Is it okay for a guy to wear clothes his ex-gf gave him? He received advice and drama ensues

7  2017-09-19 by IamDonaldTrump_AMA


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Snappy on point as always.

You guys understand that r/relationships deletes any crossposted submission, right?


When I was with my ex-girlfriend she enjoyed buying clothes for me, she was very into fashion and brand name clothing so for my birthdays and Christmas/random days, she’d buy me t-shirts, jeans, jackets and other things she felt I’d look good in. I won’t lie, the clothes she bought looked good on me and even after we broke up I’d continue to wear them. We were together for 3 years when I was 19 – 22. When I got with my current girlfriend, Samantha, she noted the difference between some of clothing I own and I explained to her that my ex would sometimes buy me stuff she’d like to see me in. It was very early on in our relationship and I didn’t think it would be a big deal to tell her the truth about it. Sometimes I’d wear those clothes to go out and she’d get mad about it, she doesn’t like seeing me in them which is something I think I can understand. But it got to the point where even seeing them in my apartment would irritate her. I didn’t break up with her because fighting over clothes seems like a stupid thing to break up over and otherwise we’ve been great together. You don’t throw out a relationship because of a small, silly problem. From last Wednesday until Sunday evening I went to a beach house with some friends, just a getaway for some of my guy friends and I. We haven’t seen each other in a while and wanted to catch up. Samantha had my spare key to feed my dog. Yesterday evening after I got home and unpacked, I was going through my closet because a family member’s wedding is in a couple weeks and I wanted to do some sight-seeing with Samantha in the area they’re getting married. So I decided to start setting aside some clothing to wear only to notice that some of my favorite pieces of clothing were missing. I checked the laundry and there was nothing, they were just gone. I had a feeling it was Samantha and I was very irritated so I called her and wound up asking where my clothes were. She broke down crying, said she loaded them into trash bags and tossed them out on Friday. That they always bothered her and it was clear that I loved those clothes and they were special to me because my ex gave them to me. What the fffuu&( right ? I am so angry right now, I don’t even want to see her face. I’ve ignored her calls and texts at the moment because I really don’t want to end up saying some stuff I’ll regret saying when I’ve cooled off. What can I do about this situation? Should I just end it? I don’t even know if I care enough to hear her out some more because this is honestly insane. I don’t want to end it right away but I feel like this is something that is worth ending a relationship over. It was pretty damn disrespectful to throw away my clothes. TL;DR Girlfriend tossed out awesome clothes my ex bought me while I was away on vacation, I’m so angry & confused atm

Thanks for letting me know. I just posted some screenshots of the comments that were deleted

So we can get any post we don't like deleted? Autists shouldn't have this much power.

There was an incident where a drama user made a sub specifically to crosspost as many relationships threads as possible in the way you described. The relationships mods successfully cried to the admins claiming it was interfering with the normal functioning of their subreddit.

Who would do such a thing?

Next time use the Snipping tool (comes with Windoze) or something...

Cmd+Shift+4 on Mac lest you grab chunks of the screen iirc

Cmd shift 3 so we can all see your degenerate porn tabs

/r/relationships is a sub entirely made up of mental midgets.

How's she supposed to see inside his head and know its just the clothes he likes and not the memories he's attached to.

--Cause he's a fucking dude...No dude gets all emotional over a pair of khakis.