/r/Drama eats the pasta. This is why Trump won.

36  2017-09-26 by Etra


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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What is this baloney

This is you being bsmboozled. I was gonna tag everyone else that took my post seriously but I said fuck it after the first two lol.

Tbh I didn't even read it, I just saw that that's was a lot of words, so you must be retarded.

Most people see anything with more than one or two paragraphs and assume it’s pasta. But I can see why being retarded is the default assumption with you.

But I can see why being retarded is the default assumption with you.

Weak zinger: doesn't make sense

Okay lol.

Tricking people into thinking you are literate isn't a bamboozle.

> Tricking people isn’t a bamboozle.


Thank god

It wasn't gluten free. I've been on the toilet since reading that.

a bunch of people laughed at me being autistic

Really gives the noggin a floggin 🤔

I actually have autism (in fact am more in the mild/medium side). Personally I used to think this like you do and to an extent your right. Your right that when people make jokes bout autism don't know what their talking bout when making it a joke (some do but thats honestly a rare case). However their are some cases that people used a joke making fun of autism thats really relatable and clever (offensive but funny). To be honest those that make a joke bout said word like "Autism" and don't know what their joking bout (not knowing what autism is); really makes them unoriginal and unfunny in my eyes (not because its a offensive due note more of a standard of a really bad joke that just isn't clever).

I honestly used autism as a joke whether its offensive or not. Done something retarded when my mom points it out from pass or present I replied to "Sorry am autistic.". (my mom that work for me in years on my autism laughs) Talking bout stuff thats in the wrong time (thats normally inappropriate) I jokingly say "Oh am autistic my bad its hard for me to think straight"-(which is true and relatable to me that has autism). I used to get upset over people making jokes bout autism but now I don't and make jokes bout that because it shows that it doesn't effect me at all and anything can be used as jokes to make life easier even if its edgy (of course having a balance is key when making jokes too stay original in my opinion).

In the process because am the older brother in my family thats the only one with autism I show a good example in the process to my little brother and little sister that don't let words hurt you when you let hurt it you because words have power when you give it power and it's bout context of said word. Stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me (If you let it hurt you and the context you use it for). Anything can be used as a joke context matter though and when people mock you for having "Autism" make a joke bout it and it gives them no power it gives me power because it doesn't effect me. People just needs to make more original jokes though it becomes annoying at most not even "I" make a joke bout autism 24/7.




Yes 🤔

I actually have autism...

Stopped reading right there.


You got me

I've been tricked

this is why you should always get bamboozle insurance

I regret nothing. It was delicious.

so yes I am doubly glad I didn't read it, thanks fam

Whoa I start coming here and find you wtf

Pleasant surprise

not that this should come as a surprise, but I'm way better at metareddit shitposting than Melee

I kinda assume you all never leave /r/ssbm like me

This place seems dope, JohnR liked it too

When I first joined reddit, I only looked at baseball and vidya. I've long since become thrust deep into the warm bussy of metareddit.

Dont worry I am an unironic brown person who gets unironically mad at brown person

> still playing vidya in current year

Come on man

It's not hard to identify pasta on here. If it's more than 4 lines long it's pasta. No one here has the attention span to write anything longer than that unless it was done by pressing ctrl-v

You’d think so but this is the second time I’ve posted pasta that people took seriously. Although the last time I checked that post, it was in the negatives.

God damn normies have tainted our sub. CLEANSE THE FILTH!

I saw it pasta!

Call me a good boy, daddy.


lol, which one of you did this.

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Seriously though, I never get tired of watching that punch. It's a thing of beauty.

That was my shitpost he replied to lol.

Anyone who read that wall of text should be banned.

Too many Antifa types here, tbh. We don't have many genuine right-wing thugs, but we have a ton of Antifa types who think it's 'cool' to stir up violence.