Tankie does tankie things, gets in a scrap with EnoughCommieSpam

8  2017-09-19 by xjapxn


For (gag) /r/LateStageGenderBinary, /u/-mousey-

For /r/EnoughCommieSpam the cause of human dignity and advancement, /u/Br00ce and /u/-jute-

Result: mousey forced to retreat back into home sub after short advancement into ECS, pursued by jute.

Casualties: mousey's credibility, several hundred thousand brain cells on the part of those reading her comments

Parte uno

Parte dos

Parte tres


Oh Hey I'm in this

They love you! Take a bow!

Tru. Hru mousy. You never did pm me

What was I meant to be PMing you again?

I posted some examples of my inbox on lsgb. I obviously can't link that here because linking our sub to drama/ECS and other subs is completely banned due to the brigading... Which should be policy for your sub too.

Check the thread with the 'angry commie noises' meme for those. I'll be putting a thread up on sls with the hate comments from your sub when I get back home. Since they've asked me to do that and I can't help but agree with their assessment of your sub. Also I checked back through on the main kys guy 'MagnusArcanus' (images linked on the lsgb thread) and he had posted in your sub previously only to be eventually banned.... Which is really evidence that your banning process does nothing and your sub is infested by right lurkers.

I didn't ban you from ecs? You sure you're banned? That ecs thread was brigaded by drama and drama was shitting up that thread so bad we had to lock it. I'm sure we have some right wing lurkers but I'm willing to bet most of that hate isn't from us. I was hoping you would share anybhate you received from us so we could clean it out. Little disappointed you changed your mind about that.

I was banned with no reason given, to which I responded asking "what is the reason for my ban?" which wasn't answered.

As of 18 minutes ago, I'm unbanned. As I've said. You can check the thread on lsgb for some screencaps but as you can see in the screencaps I was getting over a hundred messages... Organising them takes time and I'm on mobile. Like I said, I'll link you the thread when it's up... So you can go through it then. I'm sure you'll forgive me with not trusting the ECS mod team, given the way the team acted during the thread.

Please don't stop I'm so close

Lol is anyone surprised that /u/-mousey- is a worthless degenerate?

Tranny tankies. As far as leftists go this is about as sub human as it gets.

At least the statistical chance they'll keep themselves safe is pretty high.

I just want to chill with some fellow comrades that I want to murder

Fuck tankies

Seriously. Somneone gulag this little faggot.

It's atrocious manipulation of the disadvantaged. It's no different than alt-right types getting buddy-buddy with the "you should join us to protect you against the scary Muslims" shit after Orlando.

This is actually a leading reason why many ex-muslims move to the right, because the left is too busy sucking halal cock.

also someone please seize /u/-mousy- 's means of reproduction before he reproduces.