Woman gets 16 months for a false rape report. "[He] was shunned by his Muslim community as a result of the claim". "Probably because he denied raping her." /u/Novocaine0 spergs the fuck out generating 183 comments.

211  2017-09-19 by TSwizzlesNipples


This is why we need mayocide.


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On point as always.

The spiciest jokes always make people flip their shit.

Especially if it makes fun of Islam.

I'm not sure it was even a joke, although it was still funny as fuck

I'm not sure it was even a joke

The best kind of joke.

no, the best jokes are the self aware ones. this is literally a mess of thread where everyone is in their own mini thread circlejerk being overly sarcastic to each other to avoid actually engaging or arguing.

but him actually being from t_d makes it less of a joke and more sad

Solid point.

Agreed. Not sure why it's controversial.

The biggest reason why male comics are better than most female ones (except for Tina Fey or Kaitlin Olson, for the reason I'm about to elucidate): Men are willing to not only make themselves the butt of jokes, but to outright humiliate themselves in their telling. You can't be a proper comic without making an ass out of yourself.

Think back to the funniest bits of the two female comics I singled out by name, and then tell me I'm wrong.

technically Amy Schumer will outright humiliate herself during her standup (not necessarily on purpose tho)


Come on, bro. Of course I was making a joke, not all muslims rape.

Half of them are chicks and get raped instead.

Tards: DAE think Catholics fuck kids?


Tards: DAE think Islamists fuck kids?

Reddit: WTF! RACIST!

yeah, definitely. i mean, how else can you explain "muzzies love rape lol" sitting at +600? fuckin double standards man

Also, since a few years ago, Reddit gets buttmad over Christianity jokes.

Ugh, this website is so serious now. It's either joyless offendatrons or "haha gas the jews, JK, but no really hail Hitler" altrighters.

Radical centrism all the way

The particular statement I am quoting, though bare of satire.

I prefer centrists of the moderate variety.

no fuck centrists too

"yOU'rE bOth THe pROblEM fOR not liking each others political opinions, im offended by your hate for each other" (i got too lazy to caps)

People grow up, dude. If you're lucky, it'll happen to you.

Do they? As you get older, you lose track of the subtle shifts here. there are subs I ignore from, like, 8 usernames ago.

I blame MayMay June.

No they don’t. Take a look at /r/politics every once in a while. They constantly call for the execution of Evangelicals (and conservatives) because they happen to be Republicans.

because they happen to be Republicans.


Is that reason enough to say “I hope they die” in Reddit’s main political sub?

Hmmm yes this sounds believable

That's what happens when you let adults believing in magic be accepted as legitimate.

That's edgelord BS. That goes either way on reddit. You could end up at +2kk, or -500.

Too many kids on this site, tbh.

Not even downvoting you, because it's a valid point.

Too many kids on this site, tbh.

Yeah, seriously. Why don't you and your classmates stay in voat.

Not enough bussy on voat

Look I feel the need to clear the air a bit here; of course this was a joke. No, I don't think all muslims are rapists, that's a bigoted, hateful stereotype.

Just the ones with a penises are.

Pinochet was a cunt, and if right-wingers ever tried to actually enact that shit here, I would start voting for even the staunchest feminazi over them.

You're gonna have so much fun in 2020.

You're just making it more likely the right wing death squads will track you down.

If there's a military coup, I don't think voting to spite them is going to do anything.

So a walking, talking fleshlight?! Sign me the fuck up!

Don't people usually get fleshlights to avoid the talking?

Yeah, but a fleshlight doesn't call me Daddy.

I own a fleshlight. They aren't that great. Not having a whole women beneath you really loses something, and I can generally get the job done faster with my hand. If you're the kind of guy who wants to prolong masturbation, I guess that's good. But why, tho?

Can only sleep so many hours a day

I wonder if the cops knew she was making shit up because muzzies don't eat pork.


It wasn't just £10 bill soaked in kebab...

Her body shape is a cylinder.

Give her a break, she's English.

People criticize the Daily Mail, but only they would print a bathing suit picture so readers could make fun of her.

Daily Mail is basically shitposting atm.

Their entire business model is based around shitposts

Ok, someone shop Pablo into this picture.


That's called the Ke$ha body.


Did you not read this:

Calling someone else out for being intolerant doesn't make them intolerant themselves.

No fucking shit. So me calling out Muslims for being intolerant shit smears who want to rid the planet of all other religions lying to their face the entire time (seriously, read the Ko-ran) doesn't make me intolerant.

Glad you lib fucks finally woke the fuck up

can you count the number of teeth you have on 2 hands, or just 1?

Top or bottom teeth?

  1. That's slightly more than your IQ.

Do you have strong opinions on Ivanka's Jewish husband? Just curious.

just being a jew is fine, it's all about how you jew you your jewery that makes you a globalist kike or not

Just-a-jew 👌

Global jew 🙅

This but non ironically

Thia but non-unironically




It has been foretold u/Jukk

I'm humbled

I'm humbled zozzed

Shit, u right, I messed up

It's okay famalam, ITIMW goc'hu


how do I tell which sort I am

You need to ask one of the resident chosen ones like /u/aliceunknown

Jared Kushner initially broke up with Ivanka because she wasn't Jewish, but he couldn't turn bring all that Trump money into the Hebrew fold so he went back to Ivanka and said he would take her back if she converted to Judaism.

You're saying Muslims in general are shit smears who just lie to people's faces? What a sad life you lead, like when you speak to a Muslim you honestly believe everything they say is a lie in order to trick and subvert you? How is that not intolerant?

you honestly believe everything they say is a lie in order to trick and subvert you?



I'd blame muslim ignorance. Stuff moderate muslims say sometimes directly contradicts the statements people who actually study koran give.

it's true for any religion

True, but I see it much more with muslims then others (and in more severe cases). Seeing someone say unironically that islam is a feminist religion is just awful.

It's ridiculous (as progressive christians claiming there's nothing against homosexuality in the bible) but not necessarily a bad thing. Most christians these days turn a blind eye to a lot of things they don't like in the bible, so what? I'm cool with religious and incoherent peaceful people.

Do you think it's okay to ignore white supremacists too?!?!


Have you read the Torah? It makes the Qur'an look like Anne of green gables.

Anyways, religious literalism is an invention of Luther. Interpratating religious texts is the older way of doing it, so techno more correct.

You're saying Muslims in general are shit smears who just lie to people's faces?

I'm not saying that, that's a fact. The only good Muslim is a MOAB'ed Muslim.

Religion of peace... a piece here, and a piece there.

So you're no better than them then lol

Of course I am, they want to kill me because I exist. I want to kill them because they want to kill me.

Who wants to kill you because you exist? A fraction of Muslims, you on the other hand want them all to die lol, so no you're not, you're a lot worse than a vast majority of Muslims

You realize between 60-80% of Muslims support Sharia law, right?

Something tells me you think ""Moderate"" Muslims exist. They don't. Taqiya, look it up. They will lie right to your face (in fact their phony baloney god commands them to) if it furthers their Jihad against the west.

You said they want you dead, show me that statistic, how many Muslims want all non believers to die. You can't say X% of Christians believe the holy bible is true then conclude that X% of Christians believe adulterers should be stoned lol. All this so you can morally justify your claim that all Muslims should be dead? Pathetic

Shitting all over Christians... there's a surprise. Do you realize the difference between the old and new testament?

Spoiler Alert: You don't

Muslims don't have a peaceful new testament, just what their pedo leader wrote. Quit moving the goalposts shithead. Go to a Muslim majority country and ask them their opinion on ISIS. Spoiler alert: 90% support.

Hahahahaha you can't comprehend a simple comparison? I was using your logic against you and you recoil like a child in defense. Did you not get anything from that example other than "im shitting all over Christians", you are either dense as cement or butt hurt as fuck. Also, you didn't address a thing I said, and never cited me any statistic that showed how many Muslims want to kill you.

Have you ever met a Muslim? You sound right now just like one of those rednecks who have lived their entire life without running into a Muslim.

Indeed I have, in fact I spent 18 months in one of their backwoods shitberg countries watching them buttfuck boys and then pray to their made up god

Fair enough, but I guess I should have clarified, I meant American Muslims. Ones who immigrated years ago.

Wow I'm gonna have to get my telescope out to see the goal posts now that you've moved them again.

tbf i'm not a muslim and i want to kill you

Take a number kiddo


Don't slip and fall on that edge

how old are u?

Not gonna lie, that's a great joke

Only the most privileged idiots think "oh someone was mean to me, better accuse them of rape".

lol his username is PINOCHET IS GREAT.

guys a legend.

More like proving right that Trump supporters are nazis

16 months is a good amount of time. I don't want to ruin a girl's entire life (costing her some early opportunities for a major crime is not that ruinous all things considered; she deserves, as a human being, to have some attempt at recouping things. Everyone does), but it's enough to keep her out of law enforcement and deter other crazy women from playing this game.

I don't want to ruin a girl's entire life

lol, cue interview:

So, you graduated in 2016, what have you been doing with yourself since then?

Uhh, traveling

Anything else you want to tell us?

Don't google my name

Why didn't the kebab want kebab money tho?

Had pig grease on it. It's against his religion to touch it.