Rocket Man wants to fight with Tangerine in Chief

52  2017-09-22 by Zappert


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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I think it's gonna be a long long time.

'Till touch down brings Kim round again to find.

He's not the man they think he is at home.

Oh no no no he's a rocket man.

Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone.

Rocket boy. Ya fucked it up.

Honestly, you picked the most perfect picture to symbolize the two leaders

Shut this shithole of a sub down, we just peaked.

We haven't even begun to peak! Trust me, you'll know when we have peaked! We're a 5 star Subreddit!

geraffes are so dumb

When I saw the words 'rocket man' hit his twitter I fucking lost my ass laughing.

Pretty much secured my vote for 2020.

You don't have faith for 2024?

Stay strong, my brother.

Lying Teds gonna run again and hes going to get demolished.

I wonder if Sir Elton gets royalty payments outta this?

"I am now thinking hard about what response he could have expected when he allowed such eccentric words to trip off his tongue," Kim said. "I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged US dotard with fire."

A dotard is a senile old person.

i enjoy how his rhetorical style is nearly the polar opposite of trump's while managing to sound just as stupid

Tangerine in Chief

My sides.