17 2017-09-27 by MakemeorIwont
1 SnapshillBot 2017-09-27
Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 GeauxHouston22 2017-09-27
is there anything more annoying than crybaby men who go online and menstruate over how unfair divorce court is?
stfu you made the decision to marry who you married, you gotta' live with the consequences
1 aggressiveshitpost 2017-09-27
Never marry and reproduce. Seriously, if you decide to settle down in 2017 you're de facto an irredeemable cuck.
1 SperglockHolmes 2017-09-27
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-27
Don't let u/aggressiveshitpost spread his commie kike propaganda against our True Christian™ Traditional Family Values! God bless America!
1 botchlings 2017-09-27
If you get married without a prenup and then have a kid you deserve whatever happens to you if you get divorced.
This goes for men and women...
1 SDIHTD 2017-09-27
Young, unmarried 20 somethings telling divorced people "how it really is"?
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2017-09-27
With all that money saved on pesky dependents, they can donate it to Sanders! He still has a chance!
1 weniscommander 2017-09-27
Every time this comment is posted DaKween gets 1 more popular vote that she can use to beat Trump! Her Turn 2016!
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-09-27
The other guy wrote a better title.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-09-27
Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 GeauxHouston22 2017-09-27
is there anything more annoying than crybaby men who go online and menstruate over how unfair divorce court is?
stfu you made the decision to marry who you married, you gotta' live with the consequences
1 aggressiveshitpost 2017-09-27
Never marry and reproduce. Seriously, if you decide to settle down in 2017 you're de facto an irredeemable cuck.
1 SperglockHolmes 2017-09-27
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-27
Don't let u/aggressiveshitpost spread his commie kike propaganda against our True Christian™ Traditional Family Values! God bless America!
1 botchlings 2017-09-27
If you get married without a prenup and then have a kid you deserve whatever happens to you if you get divorced.
This goes for men and women...
1 SDIHTD 2017-09-27
Young, unmarried 20 somethings telling divorced people "how it really is"?
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2017-09-27
With all that money saved on pesky dependents, they can donate it to Sanders! He still has a chance!
1 weniscommander 2017-09-27
Every time this comment is posted DaKween gets 1 more popular vote that she can use to beat Trump! Her Turn 2016!
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-09-27
The other guy wrote a better title.