"White Nonsense Roundup" facebook group will post white nonsense on your facebook, so you don't have to

26  2017-09-20 by ohgodohgodwhy1




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If you’re a person of color exhausted by having to explain over and over on social media why “all lives” aren’t treated the same by police or why producer Issa Rae saying she’s “rooting for everybody black” is not racist, one group is here to help you: White Nonsense Roundup.

Imagine being so worthless and pathetic in RL that you find Facebook posts exhausting, lol.

why producer Issa Rae saying she’s “rooting for everybody black” is not racist

Also, this is like a textbook definition of racism.

Or enjoying Facebook posting.

washington state

Why is it always those rich states with a .03% black population

Why is it always fat white women.

What else do they have going on other than picking out haircuts too short for their giant faces, and shrill hair colors that would look childish on a 13-year-old?


Why is it always fat white women.

Upvote both tbh

Because without actual experience with black people they can still picture them as poor oppressed victims who face the worst kind of racism erry day of which you'd have no idea about unless you're also black.

Reality isn't that dramatic though.

HuffPo is the stormfront of bitter legbeards with that still haven't got over not being asked to the prom.

Imagine being so bad at rationalizing your racism against white people that you need white people to blacksplain on your behalf.

This would be great for all races. How about an Asian version for when hapas incels sperg out about Asian women dating white guys? Or maybe one for black people when some legfro declares only white people can be racist?

Mostly, it functions as a rapid-response service on social media: If you’re a person of color engaging in an online exchange around race that is emotionally draining or that you simply need backup on

Lol, if you are a person of color and would like to post cogent arguments, please ask a white person for help.

Mostly, it functions as a rapid-response service on social media: If you’re a person of color engaging in an online exchange around race that is emotionally draining or that you simply need backup on

So it's basically just a group of white people who looks at a 'person of color' as a helpless child who can't survive without their help. typical democrats.

Always. Always they look like standard tumblrinas!

Hello, Trump's second term.

Before coming to the US, I'd never seen a group of people more eager to attack and divide their own community. It's like their only options are being a racist cunt against non-whites, or a self-loathing cunt against fellow whites.

If you change your vote off of a Facebook page you need to Keep Yourself Safe

those are the only options tho

They might as well just call themselves the White Saviours. "Does your small African brain and your innate laziness cause you to be unable to argue effectively against white people online? Just call the White Saviours. We will do your thinking and arguing for you, darkie".

By the way, the notion that a white person would be more likely to listen to another white about race issues than a black person seems completely nonsensical to me, and completely contradictory to what we have been told by these same sorts of people for years. I for one would take more seriously a black person's opinions about race than some random white liberal.

Haven't we been told by exactly this sort of person, for years, that white people have no right whatsoever to speak about race, or on behalf of black people? And isn't that exactly what they're doing? Aren't they talking over blacks and centering themselves in the conversation, with that atrocious caucasian egotism? Also, since when does an argument become more persuasive if it's spoken by someone of a certain race? Isn't that a racialist idea in itself?

But they must be the "good whites", "saving" the poor ignorant blacks from having to use their own brains.

im pretty sure the only thing id take a random white liberals opinion on seriously is what type of kale chips to buy tbh

"They killed our lord, Chipper," that's what my mudder says. "They're always gonna be late, they killed our lord."

I never should've hired you!!!

“I’ve been explaining white privilege and white supremacy for far too long, and for free, especially online, and to basically no avail,”

OBESE check SINGLE check CATS check Feel's guilty because they are white check. Feels the need to push their bullshit onto others check

This is america in 2017 alright.