Nepalese Woman Strongly Contemplates Mayocide When Retarded White Woman Tries to Haggle Tea Price

77  2017-09-22 by makes_people_cringe


Jews did this


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This is way funnier than I thought it would be thank you op

I started to write a tl;dr seriouspost and caught myself.

Mayocide now, I guess, was the point.

Got cashed ousside, howboudat

That's no child, that's a fucking grown ass man. What kind of pussy doesn't defend his mother begging for her life?

It's actually kind of smart. Using an appeal to emotion over violence.

Like when an army attacks a village. Women are much better at getting leniency, even from other women.

Makes sense if that was actually the plan.

He's smart; knows not to fuck with a virat Hind Nepalsister

Lol just push her off the mountain

As if you could

Dude she's small, old, and probably doesn't weigh alot. I'm tall, semi fit, young male, honestly if it couldn't she's either some kungfo master, or I need to reavulate my life, but even then if I don't couldn't I'd start throwing rocks myself, fuck that I'm not not standing by as me and my mother are harassed.


got that low centre of gravity, thats how they stay on the mountain in the first place

Haha jokes on them I played rugby for years, know how to use that center of gravity against them!

Yeah community college rugby won't save you against a mountain woman

.... OK bud yea totally

Dude, seriously. Mountain people are tough as fuck, don't mess with them. I've seen people who trek 7km daily with 15kg+ weights on their shoulder but look like they'd be weak pushovers.

I mean then it may be somewhat even, but still I'm not not gonna let that shit fly no one disrespects my mama!

Ur momma disrespects herself every night when she goes ass to mouth with construction workers

Yeah, otherwise they'd just fall right off

I bet she can squat twice as much as you bro

Not to knock ya, but old asian people are weirdly strong sometimes. (like this.)

post a pic


Your bussy.

It's hard to see with the pelt I have back there.

lol why are you so far away from it? Are you scared of turtles?

No, this was after I took a video of him eating, he would stop eating and turn his back to me if I got to close to him. Also I am not a dick who harasses animals.

Better go find that picture, because as of right now I think you are a huge pussy.


I'll see your gopher tortoise and raise you a toad I found when clearing a pile of wood from my garden and put in my compost bin where he/she has been happily living for several weeks now! I love seeing it when I go to empty the compost pail; I'll be gutted when it leaves.

Capitalists vs wypipo

The future is now

OMG i would love to see this on /r/laststagecapitalism

I did the price conversions, and this woman was essentially bitching about paying $1.44 for tea. Bloimey neva get betwixt a bri'ish laydy and her tuppence!

Apparently the story was that the menu had the price at like $0.10 or something, then when it came time to pay the women changed the price to $1.44. Personally I don't give a fuck its its $10 or $0.11, I'm not paying a single cent over the price that was on the menu.

Have fun being chopped up by a Nepalese lesbian then.

I'd push that skinny bitch off the mountain then delete the video.

Yup. You totally would.


Not really shes like 4'8 and 90 pounds.


That's my fetish

If I'm on vacation, I'm not going to spend any time worrying about crap like this. I'm not going to ruin my vacation mood by getting into an argument with a local over a couple of bucks.

Especially when it's a rural Nepalese woman who served you some dank tea in that sweet setting

Dunno where you got the info. In an interview with the British lady, she said that she never looked at the menu and didn't ask for the price before buying the tea. She was just used to paying 50 rupees in the large Nepalese cities. Rural areas, especially poor, mountainous ones, usually upcharge though, so it's likely that the menu did indeed say 150 rupee. (In the same way that you can get water for a dollar in a regular store, but it's $872 and one of your kidneys when you buy it from a movie theater.)

but it's $872 and one of your kidneys when you buy it from a movie theater

Shit? Only one?

I got ripped off.

mayocide is a really funny term.

Totally on the Nepalese women's side slaving all your life in poverty serving entitled middle class white tourists who have the audacity to bitch about paying over a quid for tea up a mountain....yeah no shit you are not getting the local rate as your weekly income is more than they make all year.

The video is pretty funny, watch out for the bits when the Nepali woman says 'Harry Potter' and 'masturbate'. I do feel kind of sorry for the English woman though, she is clearly terrified.

Fun fact: is the reddit Nepali domain, it's just repurposed into the 'no participation' mode that reddit uses to stop brigades. Check by comparison.
