Friendly reminder that the end of the world is occurring tomorrow, so long friends hope your not sent to Hell!

107  2017-09-23 by snallygaster


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Fuck I already got fired, spent all my money on hookers, and told my girl I fucked her sister...

Hey, at least you fucked your sister... so I mean you've got that going for you.

her sister

your sister

Reading is fundamental

I know what I said.

"Crab people, Crab people. Taste like crab, talk like people."

Wonder what they sound like when you crack em open!

Okay, that's dark even for /r/Drama. Y'all need Jesus.


heh snip snip

It's still true if all three of them are siblings.

I ain't no hillbilly!

Oh right, they're "deplorable" now.

yeah, like i trust (((fox news)))

more like fox JEWS am i right

I think you got that backwards

jew foxes????

“The world is not ending, but the world as we know it is ending,” he told the Washington Post. “A major part of the world will not be the same the beginning of October.”

Sigh, dude at this point we all know you are just hoping that North Korea goes ahead with that's nuclear bomb. Quit filibustering and just admit that you're autistic

that resolution, is this the end of the world for ants?

I just found the only thing I could that wouldn't require dredging through /x/ and /pol/ archives

Yeah but we're lazy and you're the effort poster.


literally a 5 second reverse image search u mong

Snally I think you do anal






"Lunch Time"

Not a day too soon

if this is the end, i don't believe any religion with a heaven or hell has described the end as a planet crashing into earth it's either or in this case.

there are quite literally 12 chapters of events and signs preceding that one... looking around.. shit don't look like we're on chapter 12 to me

Astrology and random bible verses? We are fucked.

Not even science can save us now!!

Yo, /u/snallygaster, if we're gonna die, wanna go out with a bang?

Me too pls (◕‿◕✿)

well shit.

god fucking dammit if the world doesn't end today I am going to be so fucking pissed off





Didn't end. Spergout please.

noo wait, it's almost 7 o'clock in the -12 zone so we still have time



Better luck next time, champ.

Everyone here deserves this

came here to say this

Needs more jpeg

/x/ is having a fucking meltdown.


I got sick. Fuck youz

Yay for the world being destroyed on my birthday!

Happy birthday you've doomed us all.

No wonder my name on steam and video games has been Pale Horse for a year or two now haha.

The only things that remain will be jews, cockroaches, and GNC stores.

Didn't even happen. Fucking bullshit.