Tacos Turn On Their Masters

8  2017-09-18 by SperglockHolmes


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Liberals have spent decades courting the support of every minority group possible without thinking about the long term consequences of the entitlements and promises they've made.

Chickens are finally coming home to roost as those groups are slowly turning on them...

Swear to god I never click on youtube links anyway.

Maybe the occasional Russian car crash video, but never for youtube celebrity drama.

without thinking about the long term consequences of the entitlements and promises they've made.

Thats where you are wrong..they know exactly what the long term consequences are....which is what the ultimate goal is.....no middle class, a small elite of rich yuppies and everyone else in a government subsidized apartment, eating government approved genetically modified and subsidized food, paid for with government food stamps, taking public transportation to the free health clinic to get their monthly supply of mind-altering/numbing drugs.

This but unironically

biting the very hand

that tricked them into

voting for a big ol' side of beef.

Good bot

Frankenstein's monster.

Why the fuck people calling them DREAMERS?

If some bum throws a kid into my kitchen when I don't look, and that kid is not a fucking dreamer.

wtf this isn't 4chan gtfo with your taco shit.

Oh, she got Bernie'd.