Kikes ruin everything again.

50  2017-09-27 by OniTan


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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It’s simple - these are Muslims pretending to be Jews and making Jews look bad.


10 shekels have been deposited into your account, goy.

You're overpaying him by 9 shekels. Shameful, just shameful.

u/LemonScore is obviously a Muslim pretending to be a Jew in order to make Jews look less cheap. I can't say what his end-game here is but it's obviously something nefarious, since he's a Muslim.

Yes, the old Muslim reach around. A classic move.


Oy vey delete this video we cannot let the goyim know

Shut. It. Down.

(((too))) late

To be fair that is a pretty s***** movie

You can curse on the (((internet)))

On mobile

You can curse on mobile, too.

My phone voice recognition doesn't think so.

That's a setting you can turn off, if you plan to be a successful-troll you'd better step up your game.

Shit tier right now, friendo

There is a setting for I will check into that. Thanks bud. I will also work on the game stepping so as to further my changes on entrapping clueless redditors who needlessly respond to me un-serious postings.




Meow meow meow meow

Meow meow meow meow

Meow meow meow


Meow meow meow meow

Meow. Meow. Meow..

But, the picture is of dog chow........

I know but meow mix is tastier and I love their theme song

Got kitty 😻

What was it?

I don't know, but I want to fuck Drew Barrymore.

If Tom Green could hit that, then you can too. I believe in you, buddy.

Can someone explain what happened?

Kikes see a woman undressing in a movie, it upsets their Jewish sensibilities, they block the screens with their rags so no one can see it.

What movie?

Its a flight so probably Generic Romantic Comedy #88


Oy vey!

Sorry, it was Generic Romantic Drama #14

( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– ) Ν‘Β°

Music and lyrics. Never seen it but it is a movie with drew barrymore and hugh grant, so I cant blame them for wanting to cover it up.

im no longer offended about this, those jews were just doing a public service

why would they let these terrorists cover the screens? where was the american to punch them?

Throw bacon and milk on them. then they can't get into Jew heaven (basically Scrooge McDuck's money vault).

The jews on the plane know what the jews in hollywood are up to.

They did 9/11.

See, we do control the media.

Also the weather, the international banking system, and most of Middle Earth. You need to be honest with everyone here.

Dwarves control the parchment.

You mean a fictional race who lusts for gold, wealth and hates the "ubermench" elves?

JRR Token didn't write a fantasy story, he wrote a diatribe about (((Dwarves))) and their parchment manipulating ways.

He straight up said Dwarves are based on Jews in an interview.

Well damn...

JRR Tolkien is Fantasy Hitler then. Too bad he isn't alive to see the result of his books.

Not really. He's a British WWI vet. Believed in racial stereotypes, but that was common at the time. The Orcs are also based on Mongolians.

Hitler was also a WWI vet, white male, probably cis (in a weird one ball way), and had prejudice against Jews. So you'll have to do a better job of convincing me than his nationality.

Also, I'm not really into nerd stuff, so my knowledge of Lord of The Rings mostly begins and ends with the movies and their sexy not fat elves.



Oy vey

We're going to need a bigger screen

Typical (((Hollywood))) pushing degeneracy onto the world that (((good folk))) have to stop, no matter where they are.

But I thought the jews were pro-degeneracy?

Only for everyone else

Just like their policy on open borders.

Not for themselves

Jews are not a cohesive entity, you fucking retards.

they are a corrosive entity

>one comment for this account


That's just what international zionist conspiracy wants you to think.

"final solution" my ass, ugh.

smh, nazis cant do anything

The Eternal German, fucking up cultured civilization since the time of Rome

This but unironically

*ULTRA-ORTHODOX kikes get your facts straight

normal jews don't even like them israel just throws them some free farmland they stole from palestine and hope they never bother anybody

Ok can we gas only those who crazy?

only if we can also gas anyone who identifies as an incel, im down

Ok deal.

dont they realise the in flight movie is free


"drama is turning into SRD"

fun game to play in this thread: try to spot the posters that arent (((just kidding)))! warning, it's harder than you think

Maybe they really hate Drew Barrymore

Which movie?

The movie that's playing on the screen

Pls? :(

i dont know

Oh. Well thank you anyways :)

I can't stand Hasids

The annoyer has become the annoyee.

The only way to annoy (((us))) is with someone Jewwier

It was a drew barrymore movie, I'd probably do the same.