Competent engineer tries to give r/engineeringstudents a lesson on teamwork

43  2017-09-18 by NationalDenbt


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Color me surprised. What's with all these retarded angry incels chimping out these days?

He's a regular r/incels user as well which explains why the idea of working with other people triggered him so hard. He's one of the idiots who get into engineering because they think it'll fulfill their solitary STEM elitist fantasy but don't understand that it's an extremely team based profession

Keep justifying American engineering students mediocrity, this is literally what caused Harvey and Irma

What sort of insane gibberish is this? How precisely do non-mediocre engineers prevent one of the most powerful forces in nature?

Cloud seeding with silver nitrate to release latent heat

Has never once stopped a hurricane from forming. Your fantasy geoengineering could easily backfire and make things worse.

Member Vietnam? I member!

The fuck has that got to do with anything?

Yes, you can seed clouds to make rain. Which has absolutely nothing to do with hurricane formation or destruction.

No i wasn't challenging your comment. Just mentioning something slightly similar

Are you really this dense? You can't see the connection between the government and the hurricanes?

Irma was a direct hit from Obama's former EPA against Trump.

Sounds legit. Or rather it makes as much sense as most climate hysteria.

Autism Speaks

Why do you think American engineers are getting run circles around by Chinese and Indian engineers?

The toppest of keks.

Does we know that those people making iPhones aren't technically engineers?

The most amazing thing is him saying that academic dishonesty is something that hurts American engineers, but not indian engineers. Recently finished a graduate education in an engineering field. I was completely blown away by how brazenly the Indians cheated.

Some, I assume, are good people.

Indians and SE asians are always the worst. I used to think people that said that were super racist but holy shit do they cheat constantly. The worst part is that schools are massive pussies and they don't do anything about it. So many people cheated in my program and the small number that actually got caught didn't have any real consequences.

The Chinese are also prolific cheaters. This comment really is totally absurd on so many levels.

Took a high-level programming course with a few Indian graduate students last year and for the final project TWO SEPARATE groups of Indians copied their exact code from online. Literally all I had to do was search their title and it was the first search result (was really close to the prof and he said he could tell it was copied within the first slide). Pretty sure they all got kicked out b/c I haven't seen them at all this past semester. Curries gonna curry I guess.