Riot Games reworks a succubus champion, redditor flips out at champions being oversexualized and spergs out at everyone that disagrees with them.

31  2017-09-24 by JhineousNA


Cool story, bro


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lol they reworked her again. Is this the forth or fifth time they are doing it?

Yep, pretty sure it is

Have not played that game in 5 years and they reworked her twice when I was playing.

Still not as many reworks as Ryze.

Her last "rework" wasn't even really a rework, was it? I thought it was more an overall change in the way stealth works in the game.

I actually think that stealth is a problem in LoL. Champs like Evelyn, Twitch, and Akali (to a lesser extent) have an unfair advantage when they go invisible. There's no real downside to those champs to counterbalance the invisibility.

Nah. They were good pubstompers champs but sucked at high level.

Roaming eve and twitch decimated baddies but against good teams not so much.

Riot has always nerfed pubstompers super hard.

They left feral flare in the game for way too long for that to be true

They just know stealth/invis is fucking cancer in their game

They just know stealth/invis is fucking cancer in their game

But they don't know how to "fix" it and removing it would ruin a handful of champs

dota2 handles several layers of stealth/invis. But riot refuses to fix stealth/invis due they believe it being "anti-fun".

lol of course you would have expert knowledge on a kid's game

kid's game


Yeah I apologise for our top mod's retardation, of course kids could play it. It's more of a toddler's game.

I actually think that stealth is a problem in LoL. Champs like Evelyn, Twitch, and Akali (to a lesser extent) have an unfair advantage when they go invisible. There's no real downside to those champs to counterbalance the invisibility.

Whenever I read shit like this and then look at DotA with Heroes that have permanent invisibility unless they're attacking I can't help but laugh.

Sticking a huge pair of tits on a female champion for no other reason than for horny teenage boys to jack off to it is pretty tacky. Riot moved away from those kinda champions as they evolved, and for good reason.

Honestly this is why I quit. Faggots like this white knighting Rito for pandering to the degenerates who like androgyny (Jinx) and ruining the universally ideal bowling-ball-on-a-stick female form really got old.

listen if u dont want jinx to sit on ur face you dont know SHIT about legue of legnds

This is two comments. Kill yourself. Maybe click and read it's profile you gigantic retard.

Maybe you should link to more than two comments, link to the userpage, or link to the whole thread and sort by controversial, you absolute fucking mongoloid.

Ah fuck, I forgot that autistic fucks like you are around and can't right click a user to see the comments. Lemme link to controversial/comments when the user is in different parts of the thread and deleting comments now. Great idea! Neck yourself thx

All your posts but this one are in /r/leagueoflegends

calls me autistic


Isn't being the sexy assassin Evelyn's shtick? Seems like anything but oversexualization of the character wouldn't fit.

lol they post in that sub for the drag race show , but shit talk others for liking titties and calls them weebs

Well, most of the female champions are oversexualized, I personaly don't care for Evelyn of Ahri, because it is related to their lore, but when they do it for no real reason, like with Janna, Sona or Caitlyn is obvious it is for attracting horny teenagers.

I can't for the life of me understand why a free to play video game would want to attract horny teenagers.

Implying lol players are older than 12

Horny teenager pay for RP to buy better butts

I like it when female character are sexualized because that is the purpose of women.

True dat, woman are just useless walking semen deposit

Well, they might be useless in the eyes of homosexuals, I suppose.

I mean, besides reproduction they are totally useless.

No, you can also fuck them and they look pretty.

Succubus are supposed to have tits. That’s their whole thing.

Someone here has no taste

Oh boy, here comes the homosexuals. "Oh hurr durr I hate pretty ladies!" Fucking fatties.