London police prevent dozens of terrorist attacks. /r/europe mods prevent dozens of terror posts.

32  2017-09-25 by BigLordShiggot


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Britannia rule the waves, bitches.

Britain is a leftist shithole. The only positive thing about this nation is that we aren't as bad as Sweden or Germany (yet).

What country would you like Britain to be like? o.0

Based Poland or russia

kek <--- this one




What country would you like Britain to be like? o.0

England :D

Why not Wales? They fuck sheep.

If you call the shrinking mileage around the island your waves, okay sure

It's really great that we have to deal withy slightly less Muslim terrorist attacks, terrorism is just a necessary price to pay for all the benefits that Muslims bring to Europe. Diversity is our greatest strength and well worth all the mass rape, terrorism, general violence and religious hatred as well as the cost to our welfare state.

Actually, Islam completely sucks ass even without the insane violence.

SOMEone's never needed weed

I live on the west coast. I am drowning in fucking weed. I could do with less weed. The shittest drug.

I live on the west coast. I am drowning in fucking weed.

Blame the 200-600 Mosques over there lol

Tell them to start voting American, then.

man they don't know American from their elbow, have you heard how they talk? that's why we needs some muzzles to wake em up

Nothing gets people WOKE like a few acid attacks.

eh the acid attacks are mostly white people, muzzimports just made it cool again

Banging a local Muslim chick is asking to be honor killed, no matter how hot they are under that garbage bag they wear

Sour day?

I feel sorry for my police they must be at breaking point. Numbers cut, low on equipment or outdated equipment, social justice style leadership getting in the way of policing, expected to do twice the work and many at clinically depressed. I take my hats off to the counter terror unit, shame the politicians are letting them down.

/u/thewhiteenglishlion our police seem to have plenty of resources when it comes to arresting people for tweets and Facebook posts.

And British police have been protecting Muslim rape gangs targeting native children since at least the seventies, their incompetence has nothing to do with recent cuts; it's intentional.

Our police are trash.

Every force also seems to have 24/7 social media team.

This but ironically