Veggie cucks in gatekeepimg

8  2017-09-21 by Washington_vape


Now with added cancer!


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We love slaughtering lolcows here.

If they really loved animals, they'd be like /u/alusky/ and love animals

why did you show me this :(

My sexy sexy work here is done

Vegetarians are the true South Park neutrals?

it's silly to claim to love all animals in general, yet place arbitrary restrictions on which ones we do and don't eat.

"arbitrary" reasons like eating the ones that turn grass into food instead of the ones that need the same food we do.

/u/roboticjanus do you honestly think cannibals can't have friends?

and it's silly to claim to love all animals in general, yet place arbitrary restrictions on which ones we do and don't eat.

We eat the animals that are raised for food. We don't eat the ones that aren't raised for food. Never met a vegetarian who didn't have to lie about stuff.