I'm in. Are you guys?

18  2017-09-27 by Frank_Tenpenny


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

No** evidence. You guys have been crying about the "Russians" but yet you still have jack, all you have is the "investigation" that's been going on nearly a year now.

u/corrruption (((investigation))) REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Boston antifa is a parody account out of virginia, moron.

Are you retarded? Read my comment again. I'm not talking about the tweet.

Then you posted in the wrong thread. You're having a tough time today, huh kiddo?

Then you posted in the wrong thread.

Nice try retard. Lol

Hahahaha. You linked to a thread about the tweet. What a dildo.

Honey! Sweetie! I know you're slow but bear with me.

Yes it's a comment from the post about the tweet. But I'm making fun of his use of the word investigation in quotes and nothing related to the tweet. One =\= the other? Get it?

Keep yourself safe 😘

I embarrassed you. Now all the sudden your comment on a thread about a tweet isn't about a tweet. Sure thing, kid. Keep hustlin and stay in school.

I embarrassed you

You sure did. Made me reply to a moron like you. Ugh.

Now all the sudden your comment on a thread about a tweet isn't about a tweet.

Is that so hard to believe?

My comments in the linked thread

Good bot. Here's a toast for you πŸ”₯🍞

Check it again. Better? I'm working with what i have on my phone :(


My original comment in this thread before you went full retard on me

No** evidence. You guys have been crying about the "Russians" but yet you still have jack, all you have is the "investigation" that's been going on nearly a year now.

u/corrruption (((investigation))) REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Wow! I can see HOW THAT'S TOTALLY related to the tweet. Toast, Good bot, (((investigation))) It all makes sense now.

Thanks man! You're amazingkeepyourselfsafe"moron"

There there lil snowflake. Well, I've grown tired of making you look dumb. So long, dildo.

So braveβ„’ πŸ‘

You're sooo mad and I love it. It's like I own you. Anyway, I'm done for realz this time. I won't read/ respond to your lame kicking and screaming about why you're not a dildo. (Which you clearly are) Later, loser.




my bones! r/bonehurtingjuice

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

out of virginia

So they were trolling the dumb fucks with their location tag from Russia? That's gold.

Considering GPS "testing" apps are easy to use I am not surprised.


Except the left can't meme.

end this meme

Commies vs. commies.

Who will win? :o

Non commies

The strategy is to use as many triggering buzzwords as possible to piss off the other side, breed discord in the society and thus weaken the country.

Oh my looks like our great America is being trolled apart.

The one thing pussified lefties suck at more than memes is banter.

All PC faggots have is an hyperinflated sense of moral superiority and vulgar language. It's like a bunch of Puritans trying to be edgy on the Internet.

Gas youself, seriousfag.

Fist me first, shitdick

My bussy is ready.


Hey Hey! Ho Ho!
Unfunny memes have got to go
to gender reassignment therapy and I'm just feeling really fragile right now. I can't believe fucking Drumpf is President and all my gay trans Muslim tacobender disabled and WOC friends are feeling so scared right now and we've just been crying and crying its like 1930s Weimar Germany right now

Vladivostok, Russia


Vladivostok is China clay.