Bernie Sanders just gave one of the finest speeches of his career and I upvoted! Match me!

54  2017-09-22 by Etra


we did it, our memes were so good we won the election!

This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Bernie can still win! #ImNotDeadYet2020

It's never too early to start phone banking for 2020.

I'm donating my facial feminization money, match me.

Why? Do you think it might burn off?



I love Bernie, but I still criticize him. He isn't perfect. But god damn is he the we have got.

...You know, I one time knew this white trash lady who had her husband beat the shit out of her, took all her cash and then left the park and I think she said something almost 100% similar to this.


And there would be so much more to beat her about!

in 5 years no one will know who this man is

'Member Bill Bradley? I 'member.


If you think that derailed his campaign, imagine what Stoya would have done if the allegations came to life then.

Nah, he'll always be known as the spineless idiot who let Hillary and the DNC fuck him over.

Plus there's a good chance his wife is going to jail so there's that...

He's the most popular politician in America. The insults aren't working.

Nope. Clinton’s book sold more copies than Sanders’ book and Obama is the one that gets invited to speak around the world. Nobody with functioning brain cells gives a fuck about Sanders.

Yes, I agree: to determine the popularity of different political figures, we should just ignore polling data or other types of statistical analysis and instead focus on book sales as the metric for success.

reading clinton's egotistical book of excuses and blaming others is much more interesting than bernie's book of "staying woke". idk comparing the two isn't fair

reading is fucking gay

But your sample size is retards, nobody else buys any of those books.

He's the most popular politician in some online communities

Let's be realistic

No way man. THIS ONE perfectly captures his essence.

are we allowed to post cuck porn?!

From what I understand, it's encouraged here.

A poor, sad, defeated man looking on while others take over the mic? That's a pretty decent representation of him.

Pretty sure even rednecks will know who the President is

RON PAUL 2012, RON PAUL 2012, RON PAUL 2012.

In 2020 it will be another "underdog" candidate and people on this website will mass downvote if you bring up Ron Paul or Bernie Sanders, when the idiots on /r/all are telling you how you should all vote for THIS guy, this time.

Source: Got mass downvoted whenever calling out Sanders as 2016's fad and the same people doing it were the same ones bitching about KONY2012, OWS and Ron Paul.

He has a decent shot at the 2020 nomination if he runs. But five years is 2022, so you'll probably be right.

Civilization will always remember him for his erotic fanfiction on how women loved to be raped. Bernie Sanders, everybody!

Who the fuck still cares about Bernie Sanders?

Your mum?

Soulless bores from circlebroke.

i mean hes the only politician people seem to still actually like in this country

You forgot about Chelsea Clinton.


On the desktop site, go to the politics thread. At the top, click “Other Discussions.” They care.

I agree with almost everything Bernie has had to say the last few years. Love the guy, hope the best for him.

With that being said, I'm starting to get really annoyed with e-mails begging for a few dollars to support him.

His wife has a legal defense to pay for!

While I wish Senator Sanders a continued happy existence there is a part of me that can't wait to see how his supporters spaz when he inevitably passes.

How have these after-Berners not gotten tired and given up yet, are these some sort of new weaponized millennials?

don't blame me I voted against Jill Steein

See, what we'll do is just take an L on high school altogether. Then, EVERYONE will go to public college, and that will be the new high school. Except it will cost like 100 grand and there is way less sex.

What kind of low test beta bitch must you be that an 80 year old career politician Socialist Jew from Brooklyn is in any way inspiring to you? Bernie looks like a guy that sends back soup at a deli.

And orders veal parmigiana, but without the cheese, and white sauce instead of red, and no breading on the veal, and chicken instead of veal, and on a bed of fettuccine noodles instead of spaghetti noodles.

But doesn't want Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo, because he doesn't like Fettuccine Alfredo.

Tfw I was all for Bernie during the Democratic Party elections but now the people who also like him are hyper autistic

Wow, this place is pretty much NOTHING but SRD today, huh?


Is he still alive?