Developing: Blumpf wants the NFL to fire players who take a knee. Will this obviously make the protests increase 10 fold? /r/nfl discusses. Also sorted by controversial because its easier for me

35  2017-09-23 by xRoWxTriggers


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Let's be honest this is all a part of the 73rd dimensional chess

I mean - it is a pretty good way to get liberals back on the "free speech is good" kick instead of the "freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences" shit.

So a lot of the top comments are upset over a "brigade" yet I'm seeing almost universal agreement, even in the kinda neutral-yet-still-anti-Trump comments that have been downvoted to hell.

I already knew /r/nfl was a pretty salty sub but god damn. Yet another reason why college ball is better.

It seems like everyone in that sub has CTE.

Here's how Bernie can still win....

Players should really keep trying to piss off people who actually watch football while they are applauded by liberals who never watched anyways.

Think of where football has been historically most popular and maybe realize players sending a fuck the USA message is not great for league branding lol.

You know how you fix this problem? You start benching/firing players who take a knee.

Or you let it continue and the NFL's ratings will continue to decline.

This isn't what is causing the NFL ratings to slide lol

You're right, Trump wants more people to kneel so that it becomes a big issue and he can point to it and say "look how ridiculous this is, the NFL hates America"

Comments supporting the worst president in history of this country are getting downvotes. Coincidence indeed.

Yeah, saying controversial things is a lot worse than overseeing genocide, slavery and pointless wars.

+50 Which is NCAA which is arguably slavery or at the very least indentured servitude.


Imagine if Obama said something similar about the tea party. He'd never do that because he has class and respects the beliefs of free speech. Such an embarrassment.

Haha yea, Mr. Obama never would say anything super offensive about Special Needs Children, The Post Office and Small Town Working Class Voters while in San Francisco.

Get Obama & Hillary out of your mind already, you weird obsessive freak.

I voted for Obama you utter Nigmenog, nice to see making fun of people who think Obama was superhuman and never made a gaff triggers you this hard.

No didn't you know that since you voted for someone, you have to support everything they do 100% and can't criticize?

radical centrism

Mr. Obama respects the beliefs of free speech in all 57 American States

tbqh niggers shouldn't be in sports they should be in the fields

he cant force them to do anything, they have the right to protest if they want.