Trump drama in /r/hockey

15  2017-09-26 by im_10xer_bro


This is why we need mayocide.


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Guess what! Life is political. We don't get a choice. Especially for certain groups everything is super political and not by their choice.

Guess what! Life is political. We don't get a choice.

Life is political.

ew anime

Yes please and thank you.

Especially for certain groups everything is super political

Oh yes, the REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing left...

Eh, there's really only one side REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing in that post, but it ain't the libs. Here's a hint as to whom: DADDY defence force.

Let me tell you how Bernie can still win the 2016 election. But only if you match my donation!

I do love going into nsfw posts and saying practical shit. Safety first.

You comment on porn, so yore automatically a worthless degenerate

I don't think that was up for debate. And I would appreciate you inserting "depraved" in my description, thank you.

Poor baby

Anytime someone says "keep politics out of X!!!" they really mean "stop making fun of daddy! Reeeeeeee"

reddit really can be so detached from reality sometimes lol.

I played hockey all my life up to junior A and thinking back to the type of guys I played with even though it was in Canada they would have voted for trump if they could and probably would have thought he was a huge beauty.

I also liked when bickell or whoever was got picked up on the hot mic calling someone a faggot and they all cried that someone is probably the most hyper masculine team sport ever full of bros would dare say that.

Sports subs are probably the worst on this whole fucking site and now they aren't even immune from sjw brigades every fucking place is political now.

They also have the mentality of respect the protest don't talk shit about the NFL players while also demanding everyone else join in the protest.


Damn you are really triggered

How's it feel to serious post in every sub you use about daddy? Do you feel any shame at all?

Stop making mocking Trumptards uncool.

This is very hard to do but you're somehow doing it.

reddit really can be so detached from reality sometimes lol.

That's what you get when you never leave your house and base your entire reality on the wisdom of forums, youtube videos, and wikipedia.

Don't forget Tumblr and niche news sites

I remember that thread about Bickell... my entire thought was just: "Have any of you people ever actually played a single game of hockey in your life?".

That's the problem with most sports subs though, it's full of people who take it seriously enough to participate in said sub... but who ultimately have no fucking clue.

They also have the mentality of respect the protest don't talk shit about the NFL players while also demanding everyone else join in the protest.

Which IMO just further proves they don't really care that much about the sport. This is all going to turn into a gamergate-esque: "I just wanted to play video games".

ye i hate that sub when abdelkater a couple years back in the playoffs jumped on that guys back and was raining down shots on him then next game refused to answer the bell i said he wasn't following the code and the first incident was chickenshit.

then they all chime in telling me i know anything about hockey and how no one in florida plays because they assumed i was a lightning fan.

then they had some thread about the highest level people played and there was literally like 2 people higher and the teams i played for is really nothing to brag about especially in southern ontario

Well it's just funny the difference in skill levels you get depending on the area you go.

Like the one pick-up skate I go to, which is generally considered pretty low-skill, still has guys that were drafted playing (though they're older and fatter now, they still have ridiculous shots).

So both of us are kind of lucky in a sense that Ontario is just a crazy outlier I think when it comes to overall hockey skill, so we do experience it a lot more.

But yeah, at the end of the day, people don't know what they're talking about. Hockey is a really weird sport in that, there's probably the most chirping and trash-talk of any professional sport... but it also almost completely stays on the ice. There's very few cases where I think players legitimately hate each other.

ye southern ontario is the meca of hockey really it produces the most nhl players of anywhere else on earth.

i play in a old timer league now and most of the guys played at least junior c or something and our goalie is some guy in his late forties that played in the ohl.

First off, happy to see The Beaverton making its name outside of /r/canada but you could argue /r/hockey is also Canada so, idk…

Secondly, salt and ice should not mix.

And yes, Go Leafs Go!

Daddy cries to America in 2nd grade English injecting his autistic politics into sports.

Sports fans don't take kindly to having their hobby fucked with.

Sports fans talk shit back.

Trumptards REEEEEEEE that politics shouldn't be mixed with sports

Thus the cycle of stupid continues.

This one was really good. I went to Uni in the U.S. at a school with a Hockey team and I am now of the opinion that the vast majority of that sub never played Hockey.

So many funny things about it though

1) The most hilarious of them all, is that 5 years ago Goalie Tim Thomas opted out of visiting Obama. Literally every single op-ed pretty much took a narrative of "this is disgusting, even if you don't respect the person you must respect the office blah blah blah". Dude was universally shit on for refusing to go. I'd be really tempted to just copy-paste one of these articles but replace references to Thomas with Curry from the NBA and see what the reactions would be.

2) In a now deleted comment chain, two retards get in a fight about welfare use. The Yankee maintains that most welfare $ goes to whites, so Republicans are the problem. Redneck starts talking about rate of welfare use. Yankee immediately starts pretending to not understand concepts like "per-capita" and "proportionally".

I get it, it's a nuanced topic without a doubt, but tactically pretending to not understand basic statistical concepts triggers me.

On r/hockey? Is NOTHING sacred?