Swedish grad student goes deep undercover in the terrifying world of pepe frog memers.

33  2017-09-21 by ohgodohgodwhy1


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I love how seriously the left takes these guys. Wow so brave, you spent some time with a bunch of pasty teenagers that unironically worship Odin.

During his time undercover, he hung out with heavily armed Holocaust deniers and attended gatherings where extremists drank mead from a traditional Viking horn and prayed to the Norse god Odin

Hahaha jesus fucking christ I can just imagine these neckbeards doing this too.

How much you wanna bet they practice their Onanism a lot more devoutly than their Odinism, amirite?

So the guy hung out with LARPers for a year?

They did strange rituals like hitting each other with wooden swords yelling "2 damage!". Some referred to themselves as "elves" which as we all know is code for white supremacist. Truly a most terrifying cult.

Stead Steadman is a legit far right leader, and David Irving is the author who started the whole "holocaust totes never happened" thing back in the 80s. Millenial Woes is probably the closest to the "pasty teenager posting Pepe memes" of the people he mentions

All those far right nutbags seem kinda LARPy to me, but this guy wasn't hanging out with autistic teenagers posting happy merchant memes on /pol/.

This is just a retarded agendapost.

This is just a retarded agendapost.


During his time undercover, he hung out with heavily armed Holocaust deniers and attended gatherings where extremists drank mead from a traditional Viking horn and prayed to the Norse god Odin

Did you miss this

That Millennial Woes guy is a jobless mid-thirties man living with his parents lol

Well Swedish neo-nazis seem to be a bit more legit neo-nazish. Wasnt the girl with the dragon tattoo author murdered by neo-nazis cuz he did an expose on them as a journalist?

These aren't Swedish neo nazis tho. He was in Charleston or something

Bitch you think I read articles?

Not sure who is more deluded, the people praying to Odin or the chump who thinks he's a hard hitting, undercover gonzo journalist for humoring a bunch of kids LARPing. Well, they're all LARPers in this case.

Did you read the article and watch the vids? he's not meeting with randoms. he's meeting with high-profile leaders.

high-profile leaders

Dude are we talking about the same group that spams cartoon frogs?

High-profile guy who posts frogs on twitter.

oh shit

Fluent in the language of online irony and absurdism, and adept at producing successful memes (alt-lighters)


I think I get it. They hate them because they are jealous of their memetic capabilities.

Stunning and brave.

Amazing how they can write an entire article on the evil, racist, xenophobic Nazis, yet have almost nothing of substance in said article. Even more amazing is that they got it published in the New York Times. Truly hard hitting journalism.

The Failing New York Times is not the respected publication that it used to be, it's nothing more than a tabloid journal!

Pure fear mongering.

This is the same kind of shit we saw in the 80s with satanism in music, and the 90s with violence in video games.

2010's is about dank memes on the internet


It's closer to 2020 tho

so what, the alt right is super lame

It is? All the cool kids are doing it.

wew lad

if by cool kids you mean smelly nerds on 4chan then yeah I guess

No u

You and your buddies literally brigade /r/drama every day, 10-12 hours a day.

Do you really think you have a place to say this? Have you ever even touched genitals that weren't your own?

im not brigading geek, I guarantee you ive been on this gay sub longer than you’ve been alive. Better watch yourself or the next genitals I touch will be yours

'I don't like these people, so it's okay to treat them like shit'

Spoken like a good liberal.

Pretty funny that they captioned the Englishman's English and not the Swede's.

Fuck you NYT and your autoplay.

How is this drama

Very good. We need the same done with lefties. I want more drama.