/r/Canada also talks about gender and "postmodernism", but this time Peterson is not involved.

10  2017-09-23 by zahlman


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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I like the part where the submission is blatantly against the rules due to the obviously sensationalized headline (as repeatedly called out in the comments), yet there's no chance that the /r/Canada mods will remove it because it's convenient for agenda-pushing.

This particular agenda goes both ways though?

Yeah like the leader of the free world thinking climate change is a Chinese hoax or telling people anything the media says is "fake news" if he disagrees with it. Those kinds of things cause far more damage to the institutions of science and education than how people feel about their gender.

Dear /u/TheOtherUprising

If people didn't want a president that is the walking definition of post-modernism, then maybe they shouldn't have promoted post-modern ideology!

No but I do have a story. One day whilst Dickbutt was going around his hourly raping duties he heard a sound. A sound he'd never heard before... A sound he'd never raped before. So Dickbutt went of search of this unraped sound and came across a bridge which once was white and red from the blood and semen but was now covered in a mystic substance he could only identify as shlimp. He'd never seen shlimp before, only heard about from the people he raped. His rape peaked as he followed his penis and went again in search of this shlimp making sound. Each person and town he came across made him sick to his stomach. For when once was blood and semen. Now was shlimp. Dickbutt knew this was a grab for power. To be the one to rape them all... Now it was personal. Every town. Every person, animal and pie. All covered in shlimp. He had been searching for many days, knowing that he could rape when he returned, he knew this had to be done. All had to be white and red. After cumming in a village not far from the anus of the world he came across a child. A child still covered in white and red. And he knew he was close. He asked this child "where is the shlimp maker." The child just dropped his pants and turned around knowing what was coming. But dickbutt was to busy even to rape. Because in the distance he saw something coming. Something that could only be described and compressed shlimp. He had found his sound. He ran dick first into this shlimp and battled it. The battle lasted many hours but in the end there was a victor. But the battle left him scarred of sorts, for whenever he feels like raping. Something peculiar happens. Something that would forever change him... he is. TheJigglingDickButt

Who knew leftists and the religious right have so much in common