The_Donald now hates football 🏈

227  2017-09-24 by HodorTheDoorHolder


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Nope, not this time

WTF i love Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy now!


Why only now?

If daddy tweets that he hates himself, would his base just implode?

Top 10 answer scientists still can't question 🤔

Maybe they'd all just Keep Yourselves Safe.

What happens when you show them /r/TrumpCriticizesTrump?

didn't TCT run out of actual shit like three weeks ago? he's already contradicted everything he's said a couple times now

last i checked all the tweets they've been sharing were just generic shit like "Dear Mr. President: STOP SUCKING! Amen."

that's mostly true but they just pulled up that tweet where trump said that the president had bigger things to do then obsess over changing the name of the redskins (as if he's not doing the same thing right now)

There was also one where he said everyone had right to peaceful protest

Well they've run through the archives, but he's slowly releasing tweets contradicting himself from just a few months ago. It's pretty hilarious when it happens

The tweet congratulating LeBron compared to recent events is pretty great though.

gotta say i missed that one

Good news! Narcissists are unable to express feelings of self-loathing.

By the way, can someone explain to a non-burger here: how is kneeling to the US flag during the national anthem is supposed to be disrespectful? Like, what the shit.

concern trolling


Needs more Heil Hitler, a sprinkle of swastikas and a dash of hyper nationalistic propaganda tbh. 👌

Why aren't you a mod here yet? You're everything we stand for.

Oh you...! ;)

Honestly if you don't get an erection every time you see the flag then you're not a real American


I'd wear a flag shirt if it said this.

Only if it was a good flag like the Qing Dynasty or Zheleznogorsk.

Low energy salute is how it's supposed to be done?

Behold yawns the flag.

The kid saluting the flag with his finger gun is 200% american.

truly a better time

You're supposed to stand, but the darkies lack time to get to the back of the bus before doing so.

Footballers generally play with buttplugs in their assholes. Kneeling helps them get comfortable, and those who don't kneel are not wearing plugs, which is seen as bad sportsmanship

Footballers generally play with buttplugs in their assholes.

That explains why Tom Brady looks like he runs with a stick up his ass

the internal engine of the world’s largest war machine is it’s autistic level of nationalism

Yeah, but kneeling is an even higher level of respect than standing. It's baffling.

Its politically incorrect to take a knee during the national anthem.

Wtf I love kneeling now

You sound just like your mother when you say that.

In Americaland, one of the most peaceful and non-hostile forms of protest is literally worse than rallies by enemies of said Americaland (aka nazi larpers).

Sounds logical to me.

Yeah but they're black so you can just make up whatever you like about them. That's in the constitution.

You're being unironically faggy

nothing shows masculinity like government dick riding. god bless you

I bet you're posting from Sweden.

how much?

3 bitcoin

how about usd?

2 dolla



Because some black guy did it to bring "attention to " so-called "oppression" People are tired of the BLM meme being forced into everything.

Yeah, but how is that disrespectful?

It's like there was this subversive trolling approach, let's do this thing TWICE AS RESPECTFUL and watch the republicans try to figure out what to call it, that failed because they are calling it "disrespectful" anyways without meaning anything.

It's like you guys live in a postmodernist cartoon.

Are you guys really this stupid? You stand out of respect. What do you do when the judge enters the court room? Stand. What do you so when the queen enters a room in the UK? Stand. If you kneel it's disrespectful.

If you kneel it's disrespectful.

Kneeling shows more respect than standing up.

This is some weird shit, do you actually disagree with that? Or do you understand that but sort of end up saying the opposite of that because you kinda feel that it's still disrespectful because it's caused by disrespectful intentions or something?

How dumb are you that you can't read about basic etiquette? Yes there are situations (I even gave you examples) of when kneeling is disrespectful. The anthem and flag presentation is one of those.

Disrespectful to what? To the etiquette or to the flag?

Are you aware that people being knighted kneel to the Queen? Is that disrespectful?

I mean, I'm sort of divining some actual valid reasons to be upset from all this butthurt here. Like, maybe a person who decides to kneel to the judge makes fun of that, because you're not expected to pay that level of respect to the judge, so you must be doing that sarcastically. Doesn't apply here, but ok. Or maybe the disrespect is on the meta-level or something, it's not about showing respect in a "wrong" way, it's about going around and saying, like, see how I showed respect way harder, well, it was actually about BLM not respect.

But you people, man, honestly, you're like living parodies of dumb hicks who feel that they were slighted in some way by the clever townies, but can't comprehend or articulate what exactly was wrong and fall back to the usual expressions of outrage. "Disrespect", my ass.

The athletes are obviously not kneeling to show extra respect. Stop being a fucking moron.

Explain "concern trolling" in your own words.

You don't get to pretend you didn't read this, by the way. You have to respond.

You're a fucking retard. They're not kneeling to show extra respect. They clearly stated the opposite, and anyway since you're too fucking lazy to google it yourself, here you go:

36 U.S.C. United States Code, 2011 Edition Title 36 - PATRIOTIC AND NATIONAL OBSERVANCES, CEREMONIES, ANDORGANIZATIONS Subtitle I - Patriotic and National Observances and Ceremonies Part A - Observances and Ceremonies CHAPTER 3 - NATIONAL ANTHEM, MOTTO, FLORAL EMBLEM1 MARCH, AND TREE Sec. 301 - National anthem From the U.S. Government Printing Office,

§301. National anthem (a) Designation.—The composition consisting of the words and music known as the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem. (b) Conduct During Playing.—During a rendition of the national anthem— (1) when the flag is displayed— (A) individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note; (B) members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and (C) all other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and

(2) when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed. (Pub. L. 105–225, Aug. 12, 1998, 112 Stat. 1263; Pub. L. 110–417, [div. A], title V, §595, Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4475.) Historical and Revision Notes Revised Section Source (U.S. Code) Source (Statutes at Large) 301(a) 36:170. Mar. 3, 1931, ch. 436, 46 Stat. 1508. 301(b) 36:171. June 22, 1942, ch. 435, §6, 56 Stat. 380; Dec. 22, 1942, ch. 806, §6, 56 Stat. 1077; July 7, 1976, Pub. L. 94–344, §1(18), 90 Stat. 812. Amendments 2008—Subsec. (b)(1)(A) to (C). Pub. L. 110–417 added subpars. (A) to (C) and struck out former subpars. (A) to (C) which read as follows: “(A) all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart; “(B) men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold the headdress at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and “(C) individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note; and”.

They're not kneeling to show extra respect.

Kneeling literally shows extra respect to the American Flag and everything behind it, like the Constitution, while denying that respect to the contemporary US government.

Are you a statist commie or something?

I'm curious, what happens if I, as an Englishman, don't do this?

This isn't trolling this is a serious question. I don't have any allegiance to your flag, am I still compelled to go through the motions but without any conviction? Wouldn't that be worse than just staying still and silent while the ceremony is played out?

Again, legitimately curious here.

am I still compelled

No one is ever "compelled". There is no enforcement, no punishment, this isn't a law. It's a thing you do out of respect. When I'm in other countries I always stand silently out of respect for their anthems.

Kneeling shows more respect than standing up.

That only works for Zod

I've seen Brit fags kneeling for their queen when recieving knighthood.

doubling down on the concern trolling

Explain "concern trolling" in your own words.

You don't get to pretend you didn't read this, by the way. You have to respond.

He won't.

The problem is what they are "protesting" it was this black guy complaining about the police doing their jobs.

Literally because you aren't standing up for it

because social media said so and the majority of people look to social media when they are wondering what to care about

People have been getting pissy about not standing during the national anthem for a lot longer than social media has been around

shut up

no u


They are publicly abstaining, in a display of anger at the President or police or something unclear. Sports viewers don't want their gay politics interfering with sports, and are generally tired of entertainment figures shouting ignorant political opinions.

They should be tired of all the drug use in their communities. The NFL is not responsible fro rednecks killing themselves.

OK, Nancy Reagan.

generally tired of entertainment figures shouting ignorant political opinions

Yes, we all wish the star of "The Apprentice" would just STFU about politics tbh.

No, we don't. Obviously.

"wahhh why wont these darkies just shut up and hurt each other for my amusement"

That's kinda the job, yeah.

Their job is to entertain. Making all of daddys autistic children sperg the fuck out is highly entertaining.

Not to people who pay for football.

Really? Because I pay for football and yall sperging is better than most thursday night games

NFL is going to have Lena Dunham as head writer next fall.

How do ppl literally give af about all of this to a point where it ruins football? I watch red zone every Sunday and don’t hear shit about any of this except a brief note in passing. Some talking heads going “so and so kneeled what do you think?” For 7 minutes nullifies your viewing experience? Is this a case of a snowflake needing a safe space?

For 7 minutes nullifies your viewing experience?

More like "I am not going to pay you to piss on me from a great height", I would imagine. That's how I would take it.

Don’t want gay politics in sports? Don’t start every sporting event with a gay POLITICAL song and a huge political display of a 59 ft gay flag. Y

Don’t want politics in sports?

Don't insult your audience and expect them to keep paying your salary.

Lmao snowflakes actually getting upset over a dude touching his knee to the ground during a fucking song holy shit and liberals are the easily offended SJWs

Lmao I'm just hitting buttons on a machine and it made you sad and gay lol owned

It isn't, there is more to the story. They were making a statement about 'muh black people' and using it to demonstrate for Black Lives Matter, or 'police brutality against black people' and things of that nature.

Cause "muh America, fuck yeah".

I'm a murican and pretty sure that we have some of the whiniest people on the earth.

What is it about professional black sports players that makes Donald Trump attack them?

What is it about professional black sports players that makes Donald Trump attack them?

gee i have no idea


I just can't put my finger on it. Ugh

I bet it's because he disapproves of how it glorifies violence.

No, that's what wine sipping liberal moms hate about it.

DAE horseshoe theory?!

more like horseshit theory

That's E. coli fam

e coli is a mental disorder

Huh, I thought wine sipping liberal moms hated it because they don't like darkies.

no no, they love diversity, they just dont want, y'know... those sort of people in their neighborhood

It doesn't work well with the interior design. You know how those moms get paranoid about matching colors

Eh, most of the helicopter parents who are against it due to concussions and shit are conservative "family values" types.

AKA: Pussies.

I prefer the middle-class parents in my country to be risk takers.

Is is that the only argument you can ever come up with relies on race???


Indeed. Racism. Reee.

because black people whine a lot

This tbghfal

Whining about downvotes in /r/drama? Keep Yourself Safe

desu its more about the people behind the downvotes then downvotes themselves (:

Less chit chat, more action. KYS.

You obviously don't hang around enough white people.

Blacks whine differently. Usually black whining expresses itself as theft, gun violence and smoking crack

You obviously don't hang around enough crack heads.

You know what? You're right

A man's attitude goes some ways. The way his life will be.

Or kneeling, that's even worse apparently

sheeeeeeit i'm 1/3 black

sounds like my kind of whining

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Lol. As a white guy, you don't know anything. Should see my family on Thanksgiving.

It's because "those uppity negroes don't know their place'

Dindus can't help their hatred of the white man so he has to put them in their place.

Great Job protesting the America Anthem when you aren't even in America.

Real Classy move standing for the British Anthem and not the American Anthem, after all the British people are just famous for how well they've treated Black Lives rofl.

The AFC North is a joke, 7-44 No wonder they'd rather protest then Play Football badly, same reason Kaepernick did it.


Daddy doesn't like football. Me too!

This might be hard for a non-American to understand but in American Football we have these things called Conferences and Divisions.

The AFC is made up mainly of teams from the American Football League that merged with the National Football League

The Division called North contains 4 Teams

Pittsburgh Steelers , Cleveland Browns, Cincinnati Bengals, Baltimore Ravens

All their teams suck, I mean a Raven really? That's a cool bird? Bengals don't even live in Cincinnati.

Redskin is offensive but the Cleveland Browns being named after a tiny deformed African-American Child is okay

Super Bowl XL Never Forget, Never Forgive.

Redskin is offensive but the Cleveland Browns being named after a tiny deformed African-American Child is okay

The Browns were names after the owner, Paul Brown, you goddamned mongoloid.

This level of stupid is incurable.

You of all people lecturing me on serious posting is just making a point of how little you know about Sports lol

You should really stop replying to every one of my comments it's spergtastic

Calling you a "goddamned mongoloid" is a well-known signal of serious debate 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔

Please don't make another 10 posting about how serious you aren't

Like you get how boring this is.

You literally explained the joke my post made jesus.

You literally explained the joke

Lol "joke". No.

Please don't make another 10 posting about how serious you aren't

I can't imagine how autistic you are that you thought I was serious posting that sentance rofl.

wewlad retarded pretendedseriousposting


I mean a Raven really? That's a cool bird?

You're a retard

inb4: "hur ur taking my retard post seriously"

Ravens are lame, imagine a animal evolves for thousands of years to become famous for edgelord poetry

Now a Seahawk on the other hand is mother natures perfect carnivore, it can hunt it can scavenge and it can take down a fully grown human adult.

Reversible outer toe, Only Raptor that dives into the Water and lives on every single Continent but Antarctica

famous for edgelord poetry

You're half way there

woo woo living on a prayer?

Fuck u raven's are smart as hell

Redskin is offensive but the Cleveland Browns being named after a tiny deformed African-American Child is okay

I'm like 90% sure that mascot refers to this).

You are seriously fucking retarded

Cut him some slack, his brain is full of Daddy’s manbaby seeds.

someone is just butt hurt they aren't enabling Blacklivesmatter anymore.

Someone? They? Your monkey gibberish is incomprehensible.

(((someone))) is just butt hurt they aren't enabling Blacklivesmatter anymore.

Of course White People co-opted a African-American Political Movement it's just like MLK warned us about.

REEE Anti-Trump is more important then Black Lives

Or maybe they both hate it simultaneously for the same reasons.

I know, super spooky.

On a scale of 1 to your comment, how retarded are you?


Holds up bananarama;oii


Maybe Daddy will switch to soccer, since his son plays for DC United's youth team

Which would be ironic since soccer is a bad hombre sport.

You're a serious piece of delusional, irrational shit. Wear it well, loser.

oh he mad

Lmfao. Not only are you seriousposting, you're having a goddamned meltdown while you do it.

You of all people lecturing me on serious posting is just making a point of how little you know about Sports lol

You're still going on about Kaepernick like he's relevant lol.

I wonder when captainautism (sp?) and /u/manhattantransfur will show up to defend their political waifu from any and all criticism.

remember, they're totally not triggered.they're just trolling libruls.


Basically every team did this. Goddamn they blasted your bussy good.

I root for the Seahawks pal,

I'm just here to shit on other teams and trigger /r/Drama posters like yourself.

I root for the Seahawks pal,

That tells me everything I need to know

Be Seahawks fan

Mom gets you up at 8

Wake up River, it's gameday

Put on your Twelfth Fan jersey

Seahawks fans are the best fans in the league

Grab Cap'n Crunch and milk and turn on pregame

Mom turns off TV and takes away Cap'n Crunch

"You know you're not supposed to have GMOs for breakfast. Now do your chores."

Get grumpy

Take trash out

Wash dishes and bathe dog Ruffsel Wilson

Mow lawn

Mom says you didn't do it well enough, so do it again

Miss first quarter because of chores

Complain to Mom

Relax, you can watch it now, right?

Get cut up hot dogs and cheese for lunch. Your favorite meal!

Sit in front of TV.

Second quarter, Seahawks down 10.

Russell gets sacked again! Stupid other team, why do they have to hurt him like that?

Can't you see he's just trying to do right by his family, why do they have to be so mean?

Yell bad words at TV

Dad says to knock it off.

Mom comes in and turns off the TV

"You've used all of your TV time for the weekend, it's time to start your homework"


Call mom a bitch

Get sent to room without dinner

Run to room and slam door shut

That'll teach 'em

Pass out crying on Legion of Boom bedsheets

Wake up

It's 8:30, time for bed.

But mom, I'm not sleepy!

We saved you a tofu burger for dinner if you want

Is it gluten free?

Of course it is

Eat tofu burger

Take shower, put on pajamas

Mom comes into bed to tuck you in

Did we win Mom?

Yeah, Russell pulled it out again.

Pump fist in bed, so happy.

Mom sings you a lullaby and tucks you in

Goes to door, blows you a kiss good night

Intercepted by Butler

Best post you've ever made tbh.

It's from the roast of the Seahawks. It's not even original

Keep yourself safe, commie.

It's stolen from /r/nfl tho.

I know it's a pasta. It's still his best post.

Class of 2020

Oh man you really got them! The fact that they knelt during the American anthem and weren't actually physically in America is such a great point!

lmao what a fucking retard


Holy shit, I'm devastated by your super original, rapier wit


standing for the British Anthem and not the American Anthem

haha, really? This makes it all the more better.

They should carry tiki torches and chant "you will not replace us" during the anthem. Thats the proper way to demonstrate.

Good Ole accuse everyone who doesn't agree with you of being a Nazi.

You know the NFL viewship is DOWN even with all the retarded liberals like yourself tuning in to watch a game for the first time in your life

Good Ole cry about being called a nazi even though you werent called a nazi.

Im just saying the players should march around the stadium with tiki torches chanting "jews will not replace is." What could be wrong with that? Is that not acceptable?

You're retarded but I expect it since this thread has been full of Foreigners and people who've literally never watched football

Maybe the footballers could just run the bases with tiki torches during half time. Would that be exceptable?

Have you managed to make a point yet? or is this just pointless REEEEing

footballers could just run the bases with tiki torches during half time.

Oh so you're yet another person who suddenly cares about Football because Drumph Okay makes sense why your posts are so retarded.

I might also be a tiki torch salesman.

I knew the Tiki Torch were the true masterminds behind ShareBlue and the Shilling on Reddit!!1

At tiki torch inc we think if everyone carried a tiki torch and chanted "the jews will not replace us" the world would be a better place. Buy tiki torches for all your friends today!

"Fuck the US"

t. millionaire athlete of US centric sport

Considering the empty stadiums lately I'd suggest many people apparently hate football.

17 dollar Raider tickets rofl

Down from $280!!!

It's gonna be pretty awkward until the move to Vegas is complete.

Saints vs Rams is like 30bucks on Stubhub too lol

LA hasn't figured out they have a team again.

They've got two! Chargers AND Rams.

Yeah you're really hurting em guys

Those corporate sponsors and cable TV deals are gonna run dry any day now

not sure if serious, but this is already starting to happen. Mainly because of people switching from tv to netflix able other such services.

Yeah but i'd say it has nothing to do with your daddy or kneeling in protest of something.


I'm taking about already low and deminishing ratings coupled with this won't make Football more popular.

People who support kneeling aren't generally the target demographics for sports and that probably won't change.

ESPN is having major financial issues. NFL is having issues. But sure, millionaires kneeling is important because... Reasons.

coupled with this

That's the point i'm contending. Do you have evidence that we are looking at a net loss in viewership?

People who support kneeling aren't generally the target demographics for sports


ESPN is having major financial issues. NFL is having issues. But sure, millionaires kneeling is important because... Reasons.

How does the former prevent the later?

Naturally, I have accepted that Trump supporters aren't big fans of logical, rational thought. But I still expected a little more :/

But yeah, you're right, nothing like bending the knee to protest Trump. There is no way it will backfire.

Hmm and you think this will translate into a long term loss in viewership instead of being just a 'heat of the moment' thing?

nothing like bending the knee to protest Trump

To certain less cultivated minds, any form of kneeling indicates a form of submission since they are incapable of fathoming the finesse of such an act under different circumstances. I don't blame you tho

There is no way it will backfire

I would wait a few weeks to draw such a conclusion. So far, your Daddy seems to be a mess of incompetence - under lots of investigation but passing very little laws. I doubt his tirade and impact of said tirade against NFL will last, but that is just me.

Hmm and you think this will translate into a long term loss in viewership instead of being just a 'heat of the moment' thing? After all, we have lots of losers attempt to boycott this list of organizations only for it to fizzle out hilariously.

NFL ratings were in the toilet before this happened. It certainly won't help. There is no upside for the business element. Maricons don't watch football anyway.

nothing like bending the knee to protest Trump

To certain less cultivated minds, any form of kneeling indicates a form of submission since they can't think of any other meaning for it.

How many situations can you list where bending the knee doesn't represent submission?

There is no way it will backfire

I would wait a few weeks to draw such a conclusion. So far, your Daddy seems to be a mess of incompetence - under lots of investigation but passing very little laws. I doubt his tirade and impact of said tirade against NFL will last, but that is just me.

The president doesn't pass laws. That's the legislative branch.

C'mon, that's 4th grade civics. Are you foreign or stupid?

wtf i hate football now

t. the_donald

As if any of the nerds in that sub were into sports to begin with. Every one of them were the type of pussies that would complain about jocks in high school.

Well I'm not into

We live in some sort of bizarro world where Republicans hate football and love Russia.

Right? Bart Starr is spinning in his grave

Aside from Trump has any GOP politician bamouthed football or the NFL or is this like the time Trump got pissed at what the Hamilton cast said to Pence and Pence didn't give a shit.

Cuckabee said something indistinguishable from satire about this iirc

And advocate against the free market

We live in some sort of bizarro world where Republicans hate football and love Russia.

This is a pointless fight for both sides. NFL is shooting itself in the foot as is Trump. All of this because Kapernick started dating some crazy chick who filled his head with bullshit, crazy.

Fuck the NFL and fuck every player who doesn't stand for the anthem. Also, fuck every owner that lets this happen.

They have the right to protest but not by disrespecting the flag, the anthem, or our country.

Lol America won't let you sleep with her you fucking cuck

i no right

This dude is white knighting America so hard.

Cry me a river jfc

I agree. But Trump getting involved is only going to make it worse now.

No, he said what most of us have been thinking since last season.

Of course, but the kneeling protests will only grow now.

Most of us agree with him but most basketball andrio football players don't.

And that's why you simply stop watching and stop going to games.

I'm waiting to see what my team does later today. If one player takes a knee I won't watch another game for the rest of the season.

A few on my team did for the first time.

If one player takes a knee I won't watch another game for the rest of the season.

Christ. I love how the anti-SJW reactionaries are quickly becoming bigger babies than the SJWs.

I'm sure those millionaire football players will cry bitter tears over the loss lmfao

Most of us are thinking that you should kill yourself bruh

This but actually unironically.

He just tweeted about it, he's not trying to pass legislation or sign an executive order. Just giving his opinion in a tweet, which is technically the least involved he could possibly besides ignoring it entirely. 100x more black people die by other blacks than by whites but somehow we have had zero professional athletes sit to protest that. Gee I wonder why.

Lmfao. Point to where the kneeling man hurt you.

Not standing during the national anthem is disrespectful to all those who have fought and died for this county.



I'm sure all those people who fought and died for peoples rights, including the right to kneel during an anthem would be pissed to hear that people are exercising those rights.

not protesting the government and disobeying authority is disrespectful to all those who died fighting authorotarianism.

Maybe so, but fuck the troops tbh

What happens when someone in the military then plays for the NFL and doesn't stand for the anthem?

Alejandro Villanueva is the only current NFL player who was in the Military.

As a veteran, I'm okay with them kneeling.

there’s no way your fat ass is a veteran

I played a lot of Battlefield: Bad Company 2, so I'm basically a veteran. I'm fine with the kneeling.

I played a lot of Battlefield: Bad Company 2, so I'm basically a veteran. I'm fine with the kneeling.

I've played a lot of Battlefield:Bad Company 2, so I'm basically a veteran. I'm fine with the kneeling.

Not standing during the national anthem is disrespectful to all those who have fought and died for this county.

You DO realize that most people arent PC-loving cucks like you, right?

I did 12 years and I do not give a fraction of a shit about people kneeling during the anthem.

Does my opinion count? I mean, according to you, I'm the injured party here.





The best comments are at the bottom again :)

I did 12 years and I do not give a fraction of a shit about people kneeling during the anthem. I've had just about enough mindless troop and flag worship. I've had enough of our bloated defense budget and empire-building bullshit invasions of countries that have fuck-all to do with us, too.

Does my opinion count? I mean, according to you, I'm the injured party here. Or am I just le treasonous commie islamic atheist (((leftcuck)))?

I did 12 years in the military. I've been to Afghanistan. I've been to Iraq. I've been to some other shitholes full of people who want us to go away, too.

I do not give a fraction of a shit about people kneeling during the anthem.

Further, I've had just about enough mindless troop and flag worship. I've had enough of our bloated defense budget and empire-building bullshit invasions of countries that have fuck-all to do with us. I'm tired of the president running his mouth like a retard who can't wait to invade someone...or rather, anyone.

Does my opinion count? I mean, according to you, I'm the injured party here. Do I get your unquestioning support or am I just le treasonous satanic fascist antifa commie islamic atheist (((leftist))) cuck?

Does my opinion count? I mean, according to you

No, in a previous post you admitted to being a cuckold.

While youre leterally getting cucked by your Daddy, your tiny penis split like a banana irl, all the while admitting youre retarded. gg

I like this comment

Those people who fought and died (though not for "our country," because a soldiers hasn't died for anything of worth in decades) fought to protect our right to do exactly what these football players are doing. The national anthem isn't some sacred prayer, it's just words.

The national anthem isn't some sacred prayer, it's just words.

I don't see it that way.

yes, you already communicated youre a mouthbreather with your first two posts, you dont have to keep reemphasizing it

Not surprising considering you are retarded

Nationalism is a cancer and so are you.

Why the fuck haven't you killed yourself yet you fucking sperg?

The fuck are you talking about? They have the right to disrespect whoever they want. Don't like it? Don't watch it. Believe me, I'm also annoyed by politics being forced into everything nowadays, but this isn't the first time that disconnected celebrity millionaires have user their exposure to push am agenda, and it won't be the last. Better get used to it now because this is gonna happen for years.

I'm also annoyed by politics being forced into everything nowadays, but this isn't the first time that disconnected celebrity millionaires have used their exposure to push am agenda

Right. So it's up the the American people to push back

By doing what? Marching over the opinions of some brain damaged Chads who can't even string a sentence together that doesn't include the words 'put the team on my back'? Get fucking real. If this really offends you so much, vote with your wallet, the NFL and the plauers cares way more about your money than they do your opinion.

By doing what?

Boycotting NFL games for a start.

Literally what I just said you mongoloid, read the full post next time

Your loss.

Not really. Why should I spend time watching players I don’t respect?

Because you're missing out on a game because of a bunch of trivial bullshit YOU are choosing to be offended by. You're effectively begin just as whiny as the SJWs, but at least the SJWs have their retarded hearts in the right place most of the time. I can get that most of them use stupid means to achieve admirable ends (everyone generally getting along and not being huge assholes to each other.) What exactly are you standing for?

Black people shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion. They are there for his entertainment.

Boycott air and water while youre at it. Kys kthx

Also, fuck every owner that lets this happen.

Cowboys living up the the title of America's Team yet again. Ol boy Jerry told his slav- erm, players, to stand for the anthem or they won't be playing

As it should be.

Not a Cowboys fan but I have a ton of respect for Jerry Jones, especially if he's made it clear that all players will stand no matter what.

Every rational person I've spoken to about this whole kneeling nonsense has the same opinion: it's completely up to what the employer wants

Jerry Jones is a dumb corrupt old faggot and so are you

Hahahahahahahahahaha fuck you /u/botchlings, Jones took a knee. BTFO again you dumb fuck.

Jesus, so fucking disappointing if true.

Fuck the NFL. I'll never watch another game.

Definitely was taking a knee during the anthem you fucking mong.

Nah, I saw the video. They were up before it started shithead

Still proves you wrong. Again.

Don't you ever stop being such a partisan hack?

Still proves you wrong. Again.

How? They didn't take knee during the anthem.

By being a stupid partisan hack. It was clearly a protest.

As long as they didn't disrespect the anthem or the flag I don't give a shit.

None of the protest are disrespectful jackass

That's where you're wrong, bucko. Taking a knee DURING the national anthem is disrespectful.

No it isn't. Just because you deem something disrespectful doesn't make it so. Something you fucking morons on the right do not understand. You don't get to be fucking outraged at a strawman you've created for yourselves while ignoring a real issue. In the past day you've advocated for the stifling of free speech. You're no defender of the constitution nor should you call yourself a proud American. Fucking shameful.

Just because you deem something disrespectful doesn't make it so.

Sure it does. Using your logic, just because you deem something to be not disrespectful doesn't make it so.

I think taking a knee during the anthem is disrespectful so it's disrespectful.

You don't get to be fucking outraged

Sure I can, pal. I get to be outraged at whatever I feel outrage for.

In the past day you've advocated for the stifling of free speech.

Not really. I could give two shits about what the players think or do off the field but when they step on the field I expect them to act a certain way or they will no longer get my support.

It makes my heart all warm thinking about how much time you're responding to me.

Good you seriousposting retard, because I hate you Botchlings. You're literally the biggest retard on this sub.

You're outrage is bullshit. Maybe if your side had a leg to stand on, but you don't. You're an advocate for the stifling of free speech. Making your outrage hypocritical. Free speech doesnt mold to your retarded view of how free speech works.

I hate you Botchlings. You're literally the biggest retard on this sub.

Feeling is mutual, pal.

But I clearly get under your skin, which is more than I can say about you...

Keep Yourself Safe.


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Oh shut the fuck up, you over-sensitive pussy.

I bet you're one of those retards who gets butthurt whenever nazis get fired/attacked/whatever because muh freeze speech.

I’m not really all that supportive of free speech

Ironic comment from an insufferable douchebag, like you.

insufferable douchebag

ironic coming from you

They have the right to protest but not by disrespecting the flag, the anthem, or our country.

lmfao i forgot the first amendment had a caveat and you only get free speech so long as you never criticize the government

Dont worry. Maybe next year your high school will have sisterfucking as an elective and you'll finally have a reason to go to class.

"Protesting is ok as long as they don't actually do anything to protest."

No, protest by doing something that doesn't involve the flag or the anthem.

what if they're protesting the flag and the anthem

That shouldn't be allowed.

Why do you hate freedom?

Wow. Just.... No words

The American flag should be protested for being tacky.

Why are you such a PC-loving cuck?

What if they are protesting a flag that rebelled against the United States?

That shouldn't be allowed either.

Get the fuck out of America

i cant even imagine being this unamerican

Like youre being tightroped to a tree and dryassfucked by a sandcoated American flag rolled up to resemble a penis?

Sounds about right for a bussy cucktoy like you.

"Kinda obvious satire I rate it 4/10"

sees name


Man you really can't think outside of what "Daddy" tells you can you?

Sure I can, I even disagree with President Trump from time to time, but not on this...

Are you at least going to give an example?

Probably that one since he's throwing a bitchfit rn

All signs point to Trump cutting a deal with the Dems to protect DACA dreamers. I disagree with that entirely. I'll also disagree with him if he doesn't follow through on his promise to withdraw the US from the Paris accords.

Well as long as you are still holding your breath for the wall.

That's one of the reasons I voted for him. The wall and much tougher immigration law.

The wall isn't happening.

You'll likely eat those words in a few years.

Those words are more concrete than the imaginary wall will ever be.

So we can all watch you get cucked, deported, and forced to build that wall for your Daddy.

Dead fetuses have more respect for the country than you do.

Fuck the NFL and fuck every player who doesn't stand for the anthem. Also, fuck every owner that lets this happen.

They have the right to protest but not by disrespecting the flag, the anthem, or our country.

Your Dad has no right to persecute anyone who publicly disagrees with him, retarded dickmeat. Do go on and prove how much more retarded you are compared to your autistic Klanners though!

Hah, you trolled drama so bad they stopped jerking.

I think they hate cry baby black people screaming about non-existent "oppression".

crybaby is a compound word

What about tar baby?

Not a compound word.

not an argument.

Yes it is

No. The football people didn't listen to daddy. It wasn't an issue this year until he had to step in.

Wypipo get fired for marching around with torches and giving Nazi salutes: "REEEEEE WHAT HAPPENED TO FREE SPEECH?!"

Chocolate-Americans kneel during holy flag-worship time: "REEEEEE SEND ALL THOSE DARKIE CRIMINALS TO NORTH KOREA, THEN NUKE IT!"

I'm pretty sure it's a pretty consistent theme for them to not be consistent.


the proper term is "mayo"

mayos ya irish bastid

I'm actually mostly Scandinavian

Then you should go back to Scandinavia if you hate America so much.

Yeah, because Scandinavia is such an awful place to live /s

I dunno about Finland, but the rest of it seems rather nice.

Finalnd is the second best country in the EU for quality of life and also has one of the world's best education systems

Can we really trust what the EU says? Remember. Europeans invented eugenics, "Evolution," socialism, modern art, antisemitism, the transatlantic slave trade, Stalin and Hitler.

Americans invented freedom, the car, democracy, apple pie, rock and roll, drive-thru restaurants, one-stop shopping, and Chinese food.

Apple pie is British you goddamn mong.

Fake News. Apple Pie is American.

British people can't eat apples. They are allergic to delicious things.

Or flavor in general, really.

Finalnd is the second best country in the EU for quality of life

I just threw up in my mouth

Seems like a cold as fuck nightmare that's dark for half the year, but each to his own


  1. Proximity to commies

  2. Cold

Proximity to commies

I thought Trumplets loved Russia tho


Fake countries can't be in Scandinavia, you mong.

that explains why youre an immigrant-loving faggot

Mayo is a county in Ireland. So he was just referring to his ancestors birthplace.

Wypipo is a race, mayo is a state of mind.

Well, I mean, if you go marching around with Nazi torches while you are at work, yeah.

Can you find me where t_d defended the white nationalists getting fired? Oh what's that? You can't?

Lol keep coping basketball American.

The NFL is as gay as traps aren't gay.

Is there a spectrum?

Yes and we're all on it

Can somebody tell me what exactly daddy tweeted to make the trumpets suddenly care about football.

Yeesh, I'd take a knee out of spite. Thinking he can bark orders at regular citizens like a king and demand they comply.

I love the way that the American President appears to be affected by the 24hr news cycle.

I mean, did he forget about The DPRK and the fact that half the country is underwater still?

He didn't forget. He wants other to forget.

He wants people to forget that half the country is underwater?

Or at least not pay attention to it.

Bro everything is like, a distraction man.

  • pause to exhale billowing vape cloud *

You need to focus on the important stuff bro

  • adjusts fedora *

Yeah like North Korea man

  • pulls trench coat round self *

Wait bro nah, don't think about North Korea that's gotta be a distraction as well

Zen is the solution yes.

Seriously though, do you really, seriously, legitimately think Trump is trying to distract people from hurricanes and North Korea?

Why would he even want to do that? Apart from being totally out of anyone's control, Trump's response to the hurricanes has actually been fairly good. Astronomically better than the trainwreck that was the response to Katrina.

North Korea is good for him as well, someone as universally hated as Kim Jong Un can make anyone look good in comparison. Again, not to mention the fact that with Mattis at the wheel of a wildly larger force this is a situation that Trump is fairly in control of and not doing too badly at.

Why you think he'd want to stop people thinking about those by acting retarded about some American football players is honestly beyond me. It's much more likely that you haven't discovered some grand conspiratorial misinformation campaign and really the president was just shitposting on Twitter, like he always has. And the Media, again, like always, have almost universally decided that that's easier to write about than topics with a fraction of depth involved so that's the reason there's so much controversy over something so ultimately inconsoquential.

It's all intentional 4D chess, don't you get it?

It's just Florida bro

Well, some assume it's a distraction tactic. Don't forget the 21-State Russian hacking thing, either.

no he's still doing daily "ooh u better watch out rocket man" tweets i think, it's just that that story is in a bit of a holding pattern at the moment so he's getting bored

Gas everyone.

From the website they linked:

Keep in mind there are 1700 NFL Players and their arrest rates are lower than the USA arrest rate.

That's awesome

Can someone post that? I'm not banned yet and I want to save my banning for when he resigns/is impeached/loses in 2020 with a shit stirring post. 0:-)

In the thread or new post on its own? T_D doesn't really ban people for comments that ruin a good pear-shaped jerk unless it's about the big guy himself. The trick is pretending to be good natured about it.

Just sort by controversial and look for deleted posts that's probably what they posted to get b&

Libs just associated support for Trump with support for America. You've handed him 2020 and don't even know it yet

Imagine actually being this retarded.

muh 4D chess

The 4d chess narrative is stupid but this is right out of the GOP playbook. Remember the bathroom bill in NC? That was just so liberals would come out against it and then the conservatives could tell people that liberals want their daughters to be in bathrooms with guys/“girls” who have a dick.

The bathroom bill that was a failure and cost them the governor's seat in 2016?

Helped them win a lot of support among the Trump demographic though

So it was just virtue signaling then? Ooohh boy how ironic.

Trump didn't do this. Libs did. That's how retarded you all are.

Holy shit, shut up with this crap. The election is 3 years away.

Trump 2020. Keep America Great

This is the same kind of shit that all you spergs said Hilary lost for. He is politicizing shit that doesn't need politicizing and is on the wrong end of it.

But regardless if any of this was ultimately for or against him, it will be absolutely forgotten come the election.

A political statement doesn't need to be politicized? Wtf are you talking about?

And this is the shit that Hillary lost because of. Focusing on identity politics instead of the real issues that people face.

So these issues that they are protesting are made up but all Trump's supporters are real? Nothing to do with identity politics?

Under Obama we had congressional hearings for roid use and the amount of air allowed in a football.

Dumb shit, Obama didn't directly make a statement about either of these things.

He's a president who loves the spotlight and ran on an America first platform. It would be weird if he didn't speak up when celebrities start shitting on the American flag.


Whatever you have to tell yourself.

I like that he's shining light on their shitty behavior. Shows courage

Oh goodie so you want a president that plays moral police? So much for the small federal right.

After 8 years of degeneracy we need someone like Trump to get us back on track


And made America great again.

Uh huh.


yeah, that wall sure is something to behold


congressional hearings


Wanna put money on it?


I'm willing to bet $100 that Trump won't win the 2020 election.

Ok. Set it up. How do I make sure you pay out?

Paypal or Venmo is fine. Just save this comment chain and set a reminder for November 8, 2020.


Just put the money in my PayPal right now.

lol so are you willing to bet me on it? If Trump doesn't win the 2020 election then you'll owe me $100. Fair?

You know what, I'm also willing to place that bet. But the best I can do is tree fiddy

So they're millionaires and don't get harassed by police. Almost like it's all about money and not about race. Weird.

and don't get harassed by police.

this is bullshit. they routinely get searched for drugs and other power abusing bullshit for no reason

Lol, half of them are on illegal PED's

there's a difference between being illegal and against the rules of the NFL. they're looking for illicit drugs not your grandfather's testosterone pills

MOST peds are legal, however they are still controlled substances and possession without a prescription is a felony.


Lol no

go away

lol, oh no the poor millionaires who beat their wives

unlike the valiant trump supporters who never beat their wives

Proper Roman wives are well behaved and never require beating.

Proper Roman wives

Are well behaved and never

Require beating.


                  - BigLordShiggot

I'm a bot made by /u/Eight1911. I detect haiku.

They knew their husbands loved cock

That's Greeks.

Greek, Roman... just a bunch of restaurants to me.

The reason you have restaurants.

Implying they are capable of talking to a girl without bringing up Jewish conspiracies.

Implying they are capable of talking to a girl without bringing up Jewish conspiracies.

Implying girls don't already know about jewish cabals and are shittesting to see how much of a liberal cuck you are

implying girls aren't a jewish conspiracy

what do you think happens during circumcision? "snip-snap call me Leila" is what.

Because they will never get married/laid

They are poor white trash, its a requirement.

daddy still hasnt legalized marrying pure, virginal 14-year-olds

anyone older has been corrupted by (((cultural marxism)))

i thought you said they don't get harassed by police though????

Statistics say they don't. Statistics don't lie

"statistics don't lie"

*shows me a 4chan meme with spreadsheets confirming that blacks are animals*

Ok but is there any proof that they aren't 🤔

ya, my bud jamal told me he's part of a royal family dating back millennia.

1) 1700 NFL players and most of them probably don't even sniff a multi million dollar deal

2) *Driving while black" is absolutely a thing for a lot of these guys

League minimum still puts them firmly in upper class

*cop pulls over black guy*

"listen 'ere nergo, we don't take kindly to yer type around these par-- wait, is that a PLATNIUM CREDIT CARD? SORRY SIR, DIDN'T MEAN TO INCONVENIENCE YOU"

More like cops see nice car probably won't pull over. Shitty car would, shitty car with 24s is probably getting shot, regardless of the race of driver

Ask a black guy with a nice car what happens when he gets pulled over. Hint, lots of drug dealers can afford nice car too.

Drug dealers have the 24s. Don't want to be profiled? Then don't try to look like a drug dealer.

Look at the way she dressed, she was asking to be raped!

"So who'd you steal this car from darkie"

So even if they're rich why can't they speak for people who don't have the resources they do?

Because they are talking about issues they know nothing about.

They can. They can do it on their own time, at the speaking engagements that they have booked.

They can. They can do it on their own time, at the speaking engagements that they have booked.

they do

Have they considered not being black?

Driving while male is a way bigger risk factor than driving while black.

"Driving while black" is absolutely a thing for a lot of these guys

But they don't need to drive, they're rich and they just have to play a kids game 17 days a year

You might actually be dangerously retarded if you think they only 17 days a year.

I don't think they work 17 days a year, I don't think they work at all. They get paid millions to play a children's game so that the working class can have some entertainment, not be insulted by these overprivileged players.

Lmfao. So you're even more retarded than dangerously retarded.

Because I like my current job better than playing football

I didn't realise "autistic NEET virgin" was considered a calling.

It's more of a vocation

I think number 2 is more so the fact that they usually speed and break laws.

Lmao a touch sheltered are we?

Lmfao I think that's more true for this sub if you think dindus are good little boys who dindu muffin.

You obviously never spent much time around blacks or mexicans, because the elevated legal scrutiny is immediately apparent.

Posts statistical data

Uh uh,you haven't been around blacks and Mexicans enough

JUST LMFAO @ the delusions and cope.

Muh stats!

Muh feels!

Nah, feels are why you're ignoring the basic context to your own article, and why NJ even did the study or came under federal oversight.

There is evidence that racial profiling was common practice in the New Jersey State Police in the 1990's: internal police memos; testimony by troopers; and training materials that encouraged officers to stop and search minority drivers. Most striking are police records that show that black and Hispanic motorists, who make up 30 percent of the drivers on the turnpike, were subjected to more than 80 percent of the searches.

Non-whites commit more crime as the study showed us, there is nothing shocking about what you just wrote.

Nothing shocking at all indeed, just maybe not in the way you think.

DWB is a very serious offense, young man..

Poor people are criminals, obv.

Wow it only takes Blacks to make millions of dollars a year to keep them from committing as many crimes as they usually do.

Fucking lol, it's bolded at the top of the page.

teh_dolan is full of manlets whose crushes fucked the QB.

As if those neckbeards would be useful in any sport other than competitive yu gi oh.


I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.

The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding. My pure white wife is my angel, the apple of my eye. And I want nothing but the best for her. So every friday she gets to have her fill of big black cock. And our relationship goes on like normal. We love each other, and plan on having a child soon. She also shares my red pilled beliefs.

Monogamy is a tool of the jew. Just give it a chance once. Its exhilarating. Theres something deeply majestic about watching a toned muscular black stud going in and out of a beautiful white woman. Try it once.

Now that's a pasta.

What's the sauce for that delicious pasta?

Our very own u/Cuckslovetrump

This sub however is full of Ubermensch Adonis bodied alphas.

Well, duh. Of course we are.

Y-you t-too.

Lol such tools, biggest snowflakes on this site

It's not free speech when those other guys are the ones talking

Maybe the players should focus on beating the other team, instead of beating their wives, girlfriends, or children.


I see where you're coming from but you are not-all-men-ing this situation. How many times have we posted things generalizing men and made fun of the not-all-men people who couldn't read a criticism of how shitty mysoginists were without defending themselves instead of saying "it sucks that men do this. That is why I work hard to not do stuff like this myself and teach people I see doing these things." You heard a criticism that mainstream feminism is dominated by white women (which it is) and that a lot of feminists make an effort to separate race issues and feminist issues, but rather than making the movement more focused, just silences women of color voicing their experiences. And instead of recognizing that or even just not commenting at all, you had to stand up for white people. You even said that liberals are moving away from "people like you" (whatever that is supposed to mean). White centric feminism is a very real issue, and chiming in that not all white people while simultaneously telling someone to stop talking about their experiences because you don't think they put it nicely enough . . . this is kind of exactly what the poster was talking about.


Like the fucks at tdchan ever watched football to begin with.

Keep in mind there are 1700 NFL Players and their arrest rates are lower than the USA arrest rate.

so ive learnt that they're actually good boys

I just wanted to watch football.

How about you counter protest NFL by changing channels while national anthem plays?

That way, you can easily forget about all this shit and go watch the game in peace.

All that common sense will get you nowhere nowadays my friend. I have yet to see a game where they'll show on TV the players kneeling. Only time I hear about it is when ESPN shoves it down our throats in the following week.

They're just jealous since Football is the only sport that even comes close to causing as much long term brain damage as posting on the_donald.