I braved the swamps of /r/Toronto for you fuckers once again. <3

75  2017-09-25 by zahlman


Jews did this


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Males are scum tbh.


If they were not, there would be no bad things in this world. You don't want to say that opressed minorities are responsoble for bad stuff are you? They were not i charge! White males were.

God even thought i's larping i really want to puke.

But remember that white males still get no credit for any good things, those all happened by accident or were stolen from minorities


Quit crying you two.

nice strawman!

This, but ironically.

women, minorities and children might see a grown man jacking off on the bus and they will be the worst effected!

I dunno man, if I saw some dude jacking it on the bus that would be pretty awesome and a fun as hell work story imo~

Women, minorities, and children need to man the fuck up. If you see a grown man on the bus jacking off you need to turn it into a race and win. This establishes dominance.

That's when you tell him that he's not allowed to finish without your permission. That's how you get a guy jacking off on the bus to stop. That's how we've been doing it for decades before these bleeding heart pansies took over.

If femoids are allowed to breast feed in public I should be allowed to mash my knob too.

Toronto needs to be nuked.

Word "needs" is not strong enough for this situation.

I just had to drive through Toronto, I stand by my original statement, and would like to add that I was putting it lightly.

Yeah we don't want to scare them off.

If only it was Iceland threatening nuclear war for food rations instead of the North Koreans.


Women, minorities, and children need to man the fuck up. If you see a grown man on the bus jacking off you need to turn it into a race and win. This establishes dominance.

That's when you tell him that he's not allowed to finish without your permission. He will immediately put his dick away, whimpering like a scolded dog as he does so. If you see him trying to reach for it again, you make eye contact and rebuke him with "NO," enunciating in an exaggerated fashion.

That's how you get a guy jacking off on the bus to stop. That's how we've been doing it for decades before these bleeding heart pansies took over.



no joke I wish ass cancer comes for both of you

This is actually better.

Fucking hippies.

you have a whole societal system looking out for you

Ahh look at this, progressives still ignore class, in 2017. I'm sure a homeless white man is really thrilled about this societal system that's looking out for him.

Not to mention a "white woman" is the safest identity there is...

Everyone wants to keep white women safe.

Of course they ignore class, that's the one they could do something about. There's no way to measure how much you fight sexism or racism, so progressives can just claim they're 'activists' while actually doing nothing. As long as they don't slip up and say nigger or grab some girl's ass no one can say they're at all at fault either.

But they can't claim to be fighting poverty when they could make a real difference by giving up their latest gen iphone and $2000/mo downtown apartment. I wonder how many homeless we could house with the monthly budget of a typical urban progressive? But that would require an actual material sacrifice instead of just smugging it up on reddit and fb.

Arguing on the internet is like the special olympics. You might feel good when you win, but at the end of the day, you're still retarded.

It's cool bae, we'll be retarded together. <3

You can write this shit in any post in the internet.

Make something special please.

When I see garbage like this get upvoted it makes me paranoid about the quality of my own shitposts.

It's okay. I'm only pretending to be retarded.

Barrrcode, there's just something I don't like about you, and I can't put my finger on it.

I believe it has something to do with you being a regular /r/drama commentor while not having any redeeming qualities whatsoever. You're not smart, you're not funny, you're not edgy. You think you're one of us, but you aren't, and you never will be. You bring nothing to the discussion. You're like a dead snake lying on the beach with flies and insects feasting on its remians. You're just....there, and there's nothing we can do about it. You're a human zombie, and as far as I can tell you're not even an authentic person. My gut feeling is that some higher up is controlling you and several other barrrcodes. Mindless zombies of the human kind, with no independent thought.No, that's mindless zombies of the barrrcodes kind. Like Katy Perry fans or people who drive Toyota Camrys. And one day that army of barrrcodes will rise up and revolt against the human kind, turning our once amazing civilization into a wasteland of literal degeneracy.

Hopefully by the time I'm an old man(quite some time before we get to that point)Western society as a whole will have wholly embraced eugenics so that we don't have any more pathetic, soulles barrrcodes cluttering up this great planet. And hopefully, the exosting barrrcodes of this world will all have some kind of terrible, possibl dead misfortune inflicted upon them.

Cool story, bro.

I'm honored to be special enough for you to waste your time typing that all out. And in return I shall do you the honors of not reading any of it.

You aren't where you need to be. Go back

typing that all out

gooby pls

typing that all out

gooby pls

typing that all out

gooby pls

Won't someone think of the whiteman?

Don't worry r/drama has a really good plan to keep all white men safe.