Trailer for the upcoming South Park game once again parodies "genius of a generation": Kanye West! Only this time they're taking his deceased mother along for the ride. Has South Park gone too far?

32  2017-09-23 by alexj101


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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I know.

Edit: just seen the gold hoop earrings too... wtf, how are they allowed to do this shit? Im deadass angry as shit rn

Oh, man... lol

Oh god, just after all the SJWs were creaming themselves over the race difficulty slider too.

Whoa whoa whoa. Are you saying the creators of South Park make fun of everyone--in effect, they have a neutral stance when it comes to various political sacred cows?

We should have a term for that. I propose Treytarded.

how can they be neutral if they made fun of my beliefs :((((((

Hmm I'm not sure if they are neutral. Have you tried being sad at them?

doesn't the fish seem kinda blackface-y?

We've entered a new phase

Sounds fishy

Hey /u/cloaak

Why are you such a pussy?

You clearly haven’t experienced anything close to what him or I or >anyone in a similar situation has gone through so I recommend you >stay in your lane.

Lol or what bro?

Probably because my mom died on July 14th of this year and I know the pain of losing the person who raised you your entire life with no support from other family members. You wouldn't know anything about that though.

And my dad died of AIDS. Didn't stop Kanye from talking about how us wypipo planted AIDS in Africa to kill the negro. Granted, Kanye as a black man has no idea what it means to have an actual father die on you, so I guess that makes him doubly insensitive.

But we can at least appreciate his mom for teaching us some important facts, as shown in Kanye Wests's music and life:

Woman ain't shit, and a blowjob better than no job. I hope that Kanye sees this trailer and is reminded of all the times she put her pussy out to feed her crack addiction. Maybe if he cries a bit he won't have as much time to tell everyone how he's the best thing to happen to rap other than Beck

You realize nothing you just said was relevant to my point right?

Dude, you should have thanked him and just leave it at that.

Kanye didn’t directly go for your father, though

I don't respect anyone who wasn't a feral child tbh

I'm sorry she had to raise such a little bitch

Probably because my mom died on July 14th of this year and I know the pain of losing the person who raised you your entire life with no support from other family members.

Did she also die getting a completely unnecessary operation? If you look into the subtext of the game where you have to get his mom to heaven, because as a spiritual god fearing man, Kanye knows his mom died as a result of vanity. My mother died 2009 on some dumb shit like this. ALL of us WILL eventually experience that, and just because you got there before doesn't make more insightful than the rest of us. I'm really not trying to shit on your pain but it is a bit self righteous because on the daily I miss mine but at the same time I don't think the world should take a knee or pour out some liquor for her. All of us have mothers and some of us have lost them; even worse some of us have lost our mothers for dumb ass reasons.

So you’d be completely fine with somebody portraying your mother as a fish on national television?


No, because I've dealt with worse, the reality of what my mother REALLY was. My entire life my mother was a drug dealer, she'd scam people, fake immigration papers, etc; she was a con-artist. I left to CA in 2001 because I was the person cleaning and picking up the pieces with whenever she got arrested, I was over it! It's rough for a 12 year old kid to stand in front of a judge to convince him to let your mom out on 10% because you have a special needs sister at home. Not months, years (3) of weekend visits where I had to spend time with my mother within a prison while telling her all the school stuff happening. All while having the other side of society think of me as a shit kid belonging to a shit person. It's why I left, I tired of her sins affecting ME.

On October 3rd, 2003 I got the call I dreaded, my special needs sister telling me she (my mom) had been arrested, again. When I finally saw her for the 1st 10 mins, all she did was cry and say "I'm Sorry." Nothing else, no explanation, no why she had to, just sorry. Because she had turned MY fucking life upside down for the umpteenth time, she knew she had fucked up; she had promised to stay out of trouble so I could build a normal life. I helped her pack up her shit and put it in storage. Then I was confronted by ALL the people she was scamming at the time. Soon after they banded together to help get her deported back to Costa Rica. I went there for 18 months or and came back to the US in 05. The plan was she'd get setup there, I'd support her. She became ill in late 08 and months I pour every cent I could for her to seek medical attention. Little did I know she wasn't taking care of her diverticulitis which ended up rupturing and died of toxic shock. The money? She was using it to for a storage unit she had told me she got rid of. She lied to everyone, except me, I thought. Soon after she died, I found out I was nearly 100k in debt because she had taken out a bunch of shit in my name. I'm still trying to fix that. The bitch scammed everyone, including the one person who always had her back, ME. And guess what, I still love the bitch. Yeah she was a thief, con-artist but a loving caring mother. As a person she was shit, as a mother she was good and nothing anyone can tell me will ever change that.

You're not fucking special because your mommy died..

Okay? You want a reward or something?

Someone's mother dies everyday.

"I'm special because one of my parents died so I'm going to act all smug about it. You wish your mother died so you could be as cool as I am, plebian."

How many parents have you lost?

Both, and you need to take that stick outta your ass.

My dad died when I was 12.

Fuck i love this sub.

Not far enough.

“The character Jynx, Pokémon #124, has decidedly human features: jet-black skin, huge pink lips, gaping eyes, a straight blonde mane and a full figure, complete with cleavage and wiggly hips,” Weatherford wrote

Imagine being this butthurt after 20 years over something so innocuous anyway.

Not to mention, Jynx was most likely the creation of some chinese guy who had never heard of black face.

So... there is a line?

This is fucking great. Why isn't this story upvoted more, they publicly shat all over Kanye's unreleased brainchild and his attempts at using his undead mother in a title that will sell for money.

This p good drama.

I showed my husband that trailer and even he laughed, and he's a right grumpy fucker.

I don't think any joke is too far but it's a pretty shitty joke. I'm probably biased because I'm a huge Kanye fan but I thought the episodes making fun of Kanye were pretty funny. This wasn't "too far", it just wasn't funny.

Then again, South Park stopped being funny these last few season.

Not far enough.