Gymrat loves weights so much, he tried to fuck them

28  2017-09-19 by ohgodohgodwhy1


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Imagine being this man and watching as winches and heavy duty metal saws grow closer and closer to ya dick

If it's really on there they actually have to amputate your dick and reattach it.

Wouldn't it be easier just to drain the blood out?

I don't know, I'm not a dick doctor. Just heard that when it's really on there that's the only way to get it off.

So did he go in balls and all? Or is he just blessed and the whole situation turned him on that much?

Neither. There was a picture of it floating around reddit yesterday, probably /r/wtf, and he was average sized. I think the hole was slightly too small and similar to a finger in a too small ring it started swelling and filling with blood and he was unable to get it out.

Talk about pumping iron

One slip of the industrial saw and all of your gains erased

Lol and it happened in worms
