I bring chink philosophy to r/the_donald , civil war ensures

6  2017-09-27 by celsus1999


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Confucius says: A frog will croak under pressure.

That post is top tier r/forwardsfromgrandma material lmao

That post is top tier r/forwardsfromgrandma material lmao

u/jamesjosephjohn weak ass title game tbh. That's like Ctrl+ C/V material. Smh.

See u/gmscreamingmemes, you're not alone in posting crappy "memes" on Reddit. Happy?


I see we're deleting comments now. A whiny pussy little bitch from TD? My God, color me surprised! Hahaha



I see we're deleting comments now. A whiny pussy little bitch from TD? My God, color me surprised! Hahaha

😘 once again a jew owns a white dude.

יופי של אורגיות (KNOW THE BEAUTY OF ORGIES)

The Hyperboreans and the One that they serve would deprive you of pleasure, they want to create their little Reich, that is what the Hyperboreans want and are trying to manipulate the esoteric hitlerists we see today to do. But they will never know the true pleasure of unrestrained passion and orgies. Not just the sexual, but the other forms of hedonism, the drugs.

The words of power, the oblation to the Chosen People, the Jews. I am Jewish. But I am no exception, I have felt the true power of the flesh and the words and the cum and the shit on the cock and the ooo yes feel it now, I'll give you an example even I'm so nice so nice indeed let me put it out I know you're horny for it, right?

eat a dick

I'm an agnostic centrist moderate who likes Pepsi, Coke and Royal K. I believe sex and gender is just a two way street, but I believe transexuals deserve respect and tolerance. I like the Broncos and the Raiders. I think vigilante violence is wrong, but I love b-film splatter. I think the black community has some issues, but all communities do. Mayocide now. I'm proud to be an American, but I know our country has problems. I'm enlightened. I post in drama ironically and not. I suck dicks big and small. 😎😎😎

If you make fun of my serious post I'll fucking rape your asshole nigger

Oooohhh, I like it when you talk dirty, Daddy.

Yin Yang dualism is the only absolute truth in life.

It's level 1 schizophrenia, "oh hey look there's opposite pairs of things everywhere I'm so enlightened!", get back to me when your cat tells you how the lizard people killed Nixon and that God is a grape.

Not opposite pairs, but rather dual attributes.

Philosophy is full of constructs and logical gates, as such a lot of it is not fact.

For example, I can't prove with certainty this isn't a simulation.

But Yin Yang dualism is different, it is found in every single aspect of life, no matter the subject.

Coming from a school of skepticism, which believes we know nothing, having an absolute fact to life is a big deal to me.

There is practically nothing else I am willing to admit as absolute, and nothing as absolute as dualism.

For someone who is not interested in philosophy, it would be the equivalent of understanding gravity, yes we know it exists, no shit, but understanding why it exists and then applying it is the importance.

Besides all that, if it is so easy then more people would be able to handle pain and not become so radical.

Are you being serious, and if so, do you think it's dual attributes or just multiple attributes with various properties in general?

Mostly dual attributes for true understanding. Though it is often various properties.

For example, a man who only sees in shades of red would not know what red is, because he is used to red. Imagine for a moment a world of color we can't see, and we are only seeing in one of those shades of color, what do we call this color?

Nothing, because it is the status quo and we cannot contrast it with anything. Now if we knew of this fact, maybe we would call it something, and maybe the man who sees in shades of red would call it something.

In the same way you can't understand sadness without having an idea about happiness, this follows for almost everything in life.

Interesting take! Although I would be a bit hesitant about just thinking things in dualities myself. Take your sadness-and-happiness analogue for example: surely one would still be able to distinguish sadness from other emotional states, such as yearning.

Although one could argue for the perception of things as negative or positive, personally I think the divide is not always that clear.

Now, see, there's your problem. The mongs in r/the_dotard are retards. You give a calculator to a retard, and he's gonna try to turn on tge fucking t.v with it.

they must be shot on sight