/r/conspiracy argues over who controls the U.S: a billionaire NYC real-estate developer who lived in a tower with his name on it, or the (((establishment))).

52  2017-09-22 by IAmAN00bie


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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SpoooOOOOooooOOOOky intelligence agencies.

The CIA can't be all bad, they plotted to have Fidel Castro assassinated in at least 683 different instances.

684 if you consider the last one "wait until they die of natural causes." Clearly the safest method of assassination.


Do people actually like Ben "Totenkopf" Garrison?

I would like his comics more if they had more labels. I have a hard time following them.

Ben "Let's Get This Shoah on the Road" Garrison is our generation's Normal Rockwell.

Shit, all the shady financial dealings in Trump's circle make this the easiest "See! See what I've been saying!" For the anti-globalist conspiratards... so of course they hurry to defend the guy because?

Like dogs on the freeway or something. Incredible.

Something something Jews something something elites, 🍕🦎 🍕

Wait so Trump is a Billionaire again?

He's a billionaire in the same way I'm well hung

Has that been in doubt? What I saw was people saying he's actually worth fewer billions than he claims, but still a billionaire.

Can we mod Ben garrison?

Oh and you have no idea about politics. Imagine that! Authoritarianism is a left wing ideology darling. The right is against big government.


Nazis are leftwing. Antifa is the real nazis.

Got bottles,
Got planes,
Got models.
Got a helicopter with his own name on it.