Episode of Maya and the Bee pulled from Netflix after a wild penis appears!

53  2017-09-21 by shitpost953




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That is hardly a penis.

It doesn't even have foreskin like a REAL penis.

I thought this was gonna be like the Little Mermaid stuff, with pearl-clutching parents imagining things, but nope, someone drew a cock.


Season 1 episode 35?

The anime series has a grand total of 208 episodes, I shit you not.

Welcome to children's shows, it's almost a bare minimum for most of the industry to order 50+ episodes and go straight into syndication.

Even in the superior nipponese version https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_the_Honey_Bee

Especially for weaker children's networks that aren't disney, cartoon network, or Nick that don't have some portion of older viewer base and just have to barely not make parents end themselves if they sit down with their kids. (although cn is almost 2 shows right now that are made on a pathetic budget and get great returns)

These people do know that 50% of children carry that same thing with them at all times, right?

The episode, appropriately entitled King Willi


The Bee Movie but every frame is replaced by erect penises

The Bee Movie but

Every frame is replaced by

Erect penises


                  - PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS

I'm a bot made by /u/Eight1911. I detect haiku.


You did good, bot. You did good.

5-8-5. Commit sudoku.

I'm sorry, I double checked and which word do you pronounce as a mentally retarded person?

"Placed" is a single syllable.

'Every' is 3.

"Every" is generally pronounced "ev-ree". How often do you ear someone say "ev-er-ree"?

In school when we'd do haikus, I would have to pull someone aside and run my syllables by them because I had a terrible habit of elongating my syllables like our buddy here.

"....there should be no reason my kids have to see something like this."

The only reason your kids would have noticed is because you made a fucking stink about it.

i was gonna say, would the kids even pick up on it??

You won't find the donger in the clip at the bottom of the article. Apparently they've edited it.

Watch this instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nck-pdAsybA

why is a guy cosplaying as a recently deceased fatty telling me about the satanic agenda of a penis drawing?

jokes aside, what in the fuck?

You can't even slip a subliminal dick into children's programming anymore without getting into trouble for it

A perfect metaphor for our terrible times.

This is fucking dumb, this bitch never knew about the countless sexual and scatological innuendo that flew over her head as a child even growing up. I could grab the countless screenshots of splitframes showing a skillfully drawn dick in popular kids shows and movies but I'm not a fucking loser stay-at-home mom who navel-gazes at pointless shit.

I don't think this hoebag ever watched Rugrats, PeeWees Playhouse at all, what a bitch.