Drama in r/the_donald after it is discovered that Big "rapist" Ben "DUI" Roethlisberger is a Trump supporter

42  2017-09-24 by icefourthirtythree


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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You know, almost as retarded as the actual content on t_d is the fact that Pepe takes up half of my screen while I'm trying to read the comments, and I'm scared to click on it because it means subscribing there and getting insta-banned from a dozen subs.

Subs that ban people for posting in other subs are for mental midgets

T_D is also for mental midgets


this is known as a "dwarf toss-up"

No, it is for supporters of the President.

Also known as retards

That's what he said.

No, he said insane midgets, which is just weird.

Doesn't T_D ban you for being subbed to anti-Trump subs?

You can sub and not comment and you won't get banned

no one actually bans you anymore, i tried it

Bullshit, many subs will ban you just for being a drama user much less a donald user.

nah i think you have to arouse suspicion or get unlucky with an algorithm or something first

i made 15+ comments in and subscribed for 5+ months to t_D and no one banned me for it

It is very easy, I get banned from places without even commenting there.

maybe you just say horrible things

That still requires them actively looking outside their subs.

guess so

Will your persecution never cease?

ive blatantly brigaded kia and cb2 from here and ive yet to get banned from either one. the only place thats actually gotten that mad at me was ess lol

maybe ur just a bad poster

the only subs I've ever been banned from are /r/latestagecapitalism /r/subredditdrama and /r/destiny because the one thing all those places have in common is turbo retard mods

I got banned from KiA for wrongthink

hey wait pepe's gone

You fucking retard, no one knows if you are subbed places.

calm your nipples

God knows

Subscribing doesn't get you banned, posting does. I don't think they have bots to ban just the subscribers.

Haha they can't reach a consensus and are unsure how to jerk. Having independent opinions is difficult for them, you can tell

They think 100% in black and white. Either you're a good patriotic moral trump supporter or you're an evil communie pedo rapist. Whenever they have to admit someone on our-sidetm is a bad guy or someone on their-sidetm is a good guy it's just instant crash to desktop.

Haha true, fortunately for this sub, being tactically nihilistic and believing in nothing works out well as you can trigger everyone with your based radical skepticism and centrism.


Tactically nihilistic, great phrase.

We should form a crack team of /r/drama nihilists, ready to pounce on lol-cows and provide snark and sass to even the most retarded subs.

Haha they can't reach a consensus

Isn't that a good thing?

usually, but it's making them uncomfortable.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but should the title not read:

Big "Multiple Rapist" Ben "DUI" Roethlis "No Helmet" Berger?

Are the Nazis LARPing as SJWs now? Should I love political correctness too? WTF is going on?


Horseshoe theory: rightwing edgelords are not so different from SJWs as they may think. They are actually the same underneath.

Some more extreme alt-righters even call themselves "white identitarians" or "the identitarian right".

superior to progressives

Everyone is superior to progressives.

Cept pedos and the president

No, everyone.

It's not that inaccurate either.

SJWs stemmed from tumblr which, while an assload of people will deny, also stemmed from 4chan.

There weren't that many good sites back then, so everyone went everywhere, instead of stagnating in echo chambers.

T_D also has ties to 4chan. Maybe, iunno. Idgaf.

In short, it's faggots fighting faggots over which one is a bigger faggot.

It's glorious.

Even 4chan thinks T_D is retarded

nazis have always been the real sjws and sjws have always been the real nazis try to keep up

At last I truly see

lmao at that one guy trying to make "uptrumps" a thing

Roethlisberger wasn't exactly all aboard the Trump train apparently.

This is bigger than Trump. The left is trying to make a display of simple patriotism controversial.

Are they really this retarded? Somehow "you shouldn't be punished for not standing" equates to "you shouldn't be allowed to stand"?