Meet my circle jerk of a local sub, the only choice is be a SJW or leave

21  2017-09-21 by wazzupnerds


Complaining about traffic, truly the most sjw thing

True Americans pour more clean coal into their cars to wait in line on the interstate!

Oh trust me it's bad

I don't know why they are. Not like any if them have jobs or anything they need to get to.

Pretty much just nuke all southern states

I sincerely wish the South WOULD rise again. Let them be their own third-world country. The Civil War was a mistake.

True. Imagine the entire south having to rely on Texas. The rest would drag Texas down so far

texas isn't the south tho fam

Texas is north Mexico


It's the northernmost part of Mexico, the southern most part of the great plains and the westernmost part of the south.

Texas can't even pay for itself.

At least they'd still have their slaves.

Livin' the dream

You should check out r/Portland sometime

or my axe!

Just kidding, but /r/iowa is a liberal lefty cesspool as well.

Just like u/annarchist has cultivated by allowing his low level enforcer mods to ban conservatives

I think it's just a reddit demographics thing. SeattleWA is ludicrously leftist even for Seattle, so I think the type of person on reddit who is willing to camp in a regional subreddit all day is by their very nature going to be the kind of baffled dictator who also reads /r/LateStageCapitalism and /r/anarchism.

lol we give users a long leash. no ban is ever due to political beliefs. it could be due to how you defend them tho

More like a long noose, I was attacked during the whole campaign and then I post one gloat when Trump wins and instaban

that isnt why you were banned.

That's how I remember it, but then again I've been stoned pretty much constantly since the election so ...

lol i voted for Trump. Early.

Cool, so did I? I never said you banned me...

I wrote in harambe

Any sub for a city or area is infested with the most university student jerking off as possible

i lived in iowa (the city, not the boonies) and it's literally the opposite of that sub.

r/iowa is pretty chill tho compared to some other choice city subs...

You've clearly never come across u/marco_polo he's the floating turd on the cesspool that is /r/iowa

I wonder how it feels to be an sjw that's looked at as just another cousin fucker from the south.

i'm from the south but thank god it's not ala fucking bama.

My Southern Tech Hub Can't Possibly Be This Liberal!!!

fuck no not another Tsukasa Fushimi adaptation show

I wish I didn't get this reference

haha you live in Alabama


I want to die, it sucks here

Huntsville is probably the most bearable of anywhere here, dawg. I loved working up there vs. working in Birmingham.

Ehh, I much prefer to be in Nashville

Hipster fag

Want to see my vinyl collection? I'll post pictures!

Post bussy instead

Post Gussy


/u/wazzupnerds, say it isn't so.

i hear the city jail is nice

I was about to say the same. I lived in Montgomery. Huntsville was a huge improvement. Nice scenery too.

I imagine everyone capable of using technology is some sort of retarded SJW and the other 98% of people are toothless inbred nazis.

There aren't white trash whores to fuck?

Oh there are plenty outside the city limits. Look up New Hope, Al

*New Hoe

Who gives a fuck about Alabama

Thought this was an invite to eat a sub that had been circlejerked into.

I'm sad now.

I'm sad

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

I am a bot. use !unsubscribetosadcat for me to ignore you.

Good bot

But I wanted a cum sandwich

A social justice warrior is someone who complains on the Internet... like posting a bunch of links to a local subreddit because you hate Trump so much.

Alabama has a hippie population? Fuck, they really can survive anywhere..

There is a middle ground between being a social justice fag and sucking daddy's cock. Better keep yourself safe op.