laid.

Gender studies and queer theory are some examples of subfields within sociology that deal with these issues.

u/SOCIAL_JUSTICE_NPC Those fields are not scientific at all. Fuck you. These are the first two journals I found for queer studies.

http://journals.msvu.ca/index.php/atlantis/issue/view/357/showToc http://adanewmedia.org/issues/issue-archives/issue11/

These are more blog post than science article

modern sociology ... psuedoscientific ideas within evolutionary psychology ... Gender studies and queer theory


I refuse to believe sociologist would muck around in queer theory.

Abstract: Hackers and other geeks have long described their spaces as meritocratic. Geek feminists challenge this belief as a myth. In short, so-called meritocracies reproduce extant members and favor incidental attributes; they are biased, susceptible to privilege, and unconcerned with inequitable outcomes.

This was written by a Harvard professor.

Harvard ain't what it used to be...

It's like 1/3 legacy students at this point, of course it's become self-obsessed and stupid.

It's also raised the stupid bar when it comes to admissions. Of their "100 point admission" guidelines, you get 20 points for being African American and 10 points for being female, while a perfect essay will get you 3 point and a perfect SAT 4 points.

The Technopo(e)litics of Rupi Kaur: (de)Colonial AestheTics and Spatial Narrations in the DigiFemme Age

And people said postmodernism was dead.


Help I need an adult

I'm an adult, show me where the bad words touched you.

Is that the author showing off that you can't tell if he's troll or for real?

Poes law perhaps?

psh, post-postmodernism is where it's at now


fucking kill me now.

Note: If you have to call a field of research a 'study', it isn't a science. That word seems to exist entirely so that the non-scientific, can claim to be science.

I am saying that advocating for incremental change over more radical measures is a very privileged position.


tl;dr: /u/SOCIAL_JUSTICE_NPC thinks we can re-programme women's biological desires so that they're attracted to limp-wristed male feminists

threads like those are so depressing. "i did everything feminists told me to do and no woman will go near me. do i need to double down on it? :( :("

It's all a big scam to remove these suckers from the gene pool. Working as intended.

tl;dr: /u/SOCIAL_JUSTICE_NPC thinks we can re-programme women's biological desires so that they're attracted to limp-wristed male feminists

And importantly, that this reprogramming can never under any circumstances be accomplished by, say, telling feminists to live up to their supposed ideals.

Instead, menslibbers just need to double down - as you say - on being pathetic doormats, and this will somehow result in women suddenly being convinced that that's what they're attracted to.

i mean they're blessed to have /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK

Wew lad

Imagine a subreddit being so pathetic that shits is their least-pathetic member.

telling feminists to live up to their supposed ideals.

Hell, I'm still baffled as to why these discussions center exclusively around how men should approach women. Anytime the female population wants to step it up and start making their share of approaches would solve a lot of these issues.

Geez, amen to that. There's an OKC article that says the following:

...women are 2.5x more likely to get a response than men if they initiate. If you’re a woman who sends the first message, not only are you more likely to get more responses in general, but you’ll be having conversations with more attractive guys.

[...] based on what we know, if you’re a woman and receive a message, the man who sent it is about 5 percentile points ​less attractive​ than you. But if you send the first hello, the man is about 7 percentile points ​more attractive​ than you. So if you typically wait to be approached, you could elevate your game by about 12 percent points just by sending the first message.

Holy shit, that data is abysmal. This is the one area where women have the ability to subvert gender roles completely on their own. And they are essentially retreating behind "it's the man's job" rationalization.

Pfft; "biology". "Biology" is a toxic social construct. Socially progressive (not milquetoast liberal - note the distinction) women are completely removed from regressive influences like "biology".

Moreover, socially progressive(not milquetoast liberal - note the distinction) women are drastically less likely to demonstrate traditional preferences

/u/SOCIAL_JUSTICE_NPC you mean jamals

What planet are these "people" from?

Tragically, Earth.

Moreover, socially progressive(not milquetoast liberal - note the distinction) women are drastically less likely to demonstrate traditional preferences - enough so that I suspect your prescription would be selecting against them.

There's literally no comment with dating advice for men in SRS that doesn't contain "cut your hair, hit the gym, get a job".

u/SOCIAL_JUSTICE_NPC's entire stupid rant is based on treating men as if they're to blame for women's preferences. It's the sort of male hyperagency - female hypoagency shit that would be called toxic masculinity if that word actually meant what menslibbers want to pretend it means.

The reality is that if sjnpc wants things to change she should be botching at women to change their preferences and start dating effete, unassertive dweebs. Telling menslibbers to act like effete unassertive dweebs as if this is suddenly going to result in women being attracted to them is just going to result in those men dying alone.

Genetics is out of field for me, though I'd conjecture sexual preferences are too abstract to be adequately assessed by the field at its current level of development.

You do know where babies come from, right? Or is that biological essentialism?




good bot

The mods who made Zozbot get that there's a blocklist function on reddit now, right?

As a {{{ Normie ; }}} in that sub i try to give some not as feminist, yet not a red piller type of answer. Sometimes that sub is like a minefield of white knighting, but i still think it's better than the KYS training simulator that the TRP.

They don't deserve quasi-sane people like you tbh.


/u/Zachums you are too good to be in menslib.

I like to throw in the occasional comment every once in a while. Though I've found that it only leads to myself getting frustrated lol.

You just need more sociology courses, apparently.

Yeah, I imagine that happens when you have people literally telling you that everyone should stay unsuccessful in dating as a higher calling. I don't care about having solidarity of uggos that think gender roles murder people and are completely forced and imaginary. I care about my penis.

I care about your penis, too.

Thank you, Zach, this is why you are my second favorite mod here.

I'm sure there must be trans people who aren't histrionic narcissists but all the ones you run into on the internet sure seem like they are.

I am saying that advocating for incremental change over more radical measures is a very privileged position.

For instance, I am an AMAB trans person.

Typical /r/MensLib/, they're supposed to be promoting a more positive view of masculinity, but still concluding that all men are bastards.