MangaUpdates user wants hermaphrodite gender option removed because it's "Revolting and Discriminatory".

26  2017-09-27 by argusvga


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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"Slur" is becoming the new "racist". Something people will slap onto anything they don't like to make it sound as horrible as possible.

Your post is really problematic.

Shit. That means I must be a nazi, trump supporter that lacks basic empathy.

Well, you can just say you are a trumpo supporter. We all know if you voted for him you are a white supremacist, no doubt

I voted for him for accelerationist purposes tho

This but unironically

No, it's not that at all. It means you killed at least 1000 jews with your own hands.

And another 500 with your feet.

Its like you can;t make fun of anyone for anything anymore, even freaky social deviants who fuck with our societal norms. What the fuck is this world coming to when I can't call a hermie a hermie?

I went to read about this nonsense and "Intersex people were previously referred to as hermaphrodites, 'congenital eunuchs', or even congenitally 'frigid'." I don't know why but congenital eunuchs is really funny

This is not "fun and sillies" this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed and fixed. I realize this doesn't impact your life so you probably dont care but this effects others. I will not "get a grip" as you so helpfully noted.

Someone better start to say "no" to those people otherwise they won't stop.

I have been friends with intersex people that do have both sets of genitals. So, no idea what u/xxvampiraxx is going on about

inb4 mangaupdates removes it and gets slammed for being "regressive" and "uninclusive"

You cannot please everyone. Just stop trying.