/r/conspiracy is now banning pizzagate detectives. Have the pedophiles won?

65  2017-09-19 by buttermyself


Cool story, bro


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srsly I'm crossposting this to /r/uplightingnews/

Finally these proud sexual minorities are free of harassment

Pizzagate is real.

Sorry but I don't see what's wrong with soliciting sex from a 17 year old

Tell skippy and brock i said hi but if you dont want to debunk pizzagate then shariablue shouldnt publish articles proving it. You pizza eaters make me sick.

Pizzagate is much more sinister than soliciting sex from a 17 year old. These people literally hunt, murder and feast on humans. They lop heads off babies and drink from the neck holes.

We live on a farm that belongs to them. They do what they want.

Shit...they even gift each other packages in the mail with human meat. Read the "assortment of cheeses" leaked emails. Its a whole other culture. To them, its normal. Cannibalism never went extinct, just went into the shadows.

/u/fastingSOCIALdotCOM why do you live on a cannibal farm? Is the rent cheap? You should probably move, fam.

The cost of living is at an all time high. So to answer your question, yes.

Move to where exactly?

Maybe an island that was destroyed by geoengineered super storms?

Maybe DC where 800,000 children go missing a year?

Pedogate is not fake news.


800,000 children go missing in DC each year

Lol. You need to think things through a little tiny bit. If a conspiracy requires the complicity of law enforcement, judiciary bodies, the relatives of the victims, the federal government, and the media you are looking at a conspiracy involving literally millions of people. The best you can find on it are emails about people getting together for lunch, a joke about sacrificing a chicken, and a handkerchief? This is about as credible as "the Illuminati send coded messages through the TV" and "the moon landing was faked" and "parasites are controlling the world's elite." The very fact that your ideas get placed in the same communities as above should be a massive red flag on their credibility.

Storms are artificially engineered

Yea man, the thing climate scientists have been talking about for years is a government plot. It's not the water getting warmer in the Gulf and thus making stronger storms, it's "the government destroying Houston for secret nebulous purposes that make no sense".

So your problem is that everyone would be complicit, not the obvious problem of 800,000 kids being more than the entire population of DC?

I don't know the population of DC and didn't bother to check. Not an American. I just took that as deliberate hyperbole.

Pizzagaters are weird they seem to be a mishmash of naive well meaning right wingers and absolute batshit sandy hook denying loonies that serve a greater purpose to take sane Americans guns away than any mass shooting. I'm absolutist so it breaks my heart to see the crazy ones being the only ones out.

I'm pretty sure in CT you can totally fuck up a sandy hook truther and face zero repercussions.

You have to give retards one thing to chew on at a time or they choke. Talking about the storms was probably a mistake, to be honest.

That would explain why we threaten to send bad children to Washington DC.


It's not the water getting warmer in the Gulf and thus making stronger storms,

I fucking love arguments where bothsides are retarded.

I bet you just love science don't you, did you learn this super true factoid from Bill Nye?

Are you just so young this is your first hurricane season?

You don't remember the good old Storm of 1930 that was the deadliest Storm despite being super-super weak.

Why hell only having a single 4 Hurricane instead of 4 concurrent 4 Storms like when I was a little one.

I though gay ice cream was responsible for Irma.

What's your reasoning then? Warmer oceans = bigger storms is pretty well accepted by climate science.

I think it's more the implication that we are absolutely to blame and we can stop it if we cut out all our emissions

Hurricanes take Hot and Cold Temperatures mixing, with Global Warming there will be less Cold Temperatures obviously causing them to be weaker.

It's basic Climate Science jez.

So it was a baitpost. Carry on with your fine work.

This is about as credible as "the Illuminati send coded messages through the TV" and "the moon landing was faked" and "parasites are controlling the world's elite."

so what you're saying is it's very credible and likely true?

Yes obviously. But I can't explain further because you didn't catch the hidden code in my message.

if your landlord is a cannibal you should call the cops on him. at least don't renew your lease.

I pay $450/month for a three bedroom w/two roommates, and our landlady is kind of lazy about fixing stuff, but I'm pretty sure she's not a cannibal.


what now?

All those Republicans getting caught?


You have a landlady that's not fun tbh fam.

Crochet, scrapbooking, zoo animal husbandry good hobbies all. But cannibalism? That's a hobby that's a convo starter.

It's amazing that you can so obviously give away the goat and people still think you're not trolling.


If I were a cannibal I would not feast on your brains. They are clearly defective and full of bad diseases


They should just post some bussy now so the rest of us can enjoy it too

Stop prionshaming

brains are neurotoxic when consumed iirc so youd have to be a pretty fucking amateur hour cannibal to be eating anyones at all

they're not neurotoxic if your a lizard person

maybe do some reasearch before you go saying stupid shit on the internet


maybe do some reasearch before you go saying stupid shit on the internet

i would never

And psychiatrists are all in the payroll too right? That's why you avoid them, because they'd grab you for being too woke.

Exactly that!

Really, even going further down the hole of a murdered supreme court justice. Well..... you have until sep 23 to figure it out from what i hear

thank god, there's a wikileaks for THE PEOPLE now. finally, we're living up to the wiki in wikileaks.



OUR wikileaks

This is what retards actually believe

BWAHAHAHA we are dicing up the children and putting them in the pizza oven as I type this! And now we've silenced you! You'll never catch us pizza detective!


Lol does he not know that white people lve cheese?

Have the pedophiles won?


These people literally hunt, murder and feast on humans. They lop heads off babies and drink from the neck holes.


Illuminati cannibals is exactly the kind of retarded shit I want to read on /r/conspiracy!

This guy is a hero.

I mean it's rehashed blood libel but hey progress is progress.

i'm sure they link it to the JQ plenty already

I'm more concerned about the TQ

unfortunately TB never weighed in so it seems it remains unanswered.

It's not libel if it's true.

The door to the basement in the building that doesn't have a basement has been closed. ;_;


I like how you posted this to /r/conspiracy and also here, after arguing with somebody about who is the real CTR shill. Eat a big slice of cheese pizza and keep yourself safe.

I proved pizzagate is real you filthy fucking pizza eater, so who is the shill now? (Its you)

i prefer hot dogs, actually

If you like hot dogs then you like little boys and you worship satan.

and proud of it!

op you're the best kind of ineffective karmawhore

Thank you very little!

that was the best shit i've read in a month you getdamn ingrate

Have the pedophiles won?


My favorite

stumbled across this while cruising the dark web

what are these sick fucks into


order online?

wtf does 'delivery' or 'carry out' mean?

have the pedophiles won

Yes. Unfortunately.

Nigger nigger coon Coon nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger coon